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[RWBY] RWBY Shorts

....dammit Tai.

anyway, with Maple Rose eh...if we want to go with the usual route of RWBY Deathworld going on, Maple is living with the Long-Rose family because her dad is no longer around...which while a tragedy, would also give another reason for the duo to want to be with Juane, so that way there is someone who can look after the kids if things go wrong.

though as usual with some comedy, the two adorable silver-eyed girls trying and failing their way upwards to romance/seduce Juane is a amazingly terrifying thought, especially if old mama instinct Yang follows through and all four of them wonder wtf just happened.

i can honestly see this happening during the event of Everfalls or tales or whatever the fantasy story-realm is....

the tale of the Rusted knight and the Three Maidens. (one a Maple Rose, one a Ruby Rose, guarded by a Yellow Dragon)

they would have a awkward long time, but at least they would have each other...even if getting used to the non-crazy-story outside world would take some getting used too again (and oh yeah not having to deal with the damn curious cat!)
Qrow gets turned into a woman thanks to a magical artifact.

Qrow: "Welp... I guess I lost the bet. Taiyang? You gonna wife me up or not?"


Yang: Deeply traumatized "Wh-Wh-WHAT?!"

Taiyang: "I bet Qrow that if he ever turned into a woman, he'd go out with me!"

Qrow: "And I lost. Should've known. On the plus side, my tits are bigger and better than Raven's."

Taiyang: "I'll be the judge of that!"

The two leave. Ruby hums, trying to be optimistic.

Ruby: "... Hey... Maybe we'll finally get a little brother?"

Yang: goes to the nearest window and retches
Yeah that definitely won't end with Qrow being paranoid about their semblance during any potential pregnancy.
In any event, have some prompts to drive the Monday Blues away!

-As it turns out, Nick did have a surname. One he was told to keep secret at any cost because said family was hunted nearly to extinction. But blood will tell, and a familiar birthmark pops up in every member of this family: A purple, five pointed star. The symbol of the Joestar Family.

For you see, Nick Jacques Arc had a nickname growing up. A nickname Jaune got as a child himself:

Jojo. And he's about to have a bizarre adventure...

-Ruby, Jaune and Penny embark on an epic quest... To binge watch as many scary movies for her birthday month as possible!

-Blake declares Jaune her mortal enemy when he says he hates Ninjas of Love. He has no choice but to fight back. Everyone else thinks they've both lost their minds or they're dating.

-Pyrrha tries to ingratiate herself with Jaune's family, starting with Tangy "Tanya" Arc. Hilarity ensues.

-Roman poses as a teacher representative during the Vytal Finals. Explore how things go.
Not gonna lie this sounds hilarious.

Clearly Samurai's of Romance is a better love story!

(It's a shonen romance Manga that somehow is good, from story telling to art to the characters, it has a few fan service options but usually played for the more romantic aspect.)
Clearly Samurai's of Romance is a better love story!

(It's a shonen romance Manga that somehow is good, from story telling to art to the characters, it has a few fan service options but usually played for the more romantic aspect.)
What if Samurai Romance actually a quite old, highly praised, but somehow still somewhat obscure series of of novels/literature.
Jaune, who has actally read the whole Samurai Romance series knows that the Ninjas of Love ripped of it's entire story, including most characters entirely with just a name change, from Samurai Romance, and the only thing that was added were the smut scenes (exept for the best and most famous one, which it also stole from a different book).
Blake has not read anything of the Samurai Romance works, and thus has no idea that NoL ripped off that much from it.
Why Jaune Shouldn't Use a Chainsaw... New
It was probably too much to hope that Adam would give up his attempts to get revenge. The guy had a grudge against the entire human race. It wasn't in him to stop even if it was plainly obvious he was not achieving anything.

That said, Jaune was still pretty surprised to go to bed at Beacon without any problems... And then to wake up bound and gagged in a filthy warehouse office. Several White Fang goons stood guard, all with their weapons trained on him-Except for one. That guy was talking on a Scroll to someone, pacing in front of a dirty window looking out on piles of crates, and it didn't take a genius to figure out who.

"Yeah, he's all set for you Lord Adam," the mook, some kind of canine Faunus, reported. He glanced over at Jaune and gave him a nasty sneer.

"Oh, don't worry my Lord. We'll soften him up, good and proper."

Jaune gulped. He felt so damn woozy-It was hard to focus

Drugs, he thought, I've been drugged... Can't focus my Aura...!

The Faunus turned off the Scroll. He gestured to two of the goons, who pulled Jaune up to his feet.

He didn't have time to brace before the head goon punched him right in the stomach. Jaune groaned in pain behind the gag-And did the same as the Faunus proceeded to use his stomach like a speedbag.


"Not so tough without a weapon, huh human?" The Faunus sneered. Jaune managed to glance out the window again. His eyes widened.

One of the transfer students was standing in the middle of the warehouse! Long black hair, incredible legs, red dress-What was her name again?

Ah! Cinder Fall! What was she doing here? She was arguing with one of the White Fang goons, while others had guns trained on her.

She got captured, Jaune thought, But why? How? Why would she be out... Here...

It dawned on him.

She was sent out to look for me! Jaune 's thoughts exploded in horror. I gotta help her! I gotta get her out of here! I gotta-!


Another punch and Jaune bowed his head. The dog Faunus laughed.

"Heh... You know, Lord Adam didn't say how many pieces you were supposed to be in," he sneered. He gestured, and another White Fang flunky rummaged in a crate. He pulled out an object in bubblewrap... But Jaune could tell what it was. He focused on remaining calm even as sweat beaded on his forehead.

The leader ripped the bubblewrap off, unveiling a wicked looking chainsaw. He grinned as he revved it up, the sound almost deafening in the small room.

"Let's see how dangerous you are," the leader chuckled, "Without your hands!"

The goons forced Jaune down, and put his wrists up on an old desk. Jaune struggled, but they held fast. Their Auras were also unlocked, and while the drug was still running in his system, he couldn't use his properly.

The grunt grinned nastily, showing off razor sharp teeth, as he hefted up the roaring chainsaw.

"Nothin' personal, kid," he laughed, "But I think Lord Adam will want you helpless when he kills you..." He glanced out the window, "And the hot chick we caught snooping for you!"

I can't... I can't let them take her... Jaune thought, Come on! COME ON SEMBLANCE ACTIVATE! It's in me! I-I don't need a weapon!

The chainsaw came down and Jaune's Aura flared. He screamed behind his gag as the blades pushed against his skin. They weren't breaking through but it hurt like hell. The goons laughed uproariously at his pain.

Rage surged through him. He clenched his fists and tried not to scream again as the chainsaw was slammed back down onto his wrists.

Okay... Okay... So I need a weapon... I need a weapon... I need...!

He found an eye of calm in the storm of his pain.

Of course... But why isn't it activating?!

He shut his eyes. He focused past the pain.

Come on... Come on... Activate, COME ON!

The chainsaw fell upon his wrists once more.

The canine Faunus laughed loudly over the roar of the engine. He surged his own Aura through the chainsaw. Blood began to spray from Jaune's wrists.


The blood splattered all over Jaune's face... And he smiled.

- - -

Cinder Fall was annoyed. And when she was annoyed, things tended to die. However, being the evil mastermind that she was, incinerating all of these White Fang soldiers, while appealing, was not the wisest move. If she killed too many, well, there wouldn't be enough left for her operations.

"Look sweetheart," the White Fang goon sneered, "Lord Adam is our commander. We're working with you, but what he says goes first!"

Still... Maybe if she only killed ten of them...

"Your master's obsession with the human who bested him twice is adorable," Cinder sneered, and all the Faunus tensed, "But it's drawing too much attention. Half the student body of Beacon is tearing this city apart looking for him, which is interfering with our plans. Return the oaf, now."

No matter how powerful Jaune Arc's silly little Semblance might be? The big picture mattered. She'd let Adam kill the idiot when they sacked Beacon, not before.

The goon snorted and waved his gun in her face.

"We don't take orders from you, whore. Now get, before we gift wrap you for Lord Adam, too!"

All right. These imbeciles were clearly too stupid to live. They'd drag down the rest of their fellow miscreants-Not that they had far to go, but Cinder believed in being efficient. She was doing them a favor: Eliminate the least fit to survive so the majority would prosper.

Before she could summon her flames though... The windows of the warehouse supervisor office exploded. A dozen screaming White Faunus members were thrown out.

Cinder's eyes widened.

Some were missing arms... Legs... And heads.

"BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Oh buddy, did you make a bad decision!" Cackled an almost familiar voice. A blond figure leaped through the warehouse windows, a chainsaw burning with yellow Aura in his hand. A hideously wide grin shone thanks to the golden light, as did manic eyes. Cinder's jaw fell in shock that was not feigned in the slightest.


"Hey toots," Arc grinned, "Daddy's home!"

As horrified as the White Fang were, they were hardened terrorists. Their hesitation didn't last long.

"FIRE!" The White Fang lead goon shouted.

A hail of Dust-enhanced gunfire rained down on the grinning maniac from every direction. Arc charged through, unbothered by the rounds, as he cheerfully slashed the heads off three White Fang goons with one blow.

"Not gonna work but keep it up! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"

Cinder fell back on her deceit: She fell to the floor and wrapped her arms around her knees. She screamed in fright, even all the while she watched the maniac out of the corner of her eyes.

He was... Incredible. His wounds instantly healed in the flames of his powerful Aura. The same could not be said for his shirt-It was torn apart by the Dust rounds and his Aura's power, leaving him shirtless.

Oh my, she thought, her eyes locked on his... Rather pleasing form.

She'd seen plenty of fit, handsome men. Killed plenty of them, too. Arc though... He fought like a force of nature. He charged through without a care in the world, slaughtering the White Fang without mercy while laughing. He even picked up one by the ankle and waved him around like a bludgeon, leveling his fellows. Arc slammed him headfirst through a forklift, before spinning like a demented tornado through a crowd of terrorists.

Another White Fang member, wielding a chainsaw, swung his weapon at Arc. The blond dodged it, then met the next blow with his own chainsaw, sparks exploding from the contact between them. Arc grinned, his teeth looking like a hungry shark's before it lunged to take a bite.

"Ooooh... We got a wriggler!"

Arc playfully dodged around the furious Faunus' swings. He then shook his head and waved his finger.

"Tut tut... That not how you use that!"

He then spun around, flipping right over the White Fang terrorists' guard. The man barely had time to gape before Arc swung around like a top. He burned with Aura like the sun, and his chainsaw glowed like flames!


A wet gurgle. A thud. The headless body of the White Fang terrorist slumped to the floor. Arc looked around, pouting.

"Awww... No more?" He shook his head. "Ah well... Maybe next time!"

He waltzed right over to the gaping Cinder. He grinned and held out a hand.

"So... Wanna hit a diner? I've got a craving for some waffles!"

"I..." Cinder blinked.

Arc blinked back. He looked at himself, and shrugged.

"Oh. Gotta wash up first. One sec!" He pranced-quite literally-over to a water sprinkler, and swung his chainsaw. A spray of water fell upon him like rain, washing away all the blood. Leaving him shirtless, wet, and still grinning.

"That better?" He asked.

Cinder Fall was not some pathetic little school girl. She wasn't...

And yet, her face was bright red as she demurely allowed Arc to take her hand and lead her out of the warehouse.

It wouldn't do to break her cover, after all.
May be impractical as all hell and make no sense as a weapon outside of a fantasy setting but goddamn if chainsaws arnt fun. Hope that massacre was filmed.
I mean rwby weapons are impractical as hell already.

Hell off the top of my head I could think of a possible idea for a mechashift weapon bladewhip/chainsaw/railgun

Split the chainsaw...body? Board? The bit the chain goes around. Put a electromagnetic charge on those and fire a bolt from a internal reserve inside the main body of the chainsaw.

For chain whip mode retract the board bit inside the main chainsaw body, possibly put hand in there like a gauntlet or megaman weapon. Detatch one part of chainsaw chain to use as whip.

Third mode is just chainsaw. But don't forget the possibility of dust when used in a chainsaw. You could probably do some gnarly things to those chainsaw teeth.

- Jaune goes out parting with a couple of the girls, when he ends up seeing that someone spikes their drinks, and to prevent them from taking it, he downs all of them, taking more what would ordenarily be a lethal dose.
They're very thankfull, but now Jaune does need to recover, so they decide to help him out with that as much as they're able.

- Jaune is a mechanical genius, but in a very different way then Ruby is, as he has the same style and learned everything from his uncle Angus of his dad's side, Angus Macgyver.

- Jaune would likely have a large number of scars.
He made it to Beacon through miles of wilderness without any Aura, or the healing it provides, so even with his medical knowledge and ability to treat them, there would be scars left, and Jaune would have been injured more than a couple of times by lone Grimm.
Huh, thought he would go doomslayer.

Maybe that's what happens if he were to put on some high tech Atlas armor, courtesy of Penny's dad? So far we see his abilities work with weapons, but technically armor can be used as a weapon too. If his sword is potentially just a training sword and thus exemplifying his dorky, unprepared nature, then maybe his current armor is also unknowingly just training armor?
Golden Moment New
If you were to ask most of beacon about Jaune Arc one word would come to mind.


The boy with the spiked up hair and bright gold armor and weapons didn't have many friends, but was quite vocal in proclaiming that he knew the people would love him when his "Golden Moment" arrived.

Loudly and often would he boast about using his "incredible skills" to save everyone one day, despite the fact he was ranked dead last in every single form of combat they tried.

No most of beacon saw him as a loud whomp who wouldn't amount to much.

But his team saw more.

Nora saw him take the time to greet all the people of vale he ran into, from the garbage men to the little old ladies. Jaune knew every single name because he cared for the people.

Ren saw Jaune past the gold and gloryhound, how his boasting hid his true goal. "I will save people." Ren heard Jaune.

Pyrrha saw Jaune at work. Training for hours in secret at night until he could barely hold his sword or keep his eyes open in class the next mornings.

No Jaunes team saw more in Jaune than anyone else.

So it didn't surprise them when he became a hero.

As Grimm of all shapes and sizes attacked the city of Vale like a black tide it wasn't Ruby who rallied the hunters.

When the Grimm breached the school it wasn't Cardin who stood as a wall and held back Grimm so more people could be evacuated.

It wasn't Weiss who realized they were failing and gathered all the dust possible in one place.

It wasn't Yang who stabbed their body with countless dust crystals and lit up like a sun.

It wasn't Ozpin or Qrow who tore through the Grimm like a force of nature.

And it wasn't Pyrrha who died.

The sun was rising. The fighting had lasted all through the night and though broken Beacon and Vale still stood.

It was a beautiful sunrise with a warm golden glow.

But it wasn't the glow NPR cared about.

Standing before them was their leader a golden glow coming off his body and I tired grin on his face.

"We did it guys. We're heroes!"

"No way, you're the hero! How're you doing that glowy thing? Is it permanent?"


Flakes of gold started drifting off of Jaune, like fireflies or maybe gold dust.

"Jaune. What did you do?"

They didn't want to believe it but not even Nora could keep up the ignorant act. They'd seen that glow, seen what power he brought to bare. That wasn't the kind of power mankind was meant to have, not without consequences.

"Hey guys, guys no tears. Smile. I finally got my Golden Moment!"

So Pyrrha did the only thing she could do.

She smiled as warmly and brightly as she could.

"You're my Hero Jaune Arc!"

She smiled until he finished fading away on the wind.

And then she cried like she never cried before.

Five years later and Beacon and Vale are fully restored. You almost can't tell there was ever anything that happened.

The only difference is in a small park in vale. There's a gaudy gold statue of a teen in armor throwing his head back and laughing.

The statue has a small plaque on it naming the piece.

A Golden Moment.
Jaune was trained to fight monsters and abominations using every trick his parents knew and those he developed himself.

He is profoundly disappointed when he enrols in Beacon and finds it to be a glorified gladitorial school.

Jaune: "Fight fair? No dust poisons, traps or military grade munitions? What feel-good bullshit is this?"
Jaune was trained to fight monsters and abominations using every trick his parents knew and those he developed himself.

He is profoundly disappointed when he enrols in Beacon and finds it to be a glorified gladitorial school.

Jaune: "Fight fair? No dust poisons, traps or military grade munitions? What feel-good bullshit is this?"

The Reason Jaune loses in the class is he's forced to follow tournament rules, the time team JNPR were in a life and death battle? Jaune made sure to double tap and had the highest kill score of a first year... until team RWBY
Mountain Glenn mission
The Reason Jaune loses in the class is he's forced to follow tournament rules, the time team JNPR were in a life and death battle? Jaune made sure to double tap and had the highest kill score of a first year... until team RWBY
Mountain Glenn mission
Jaune also picked up some tricks from a pair of weird twins who claimed to be mushroom faunus.

Gork and Mork are weirdos but they have violence down to a art form.
Jaune also picked up some tricks from a pair of weird twins who claimed to be mushroom faunus.

Gork and Mork are weirdos but they have violence down to a art form.

Gork and Mork? [one Google Search later] ... ok the real Gork and Mork take form and showing up because apparently the knock offs[the brothers] mom[tree] is failing to seduce a human and they end up meeting the guy and end up not in the Ever After but pre-beacon Jaune teaching him a few things and making Remnant a little more crazy but coincidently Ruby is now the fastest huntress!
Gork and Mork? [one Google Search later] ... ok the real Gork and Mork take form and showing up because apparently the knock offs[the brothers] mom[tree] is failing to seduce a human and they end up meeting the guy and end up not in the Ever After but pre-beacon Jaune teaching him a few things and making Remnant a little more crazy but coincidently Ruby is now the fastest huntress!
I'm not huge into Warhammer but I fucking love 40k orks.

They somehow mess with reality through sheer willpower and stupidity.

Some canonical examples.

A Ork wanted a copy of his favorite weapon so he went back in time and killed his past self for it. Nothing bad happened to him.

Painting things red actually does make them go faster if you're a ork.

orks rolled down the windows in their spaceship to shoot at other spaceships
Yeah, the Orks are the best bullshit in 40k. Red goes fasta, blue is lucky, yellow is shooty, purple is sneeky (have you seen a purple Ork?) and green is best.

Their tech literally works on the "clap is you believe" principle... Now imagine if Jaune's Semblance allowed him to make such tech. Ruby would get an aneurysm...
Jaune can't help it that his perpetually cheerful and friendly nature as a child/young man enamored so many girls before they grew up. Depending on the timeline (or all in one) we've got Cinder, Eve Taurus, Katy Sith, etc.

Question is, how many more can we add to this Childhood Friend/Forgotten Bride Royal Rumble?

We could have Sienna Khan as Isabel's former classmate who helped babysit Jaune when his parents had to be at a conference. Cue a young Jaune promising he'd marry her once he got old enough since she was 'so pretty' and he liked her stories.

Deery could be a classic old friend who grew up into a lovely girl, quiet but as they say it's always the quiet ones.

Ilia could be bi-curious about Jaune seeing as he was her only guy friend, even if for a short time, while recovering in the hospital under Isabel's care.

Velvet's hyper tomboy cousin Mirko from MHA: not much more needs being said, except Jaune was her only friend when she was a chubby little bunny before puberty hit her like a goddamn train.

Daisy, Velvet's other cousin (she has a lot for obvious reasons) who is raised by her dad, Mr. Düm Slair. Think aggressive tomboy who gets embarrassed about wearing dresses because she doesn't think she's pretty enough, only to fall prey to young Jaune's unstoppable charm.

Tock, whose Semblance messed up and time-warped/reverted her and Maria Calavera to a young age, where Tock also took on a new identity. She was sick after this and Jaune helped take care of her in the same hospital as Ilia.

Venus, Mercury's sister who ran away from home to escape the abuse. Background unknown, feel free to establish as wanted.

(Jaune, seriously, your parents dropped the ball on teaching you about marriage. You can't just promise every girl that likes you that you'll marry them, Remnant is a death world and promises like those are taken very seriously!)
(Jaune, seriously, your parents dropped the ball on teaching you about marriage. You can't just promise every girl that likes you that you'll marry them, Remnant is a death world and promises like those are taken very seriously!)

Well now he just needs a curse that turns him into a girl when he gets splashed with cold water.
Well now he just needs a curse that turns him into a girl when he gets splashed with cold water.

Or Salem was in disguise sometime and young Jaune's pure wholesomeness awoke feelings in her she'd thought long dead. Cue her finding out from Cinder that Jaune is attending Beacon and suddenly she's conflicted about her plans and/or wants Jaune for herself, seeing as he's a much better prospect than, say, Tyrian is for a partner/consort.

Or Willow meets Jaune and he's just like his father was at that age. Isabel is going to have spider senses about her former rivals (Sienna, Willow, etc) moving in on her boy when it already took her as long as it did to keep their hands off her now-husband!
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Or Willow meets Jaune and he's just like his father was at that age. Isabel is going to have spider senses about her former rivals (Sienna, Willow, etc) moving in on her boy when it already took her as long as it did to keep their hands off her now-husband!
Ladies: You cant have both Isabel! Let the younger himbo make his own choices!
Cowboys of Remnant: "You Can Lead a Horse to Water, but..." New
- - -

It was with some trepidation that Jaune led his closest friends to the stables. Ruby was bouncing alongside him, beaming like the sun. Yang and Pyrrha kept pace just behind him, Weiss walked on his left side, while Nora, Ren, and Blake brought up the rear.

They soon reached the paddock, where Orleans was calmly drinking some water from the trough. She perked up as she spotted Jaune, and trotted up to put her head over the fence. Jaune reached up and scratched his loyal mount behind her ears, which made her neigh happily.

"Are you sure ya'll wanna learn to ride on Orleans?" Jaune asked. "She's a bit of a challenge for beginners-"

"Come now, Jaune," Weiss smiled, "She is part of the team, after all. We should know how to ride her just in case something happens."

"Exactly!" Ruby said with a nod. She crossed her arms under her chest. "And as your fellow team leader and bestie, I think all of us learning how to ride on Orleans is the best!"

"How will I be a Queen without a noble steed?" Nora added. She hugged Ren tightly. "Aside from Renny, of course!"

"She's still pretty tough," Jaune added, patting Orleans on the back of her neck, "I could always make an appointment at the local ranch and get us a few non-Aura unlocked horses to practice on-"

"Come on Stud," Yang said, leaning in with a grin, "She's got to get used to us some time. Besides! I'm no stranger to having something big and powerful between my legs~."

She added a leer as she leaned in more closely to the blushing Jaune.

"Or I won't be if we just-"

"O-Okay! Okay! That is quite enough!" Weiss sputtered, pulling Yang away. Pyrrha looked rather relieved. She gave Jaune a small smile.

"Besides," she said, "Weiss and myself do have some equestrian experience. We can help you, Jaune."

"Pretty please?" Ruby begged, her eyes wide and shiny.

Jaune sighed, damning his weakness. He patted Orleans on the side of her neck.

"All right," he said. He turned to Orleans and looked her in the eyes. "We're gonna teach our friends how to ride."

Orleans snorted, looking irritated. Jaune shook his head.

"It ain't gonna be like I'm sharing you! Just... Teachin' them so they don't get hurt." He lowered his voice. "You're still my number one gal, promise."

Orleans considered things... Before neighing in reluctant agreement. Jaune gave her a soft smile.

"That's my girl... One more thing. Go easy on 'em..."

Orleans scowled. Jaune's eyes gained a glint of mischief.

"But not too easy."

Orleans whinnied. It sounded like evil laughter. Jaune turned to his friends with a smile.

"So! Who's first?"

"I will!" Weiss insisted, narrowly beating out Ruby, Yang and Pyrrha. It was rather impressive for the slight young woman, Jaune would admit. She gracefully jumped the fence, and without any issues, got up and mounted Orleans.

She sat elegantly on the saddle with the reins in her hands. Jaune raised an eyebrow at how she was positioned though.

"Uh, Weiss, I don't think side saddle is the best approach-"

Weiss smiled demurely at Jaune and shook her head.

"Now Jaune, I'm perfectly capable of handling things. I was trained in how to ride a hooOOOOOOOORRRRRRSSSSE-!"

Orleans bolted and leaped right over the fence, galloping and bucking around in a circle so quickly she began to kick up dust devils. Weiss hung on for dear life, screaming as her entire body left the saddle and bounced up and down... Before she let go and went flying into a hay bale.

Jaune did his level best not to laugh, while everyone else didn't bother. Except for Ren, but his lips were twitching in a mighty suspicious way.

Jaune walked over to the sputtering, hay-covered Weiss.

"You all right, Weiss?"

He helped her up, and kept his face stony and neutral as he beheld the many straws in her white hair. She fumed at Orleans.

"Oooh...! That... She did that on purpose!"

Orleans whinnied and shot her an undeniably smug look. Jaune chuckled, though he patted Weiss on the shoulder reassuringly.

"She does that. Throws me every once in a while, too. Just to remind me that this here's a partnership, and I ain't her master," he said kindly. "Sure you don't wanna try a normal horse first, Weiss? Ain't no shame in it-"

Weiss' eyes blazed.

"No! I-I will not back down from this challenge," she insisted. "I-I'm not just some frail little princess who quits when things get rough!"

"I guess we'll see about that," Yang laughed. She caught Orleans' reins, and led the horse back towards the fence. She smirked at Weiss.

"But first! My turn," she said. Jaune coughed, especially when he saw Orleans' calculating expression.

"Ah, Yang, maybe you could use a refresher-"

Yang mounted Orleans, straddling her back and holding the reins with a grin.

"Come on, Stud! I've ridden my motorcycle plenty! I'm sure Orleans isn't too different," she said. She winked. "You tamed her, after all~. And Bumblebee is plenty temperamental!"

Orleans snorted. Jaune took a deep breath.

"One: 'Tamed' ain't the word I would use," Jaune said slowly, "And two? Yer Bumblebee's got nothing on my Orleans."

Yang's eyes narrowed and flashed red.

"Oh really? We'll just see about that. I can handle her just fine!" She kicked Orleans in the side and swung the reins. "YAH!"

Thirty seconds later... Jaune was fishing Yang out of a large rain barrel. The bombshell blonde coughed and sputtered, as Orleans trotted cheekily nearby and their friends laughed.

"H-HEY! NO FAIR!" Yang growled.

"But I thought you could handle it!" Weiss said mockingly.

"With how you ride Bumblebee, I'm not surprised Orleans didn't want anything to do with you!" Ruby giggled.

Even Blake smirked broadly. Yang growled and shook her fist at the showboating Orleans.

"You're gonna pay for this you walking glue factory!"

"Now now," Jaune chuckled, "easy. That's just her nature is all."

He pulled Yang up by her hips, and set her down next to him. She blushed furiously, but didn't pull away as he let her lean on him. Jaune sighed.

"Sure we can't just go to the local ranch? I've got friends there-"

"N-No Jaune, it's perfectly all right," Pyrrha said. She mounted Orleans next, and patted the back of the horse's neck affectionately.

"I'm sure Orleans is just having some fun, and we shouldn't begrudge her that," Pyrrha said with a small smile. "We should treat her with respect, like any other member of our team."

Pyrrha gently goaded Orleans. The horse stood still as a statue. Pyrrha frowned.

"Orleans? Come on, let's go. Please?"

She again gently goaded her. Orleans didn't move a muscle. Pyrrha sighed.

"Like I said, you've had your fun. We need to train. Please move?"

She dug her heels into Orleans' side. The horse still didn't budge. Pyrrha's eyebrow twitched. Nora snickered. Jaune cleared his throat.

"Orleans doesn't like it when you're too soft. You gotta command her proper like."

"Let's go!" Pyrrha insisted. Orleans still didn't move. Pyrrhas scowled.


Again, nothing. Pyrrha gripped the reins more tightly.

"Go! Let's go!"

Jaune sighed. He left Yang (who pouted) and walked up to Orleans' side. He pulled his hand back.

"Come on girl. GIT!"

He slapped her rump. Orleans let out a deafening neigh, reared up on her back hooves, then shot off so fast she nearly blew Jaune off his feet.

"There we goooOOOOOOOOHHH MYYYYY!" Pyrrha yelped.

Orleans used her Semblance and galloped right up into the air. She ascended very high, and then dove like a falcon for the ground. She galloped into the trees, fast as lightning, as Pyrrha wailed the whole time. About ten minutes later, Orleans burst back through the trees, sans her rider. Jaune glared at Orleans as she trotted up, smug as can be.

"Orleans? Where is Pyrrha?" Jaune growled.

Pyrrha jogged into view a few moments later. The Spartan was panting, covered in mud, branches, feathers, and soaking wet. She glared hatred at Orleans.

"You... You... YOU GOOD FOR NOTHING FLEA BITTEN HORSE!" Pyrrha yelled. She then immediately covered her mouth in embarassment.

Orleans whinnied innocently. Jaune was frankly shocked at Angry!Pyrrha. As was everyone else.

"Now Orleans, that wasn't what I meant," Jaune admonished. Orleans snorted. He walked over to Pyrrha.

"You all right there, Pyrrha?" He asked kindly.

Pyrrha twitched.

"She smashed through a chicken coop," she hissed, glaring death at the horse. Orleans whinnied, unrepentant. Jaune sighed and patted her back.

"She uh... She does like to get rises out of folks," he said.

"No kidding," Weiss growled.

"Hadn't noticed," Yang seethed.

"MY TURN!" Ruby cheered. She hopped up onto Orleans with her Semblance, teleporting right into the saddle. She beamed and held on.

"All right Orleans! Remember all the sugar cubes we shared?" Her eyes narrowed.

"You owe me."

Orleans thought about it... Then using her Semblance, she blasted off like a rocket and sailed up into the sky.

"WHEEEEEEEE!" Ruby cheered.

Orleans then landed... Right in the middle of a gigantic mud puddle. Ruby yelped and with Orleans' added bucking, the little Reaper fell right off with a loud squelch.


Orleans again whinnied in evil laughter, galloping off. Ruby got up, covered in muck, and glared after her.


Jaune once again helped her out. Ruby glared angrily at the very smug horse, who trotted over to Blake, Ren and Nora.

Jaune's eyes widened.

"Wait, Orleans, don't you-!"

Orleans shook like a dog, spraying Blake, Ren and Nora with mud. Blake yelped and used a clone to try and escape, but she still got covered. Nora grinned and cheered, while Ren stoically endured the unslaught with an umbrella he produced.


At Jaune's look, Ren shrugged.

"Nora has taught me to be prepared," he stated.

"You..." Blake hissed as she glared daggers at the very clean (and smug) horse.

Jaune took another very deep breath.

"All right," Jaune said, "Once again, why don't we just go to the local ranch and-"

"Ohhh no!" Yang snarled, wrenching some mud and water out of her precious hair, "It's personal now, Stud."

"You're going down, Orleans!" Ruby growled, trying to look intimidating but failing rather miserably thanks to how cute she was and the mud still covering her.

"You pulled me into this and now you're gonna regret it," Blake hissed.

"I will have my vengeance," Pyrrha sneered, fists clenched as chicken feathers continued to fall from her.

"REVENGE!" Weiss growled.

- - -

Another three hours followed. Jaune stood there in the midday sun, exasperated. He looked over at Orleans, who was placidly eating some oats in her stall. He then looked over at his friends.

Weiss was crying about the filth all over her, ranging from mud to even more chicken feathers.

Pyrrha was done, so tired and so upset she just radiated anger through the dirt and grass caking her.

Ruby was passed out, but still kicked and growled like an angry chihuahua through the dirt and muck covering her.

Yang looked resentful and exhausted, her precious hair now full of muck, feathers, and twigs. One of which was on fire.

Blake was curled up in a corner and rocking back and forth, soaking wet and caked in mud, mumbling about "Not the water again! Not the water!"

Ren had not escaped unscathed-He was covered in white paint when Orleans crashed through a supply shed. He still bore it stoically, though one eyebrow was definitely twitching.

Nora beamed, covered in filth and wearing a broad smile.

"I think we're getting better!" Nora cried.

Jaune sighed. He turned a glare at Orleans.

"No treats for a week."

Orleans neighed in angry surprise. Jaune scowled.

"You know what you did," he stated firmly.

Contrite, Orleans snorted and slunk back to her oats. Jaune then turned back to his human/Faunus friends.

"We're going to the ranch first thing tomorrow," he stated firmly. "I will teach you all myself... Any objections?"

"I object!" Nora cried.

Everyone else shook their heads if they were able.

"Good!" Jaune said brightly. "Let's hit the showers."

Nora pouted.

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