Duplication (supplementary, Renegade option)
Mr Zoat
Dedicated ragequitter
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2nd April 2012
09:22 GMT -6
My day started strange, and now I'm surrounded by mini-ponies.
What a world.
I use a construct to shove one of the drawing room's doors open. Luna, a hoof -hah!- ful of guards and a couple of ponies I don't recognise are assembled within, guards at the doors, windows and attending Luna while the other three lie on chaise longues.
"Hey, Luna. I brought Jean and a few g-gnomes. Are these your experts?"
She nods, indicating an elderly looking mare. "Justice Heavy Heart has volunteered to aid Us in the matter."
I frown. "Is that 'Us' as in you, or 'us' as in us?"
"U-." She hesitates. "Both, we suppose. Doctor Hay Exchange-" She indicates a stallion with a cutie mark of a balance, a pile of scrolls on one side and a pile of coins on the other. "-has also expressed an interest in aiding Us in gaining an understanding of modern economics. And-. By 'Us' We mean 'me'."
"Right." I nod to him. "Slight problem. Jean didn't come through as a pony."
"What did she come through as?"
There's a general intake of breath as changeling queen Jean clops through the doorway, following by the g-gnome drones. They're a bit more mobile in this form than in their customary shape, which meant that we could get away without bringing the usual g-elf escort. From the way that the guards are starting to square up I think that bringing the combat genomorphs would have been a unnecessarily confrontational act.
"We see."
"Princess Luna?" Jean looks around and I point her out with my right forehoof. "My name is Jean, and I will be overseeing the process."
One of the guards glances at Luna.
Luna shakes her head. "Be not afeared, Our loyal protector. These are not in truth changelings. This is merely the result of the changes wrought by Starswirl's Mirror."
I nod. "She actually looks like this."
I generate a construct image of her native form. From the expression on the ponies' faces, they don't like it any better. I mentally shrug and then dismiss it and the transformed g-gnomes take position near Luna. Jean takes a step closer to Heavy Heart.
"Ms Heavy Heart?"
Heavy Heart doesn't look entirely sanguine. "… Jean. What exactly are you going to do to me?"
"With your permission, these g-gnomes will study the networks of schema in your mind relating to legal practice. They will then copy them into the mind of Princess Luna, and work to integrate them into her schematic systems so that she gains the same instinctive awareness of legal affairs that you have."
She nods. "And I won't forget anything."
"Since they are creating a copy, the original will be unaffected. You might find yourself having.. unusually acute recall of particular incidents while they work to locate them, but otherwise you should not notice a thing."
Luna leans forward, her nose a short distance from a blankly-staring g-gnome.
"And for Ourself?"
"Once we begin the dubbing process, you may experience a period of confusion while the integration is completed. Assuming that everything goes to plan, the worst that will happen will be surprising moments of insight; we can only integrate the memories so far. In the event that there are any problems, we can erase the new unintegrated memories quite easily."
"Do We need to do anything? To keep Our mind blank, perhaps?"
"On the contrary, we find that sort of thing unhelpful. All we would ask is that you remove any magic-based mental defences. We have no way to work around those ourselves. And if you could avoid casting for the duration, that would help as well."
Luna nods, then turns to Heavy Heart. "Are you ready, your honour?"
"I.. believe that I am. When will you begin?"
The horns of the g-gnome drones start glowing with a pale orange corona.
Luna stares, a faint corona rippling over the surface of her horn.
I nod. Curious how the mirror adapted their abilities to magic. Genomorphs have next to no magic ability, as far as Sunset was able to tell. Barely any arcane presence at all, in fact. It's a problem that might fix itself over the next few generations, but otherwise I'll need to be adding it to Sunset's slate. Point is, the mirror didn't turn them into something with telepathic abilities, it gave them equivalent magical abilities instead. That warrants further investigation.
"How fares Our Sister's former student?"
"Ah… Emotionally overwrought. I… Don't think she's going to be coming back for a little while." Luna nods solemnly. "She was still in pony shape last time I saw her, so she's clearly not… Rejecting her equine existence or anything…" I frown. "Do her parents live in Canterlot?"
"We do not know. Our Sister hath not mentioned them." She frowns mildly. "We will send a missive once We hath determined their identity and place of residence, informing them of Sunset Shimmer's wellbeing and newfound status. She hath not spoken of them to you?"
"She mentioned that they exist. That's about all she told me about them."
"We see. That is unfortunate." Her eyes flick downwards. "Our Sister made it clear that she made no friends during her education; to be alienated from her family as well-"
I clop forwards, half turn and lie down next to her seat, the upper part of my trunk resting against her side.
"-would.. be…" She turns her head around to look me full in the face. "What are you doing?"
"Sounded like you were getting mopey, and there wasn't room on your seat." I tilt my head left until it's resting on her shoulder, then lean on her. "Go on."
"We…" She blinks and turns her head away, as if suddenly becoming aware of the other ponies in the room. She clears her throat, and the ones who were staring find something else to rest their eyes upon. "Would be rather sad."
"Yeah, it would. Speaking of family, is it alright if I bring mine for a visit?"
"Of course." Slight hesitation. "Who..?"
"My children. Lynne, Pa-"
I cough.
"-Bethany, Maeve, Stephan, Mary, Christopher, Clare and Sarah."
"You have..? Ah. Their.. mother..?"
"Their natural parents are dead. I adopted them. Oh, but my mother might visit at some point; I think Equestria could be good for her."
She nods in understanding. "And you wish for me to meet them that you may learn of my skills as a dam, and that your mother may assess my worth as a partner."
"Ah… Sort of. The children, pretty much. My mother, less so. I'm old enough and horrible enough to make mistakes-. Decisions!"
Her right wing bats me over the head. I smile at her.
"Decisions. Lynne can come over this afternoon, if you're up for it. Ease you into it."
"We believe that We are." Luna nods. "Is there anything regarding her that you feel that you should notify Us in advance?"
"She's a stronger telepath than the g-gnomes, and since she's a New God like me she'll probably come through as an alicorn. She grew up on a military base and was briefly used as an Anti-Life broadcaster so there's absolutely no need -or point- in shielding her from the harsher realities of life."
"We.. had meant regarding her hobbies or preferred foodstuffs. But I suppose that you would know the most pertinent insights."
"Princess Luna?" Jean gestures as the glow from the g-gnomes fades. "We are ready to begin the implantation."
2nd April 2012
09:22 GMT -6
My day started strange, and now I'm surrounded by mini-ponies.
What a world.
I use a construct to shove one of the drawing room's doors open. Luna, a hoof -hah!- ful of guards and a couple of ponies I don't recognise are assembled within, guards at the doors, windows and attending Luna while the other three lie on chaise longues.
"Hey, Luna. I brought Jean and a few g-gnomes. Are these your experts?"
She nods, indicating an elderly looking mare. "Justice Heavy Heart has volunteered to aid Us in the matter."
I frown. "Is that 'Us' as in you, or 'us' as in us?"
"U-." She hesitates. "Both, we suppose. Doctor Hay Exchange-" She indicates a stallion with a cutie mark of a balance, a pile of scrolls on one side and a pile of coins on the other. "-has also expressed an interest in aiding Us in gaining an understanding of modern economics. And-. By 'Us' We mean 'me'."
"Right." I nod to him. "Slight problem. Jean didn't come through as a pony."
"What did she come through as?"
There's a general intake of breath as changeling queen Jean clops through the doorway, following by the g-gnome drones. They're a bit more mobile in this form than in their customary shape, which meant that we could get away without bringing the usual g-elf escort. From the way that the guards are starting to square up I think that bringing the combat genomorphs would have been a unnecessarily confrontational act.
"We see."
"Princess Luna?" Jean looks around and I point her out with my right forehoof. "My name is Jean, and I will be overseeing the process."
One of the guards glances at Luna.
Luna shakes her head. "Be not afeared, Our loyal protector. These are not in truth changelings. This is merely the result of the changes wrought by Starswirl's Mirror."
I nod. "She actually looks like this."
I generate a construct image of her native form. From the expression on the ponies' faces, they don't like it any better. I mentally shrug and then dismiss it and the transformed g-gnomes take position near Luna. Jean takes a step closer to Heavy Heart.
"Ms Heavy Heart?"
Heavy Heart doesn't look entirely sanguine. "… Jean. What exactly are you going to do to me?"
"With your permission, these g-gnomes will study the networks of schema in your mind relating to legal practice. They will then copy them into the mind of Princess Luna, and work to integrate them into her schematic systems so that she gains the same instinctive awareness of legal affairs that you have."
She nods. "And I won't forget anything."
"Since they are creating a copy, the original will be unaffected. You might find yourself having.. unusually acute recall of particular incidents while they work to locate them, but otherwise you should not notice a thing."
Luna leans forward, her nose a short distance from a blankly-staring g-gnome.
"And for Ourself?"
"Once we begin the dubbing process, you may experience a period of confusion while the integration is completed. Assuming that everything goes to plan, the worst that will happen will be surprising moments of insight; we can only integrate the memories so far. In the event that there are any problems, we can erase the new unintegrated memories quite easily."
"Do We need to do anything? To keep Our mind blank, perhaps?"
"On the contrary, we find that sort of thing unhelpful. All we would ask is that you remove any magic-based mental defences. We have no way to work around those ourselves. And if you could avoid casting for the duration, that would help as well."
Luna nods, then turns to Heavy Heart. "Are you ready, your honour?"
"I.. believe that I am. When will you begin?"
The horns of the g-gnome drones start glowing with a pale orange corona.
Luna stares, a faint corona rippling over the surface of her horn.
I nod. Curious how the mirror adapted their abilities to magic. Genomorphs have next to no magic ability, as far as Sunset was able to tell. Barely any arcane presence at all, in fact. It's a problem that might fix itself over the next few generations, but otherwise I'll need to be adding it to Sunset's slate. Point is, the mirror didn't turn them into something with telepathic abilities, it gave them equivalent magical abilities instead. That warrants further investigation.
"How fares Our Sister's former student?"
"Ah… Emotionally overwrought. I… Don't think she's going to be coming back for a little while." Luna nods solemnly. "She was still in pony shape last time I saw her, so she's clearly not… Rejecting her equine existence or anything…" I frown. "Do her parents live in Canterlot?"
"We do not know. Our Sister hath not mentioned them." She frowns mildly. "We will send a missive once We hath determined their identity and place of residence, informing them of Sunset Shimmer's wellbeing and newfound status. She hath not spoken of them to you?"
"She mentioned that they exist. That's about all she told me about them."
"We see. That is unfortunate." Her eyes flick downwards. "Our Sister made it clear that she made no friends during her education; to be alienated from her family as well-"
I clop forwards, half turn and lie down next to her seat, the upper part of my trunk resting against her side.
"-would.. be…" She turns her head around to look me full in the face. "What are you doing?"
"Sounded like you were getting mopey, and there wasn't room on your seat." I tilt my head left until it's resting on her shoulder, then lean on her. "Go on."
"We…" She blinks and turns her head away, as if suddenly becoming aware of the other ponies in the room. She clears her throat, and the ones who were staring find something else to rest their eyes upon. "Would be rather sad."
"Yeah, it would. Speaking of family, is it alright if I bring mine for a visit?"
"Of course." Slight hesitation. "Who..?"
"My children. Lynne, Pa-"
I cough.
"-Bethany, Maeve, Stephan, Mary, Christopher, Clare and Sarah."
"You have..? Ah. Their.. mother..?"
"Their natural parents are dead. I adopted them. Oh, but my mother might visit at some point; I think Equestria could be good for her."
She nods in understanding. "And you wish for me to meet them that you may learn of my skills as a dam, and that your mother may assess my worth as a partner."
"Ah… Sort of. The children, pretty much. My mother, less so. I'm old enough and horrible enough to make mistakes-. Decisions!"
Her right wing bats me over the head. I smile at her.
"Decisions. Lynne can come over this afternoon, if you're up for it. Ease you into it."
"We believe that We are." Luna nods. "Is there anything regarding her that you feel that you should notify Us in advance?"
"She's a stronger telepath than the g-gnomes, and since she's a New God like me she'll probably come through as an alicorn. She grew up on a military base and was briefly used as an Anti-Life broadcaster so there's absolutely no need -or point- in shielding her from the harsher realities of life."
"We.. had meant regarding her hobbies or preferred foodstuffs. But I suppose that you would know the most pertinent insights."
"Princess Luna?" Jean gestures as the glow from the g-gnomes fades. "We are ready to begin the implantation."
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