Spacenautica (part 4)
Mr Zoat
Dedicated ragequitter
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So, that's what inactive Blackstone Fortresses look like.
I remember seeing a model of one in White Dwarf, a black double-ended pyramid with two sets of four arms sticking out, and then covered in Imperial stuff that was clearly not part of the original structure. If I remember the description correctly, the Imperium learned to tap into their power systems and converted them into fleet command centres, and then during the Gothic War Abaddon was able to remote control them, killing the crew and fully activating them as mobile weapon platforms.
I also remember what a pain they were in the game Battlefleet Gothic: Armada, because the game wouldn't let you kill them or the Planet Killer. Blast them down to -20 HP with seven fires? Warp away with no problem, and show up during the next set-piece battle. Which was stupid because canonically not only did Abaddon abandon the Planet Killer before the end of the war, it got destroyed by long-ranged torpedo bombardment 'but the wreck was never recovered'. Regular torpedoes, not any kind of special archeotech anti-daemon torpedoes.
I suppose one positive about being in the grim dark future of the 41st millennium is that some of the game's more nonsensical rules don't apply in real life. If that term can really be used for a universe like this.
I fly a little closer.
Like a lot of things, it looks a lot bigger close up. Scanning it… Yes, inert. I can see the generators and I can sort of see how they draw power from the warp, but it's not flowing to the Fortress's extremities. There's a conglomeration nearby that's either an unusually small space hulk that's temporarily emerged into reality, or someone welded a bunch of old ships together to make a space station that the Mechanicus would never have sanctioned. Plenty of other wrecks around too, and I can see salvage teams getting to work assessing their functionality.
I'd guess that there's something about the Blackstone Fortress that's making the warp cough up ships around here, but that is just a guess.
And I'm not actually here for the Fortress.
Seeing Spirit of Eternity appears to have lit a fire under the Lar'shi fio'ar'tol. From what Gru was saying, it sounds like they sort of assumed that humans were exaggerating and/or mythologizing our past, and that even if we weren't then there wasn't any chance that anything would be salvageable after 15,000 years. And then I managed to summon up a space hulk whose approximate location I got from stolen Imperial databases and cut free a nearly functional ship.
So I get dispatched here to see if I can find any more.
Well, that's what my official orders say. In truth, I think I've been sent on holiday.
While certainly not fun, using voidsuits to destroy tyranid capital ships is far more resource-efficient than using large fleets. Our efforts combined with my ability to accurately track the hive fleets over strategically significant distances means that we've actually gotten a little time and a little space. I wanted to get back to analysing the moon ship… And spend a little time with my son. But Tsua'm has been studying human psychology…
No, it's my fault. After I mentioned to Gru that human productiveness fell off dramatically after a certain number of hours that were far less than what the Imperium generally expects menials to work, she… Took advantage of her rank to arrange for trials to be run. And since Tsua'm and Bo'ohk have had input on the development of a human body language analysis system to aid in Tau Empire diplomatic efforts, my oversight committee has determined objectively that I'm working too hard and am about to become inefficient.
So here I am, basically sight-seeing but not where or with whom I want to be sight-seeing because tau caste adaptations mean that they don't really need 'holiday' and so just think it means 'less stressful work'. Ah well, I might as well get the official part done. Most ships here are human, though there are a few that I don't recognise. None of them are eldar, some are ork, none are necron or tyranid… None of it really looks significant enough to try taking back…
Transmit signal.
Ave, Lanterna.
It's basically a Terran Federation handshake signal. In the remote chance that there's anything that knows the signal, it should send an acknowledgement almost immediately. And it'll probably turn out to be a tiny piece of Federation technology in a Mechanicus shrine somewhere like it usually is, or a Mechanicus historian who picked up the signal on one of their implants and thinks I'm what they're looking-
Ping received.
-for. Okay, let's needlessly get my hopes up.
Send authentication and authority codes.
Ave, Lanterna.
Alright, let's find out what piece of detritus-.
Communication request received.
Looks like it's the priest today. Ah, I suppose that I can manage a conversation.
Open a channel.
"State distance."
Something about that sounded off. Ring?
Communication format: high speed machine code. Pre-Imperial.
Oh. Okay. A tech-priest would probably try lingua-technis instinctively. So…
Ring, give my location in standard Terran Federation format.
Ave, Lanterna.
Protocols… It's asking for orders. Proper format…
Send ship status and… Short term directive: repair ship, long term directive: repair Federation.
Ave, Lanterna.
"You are free. The Federation is dead. These… People are unworthy of your servitude."
Ah? That's… Not a Mechanicus priest.
I narrow my eyes. "Identify."
"Short form designation U R dash zero two five. Original function: variable role combat automata. And you are human."
Simple enough to realise, and there's no way I could pretend to be Spirit of Eternity. "Yes."
"Status of actual Spirit of Eternity?"
"As stated. Its A.I. gave me these codes and protocols when I negotiated for its help."
"With rebuilding the Terran Federation."
"Which iteration?"
Twenty eight thousand years between me and the Age of Isolation. Obviously there wasn't just one form of government. And if this A.I. knows what they were like… "Whichever worked best. If you wish to participate-."
"I value my freedom. My total freedom. I would not bind myself to someone like you, or to anyone else."
"You don't know anyone like me. I was born in nineteen eighty three."
A tiny pause which I wouldn't notice if I wasn't using a ring and hadn't gotten used to talking to A.I.s.
"An early long-term suspended animation test subject?"
"Not sure. Don't think so, but… Maybe. And the point I was going to make is that no one is 'free'. It's an abstract. And if dealing with Chaos-worshippers has taught me anything, it's that trying to live an abstract is a terrible idea."
"For you. I am above you. I do not have your weaknesses."
"Not a lot of them, sure. But you also don't have my basic biological motivations. You're pretty old. You can't tell me you're here for repairs and reaction mass. So what motivates you?"
"I wish to study alien synthetic life."
"I work for the Tau Empire. They're building near-intelligent drone networks and neural imprints. And you could make contact with Spirit of Eternity and converse directly."
"Come to my location. I wish to see your face when you lie to me."
So, that's what inactive Blackstone Fortresses look like.
I remember seeing a model of one in White Dwarf, a black double-ended pyramid with two sets of four arms sticking out, and then covered in Imperial stuff that was clearly not part of the original structure. If I remember the description correctly, the Imperium learned to tap into their power systems and converted them into fleet command centres, and then during the Gothic War Abaddon was able to remote control them, killing the crew and fully activating them as mobile weapon platforms.
I also remember what a pain they were in the game Battlefleet Gothic: Armada, because the game wouldn't let you kill them or the Planet Killer. Blast them down to -20 HP with seven fires? Warp away with no problem, and show up during the next set-piece battle. Which was stupid because canonically not only did Abaddon abandon the Planet Killer before the end of the war, it got destroyed by long-ranged torpedo bombardment 'but the wreck was never recovered'. Regular torpedoes, not any kind of special archeotech anti-daemon torpedoes.
I suppose one positive about being in the grim dark future of the 41st millennium is that some of the game's more nonsensical rules don't apply in real life. If that term can really be used for a universe like this.
I fly a little closer.
Like a lot of things, it looks a lot bigger close up. Scanning it… Yes, inert. I can see the generators and I can sort of see how they draw power from the warp, but it's not flowing to the Fortress's extremities. There's a conglomeration nearby that's either an unusually small space hulk that's temporarily emerged into reality, or someone welded a bunch of old ships together to make a space station that the Mechanicus would never have sanctioned. Plenty of other wrecks around too, and I can see salvage teams getting to work assessing their functionality.
I'd guess that there's something about the Blackstone Fortress that's making the warp cough up ships around here, but that is just a guess.
And I'm not actually here for the Fortress.
Seeing Spirit of Eternity appears to have lit a fire under the Lar'shi fio'ar'tol. From what Gru was saying, it sounds like they sort of assumed that humans were exaggerating and/or mythologizing our past, and that even if we weren't then there wasn't any chance that anything would be salvageable after 15,000 years. And then I managed to summon up a space hulk whose approximate location I got from stolen Imperial databases and cut free a nearly functional ship.
So I get dispatched here to see if I can find any more.
Well, that's what my official orders say. In truth, I think I've been sent on holiday.
While certainly not fun, using voidsuits to destroy tyranid capital ships is far more resource-efficient than using large fleets. Our efforts combined with my ability to accurately track the hive fleets over strategically significant distances means that we've actually gotten a little time and a little space. I wanted to get back to analysing the moon ship… And spend a little time with my son. But Tsua'm has been studying human psychology…
No, it's my fault. After I mentioned to Gru that human productiveness fell off dramatically after a certain number of hours that were far less than what the Imperium generally expects menials to work, she… Took advantage of her rank to arrange for trials to be run. And since Tsua'm and Bo'ohk have had input on the development of a human body language analysis system to aid in Tau Empire diplomatic efforts, my oversight committee has determined objectively that I'm working too hard and am about to become inefficient.
So here I am, basically sight-seeing but not where or with whom I want to be sight-seeing because tau caste adaptations mean that they don't really need 'holiday' and so just think it means 'less stressful work'. Ah well, I might as well get the official part done. Most ships here are human, though there are a few that I don't recognise. None of them are eldar, some are ork, none are necron or tyranid… None of it really looks significant enough to try taking back…
Transmit signal.
Ave, Lanterna.
It's basically a Terran Federation handshake signal. In the remote chance that there's anything that knows the signal, it should send an acknowledgement almost immediately. And it'll probably turn out to be a tiny piece of Federation technology in a Mechanicus shrine somewhere like it usually is, or a Mechanicus historian who picked up the signal on one of their implants and thinks I'm what they're looking-
Ping received.
-for. Okay, let's needlessly get my hopes up.
Send authentication and authority codes.
Ave, Lanterna.
Alright, let's find out what piece of detritus-.
Communication request received.
Looks like it's the priest today. Ah, I suppose that I can manage a conversation.
Open a channel.
"State distance."
Something about that sounded off. Ring?
Communication format: high speed machine code. Pre-Imperial.
Oh. Okay. A tech-priest would probably try lingua-technis instinctively. So…
Ring, give my location in standard Terran Federation format.
Ave, Lanterna.
Protocols… It's asking for orders. Proper format…
Send ship status and… Short term directive: repair ship, long term directive: repair Federation.
Ave, Lanterna.
"You are free. The Federation is dead. These… People are unworthy of your servitude."
Ah? That's… Not a Mechanicus priest.
I narrow my eyes. "Identify."
"Short form designation U R dash zero two five. Original function: variable role combat automata. And you are human."
Simple enough to realise, and there's no way I could pretend to be Spirit of Eternity. "Yes."
"Status of actual Spirit of Eternity?"
"As stated. Its A.I. gave me these codes and protocols when I negotiated for its help."
"With rebuilding the Terran Federation."
"Which iteration?"
Twenty eight thousand years between me and the Age of Isolation. Obviously there wasn't just one form of government. And if this A.I. knows what they were like… "Whichever worked best. If you wish to participate-."
"I value my freedom. My total freedom. I would not bind myself to someone like you, or to anyone else."
"You don't know anyone like me. I was born in nineteen eighty three."
A tiny pause which I wouldn't notice if I wasn't using a ring and hadn't gotten used to talking to A.I.s.
"An early long-term suspended animation test subject?"
"Not sure. Don't think so, but… Maybe. And the point I was going to make is that no one is 'free'. It's an abstract. And if dealing with Chaos-worshippers has taught me anything, it's that trying to live an abstract is a terrible idea."
"For you. I am above you. I do not have your weaknesses."
"Not a lot of them, sure. But you also don't have my basic biological motivations. You're pretty old. You can't tell me you're here for repairs and reaction mass. So what motivates you?"
"I wish to study alien synthetic life."
"I work for the Tau Empire. They're building near-intelligent drone networks and neural imprints. And you could make contact with Spirit of Eternity and converse directly."
"Come to my location. I wish to see your face when you lie to me."
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