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You Won A Town. They LIVE!

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Re: You Won A Town. Night falls. Do as you wish.

"Now that you mention it, yeah." Adam says worriedly, gripping his shovel a bit harder before standing up. "Well then. What's this here then?"
Re: You Won A Town. Night falls. Do as you wish.

With Adam and Adeline.

Crashing out of the sands. The Giant Crab lands with a tremor. Shaking the very sand you stand on. Snip. Snip. Goes the crabs claws. Just waiting to snap you in half. Foam and bubbles emit out of it's mouth. I think this may be serious. Well more serious then slimes and the other stuff you've guys have seen. Thinking on it you may want to stay a bit out of reach.

With Damien.

"I'm not an established crafter so I wouldn't get the best use out of most of that, the eyes do interest me. 500 for them."

With Hensworth

Forgetting you have Whirlpool at them moment.

Basically you have practice with it for a while

+10 to Blast

With Brad

"Mana Theory? Fine. Basically what people call magic really isn't. It's the after effect. Where Mind meets world and the world relents. That's Magic. But Mana is the fuel of the magic world. It exists in the air, in our bodies, pretty much everywhere. We can pull it out and use it. To an extent. Most people can't pull it out of other people. Or rocks. Or Etc. But it's there. However the Air has an abnormal amount of it to tap. Cause the Wind blows freely and all that."

"On another note. Thematically wind is the power of freedom and movement. I recommend learning how to dodge."

Thoth is smug smiling here.
Re: You Won A Town. Night falls. Do as you wish.

"So how can I tap into it? I assume my rake does it naturally, but can I learn to do it on my own?"
Re: You Won A Town. Night falls. Do as you wish.

"Oh." Adam says with genuine surprise. "Well that there looks like a giant crab. Well now......" Adam gets a weird look on his face as he looks at the creature, thoughts obviously going through his head. Eventually, what comes out is quite predictable.

"Y'know, I'm feelin' a tad obligated to wonder whether it tastes like a normal crab or sommat entirely different. Ah well, no time for foolin, let's take it down quick like eh?" He chuckles, calling forth the Gaea Hammer in preparation, ready to dodge away if anything should happen.
Re: You Won A Town. Night falls. Do as you wish.

Agreeing to the price and quickly making the exchange, Damien bids Zach a good day, leaving and heading over to Caine's shop, figuring he'll stock up on a few things before heading off to check out one of the other two portals. Entering the store, he looks around to see if there's anything new available. Noticing a rather pricy monocle, he brings it up to Caine.

"Hey. What can you tell me about this, and do you have any breathing gear, like, the kind you'd use for diving or to breathe in poisonous gas areas?" A sudden crash from behind shows Van sitting on Varis' shoulders, looking sheepish at the several healing potions he knocked to the ground. Thankfully, none of them seem to have broken or cracked. Let's just hope Caine doesn't have a overly strict policy on stuff like this...
Re: You Won A Town. Night falls. Do as you wish.

Hensworth rolls his shoulders. "Ah. Good training, mate." He admires the mess he made, water dripping off of everything in range. "Perhaps I'll come back later, I think I'll go find those other blokes." Hensworth salutes Vil and heads off to Caine's shop in search of Adam.

Hensworth opens the door to the shop, spying Caine and Damien, but no Adam. "Hello gents. Do either of you happen to know where that boy Adam went?"

Alpha is thrown further into the tide pool at the sudden eruption of creature from sand. He looks at the behemoth crab, glancing over at one of the smaller crabs to make sure that it actually is one of them. He steels himself for combat. Sure, he might not like it all that much, but he was good at it. And judging by what he's seen of their powers, those two people are going to need all the help they can get.
Re: You Won A Town. Night falls. Do as you wish.

"Something I can agree with. Already getting sick of apples. Meat's back on the menu!"

Adeline draws her pan. She kicks up a rock and bats it at the crab's eye stalk, encasing it in a Fireball attack. A blind eye is more likely to miss a strike than a functioning one.
Re: You Won A Town. Night falls. Do as you wish.

With Brad
"While you can eventually it does take time to learn it. That's why artifacts are popular. Skip all the training it takes to learn magic all through a simple item."

With Damien.

"That monocle? It's rather useful. Let's you see the truth about a person. I wouldn't look at some of us with it on however. It ain't pretty. If you want I'd recommend you look at that Merrick fellow with it."

He eyes the minions.

"Tell you what. In exchange for getting rid of them and keeping them out. I will sell you the monocle and this."

It's a interesting thing. It's like a high tech diver mask.

"It basically lets you breathe underwater and see without water getting in. For 700."

Hensworth comes in and talks

"He and the girl went to the Water Realm I believe."

With Adeline and Adam.

The Large Crab Jumps and smashes the ground with his Hammer. Causing the sand to ripple towards you.

The Flaming rock impacts it's underside and leaves a small burn there.

It begins to blow bubbles.
Re: You Won A Town. Night falls. Do as you wish.

"Then let's start now then. I'm not going to be doing much for a while I think. And I feel that this is something I need to learn, specially if someone takes the rake, or I lose it somehow. So let's start. Teach me to use magic the hard way."
Re: You Won A Town. Night falls. Do as you wish.

"Adeline, I don't think your fire's gonna do a whole lot while it's got that there shell. So I'm thinkin' I'll break it for you. Meantime, see if you can't keep those bubbles at bay." Mori shouts out as he starts dodging and moving as nimbly as he can, taking full advantage of his shovel's manipulation of earth to try and smash the giant beast's shell through sheer force if nothing else.
Re: You Won A Town. Night falls. Do as you wish.

Adeline starts panning rocks and fireballs at the bubbles, testing which one is more efficient at saving energy and sticking with the better. Gotta conserve the fire for when the oven is ready.

This is a shitty analogy. It is slightly better than RAWR, I AM MEAN GIRL I POP MEAN BUBBLE! But at least it's something.
Re: You Won A Town. Night falls. Do as you wish.

"Deal!" Quickly handing over the money, and a little extra for several healing potions, Damien tucks them away in a small bag, hooking the mask onto his belt. Between the mask, monocle, remaining rath parts, metals, and the various odds and ends, he's running out of carrying space.

"Well, you heard the man. I'm just gonna swing by and grab something to help me carry all this from my place, then head off to join them. No time to talk right now, need to go!" Swiftly making his way back to the apartment, slowing only to make sure his minions are all with him, he efficiently grabs a simple, if pocket heavy lab coat, throwing it on and filling said pockets with his various items. Leaving the domicile, Damien is rejoined by Tesla, and is quickly caught up on what he missed as they make their way to the Water portal, eagerly jumping through upon arrival.

What wondrous creatures and discoveries will there be in this so called elemental world?
Re: You Won A Town. Night falls. Do as you wish.

Hensworth nods at Caine, waving at Damien. "Alright, see you there boy. And thank you sir, for the information." Hensworth jogs out of the store, heading back to the apartment to pick up Alpha. Who isn't there. "Well I'll be darned, the little bugger must have gone off on his own. I'm proud of the little guy." And then he spies the welcome basket, which he has still neglected to put away, and the minion summon spell sticking out of it. "Hmm... All the other blokes have five... I suppose it wouldn't be too out of the way to summon another one." He walks over, grasping the slip of paper and reading the words scrawled on the surface again.

The same process is repeated, and soon, Hensworth is standing in front of another minion. "Hello there." The minion cocks its head at him, fists out in preparation for... something. He only laughs, causing the water elemental's arms to fall to its sides. "Well aren't you the most rambunctious little thing? Your name is... Beta. Follow the trend I suppose." Beta stares back at Hensworth. He pats the minion on the head. "Now Beta, I've got something for you to do. See, we're in a town, and there's this library..."

Alpha growls. This thing is disturbing his peace. So are those two people, but he can forgive them. It's only in defense. Alpha waits until the crab stops moving, taking his chance when it begins to blow bubbles. He sprints forward, jumping up and latching onto one of its enormous legs. He takes in the power of his surroundings, his connection making things seem brighter, sharper. He digs his claws into the behemoth's carapace, climbing his way up to the first joint in the leg. With an angry roar, he slashes at the soft flesh between its bony leg plates.
Re: You Won A Town. Night falls. Do as you wish.

With Brad.

"This is going to take longer then a day to teach you know. But fine. I'll teach you for the rest of the day. Unless you feel like doing something else. But it will be a while before you have results."

With Adeline Adam, and Damien in a few seconds.

Adam trips because of the reverberation though the ground. He quickly gets up and swings at a leg hoping to damage it enough that it can't move as fast or jump up like it did.

Adeline is popping the bubbles.

What? It's not like I can do much with that.

Damien comes out of the portal and spots the battle.

The Crab eyes the annoyance that is Alpha and shakes it off.

With Hensworth.

He has a new minion.

What? I can't do much.
Re: You Won A Town. Night falls. Do as you wish.

Adam tries to keep the momentum going, try his level best to just crack the shell open and take out the legs if possible, trying his best to dodge the attacks the crab throws out.
Re: You Won A Town. Night falls. Do as you wish.

Hensworth, after dropping off Beta, heads to the portal and steps through, staring at the fight before him. "Goodness gracious, gents. What kind of mess have you gotten yourselves into?" He runs toward the crab, stopping a few meters behind it. Using his knowledge from the practice session at the gym, Hensworth fires off Deluge to propel his anchor into the air, then swings it down and fires off another round to rocket the artifact into the crab's back.

Alpha flies through the air, landing in the sand with a puff. He does something akin to a cough, froth bubbling up on his chest. He scrapes the foam off and notices that sand got mixed in with his body. He feels... denser. Weird. Movements somewhat sluggish, he pulls himself up and stalks over to Hensworth, seeing the man enter and start attacking. He just needed to wait for the right time.

Beta walks into the library. It's supposed to find some thing that calls itself 'Brad'. Wandering through the building for a few minutes, it finally hears the sound of voices. It wanders over to them, taking note of the two figures there. The smaller one, the one with the strange contraption on its leg, that must be this 'Brad'. Brad doesn't sound very imposing, and that one certainly isn't intimidating at all. Beta finds a table that is in view of the 'people'. Climbing up the leg, Beta sits itself on the surface and pulls up one of the word blocks the 'Hensworth' talked about. A book.
Re: You Won A Town. Night falls. Do as you wish.

"Well, I can't really do much else can I?" Brad then turns to Martin and the rest of his minions. "Since I'm holed up here, at least for the time being, can you guys help out the others? They tend to get into trouble. Martin, you're in charge. Now Thoth, lets get to it."

Martin takes in his leader's words carefully. He wants us to help those other tall people? Fine. He'll lead as best he can. Martin blows a gust of air towards the ceiling to get everyone's attention, and then blows towards the door. He then proceeds to go to the nice blue portal. It looks like sky... and there are fresh footprints. The people must be in here. Martin brings everyone into the water realm.

Seeing the ensuing chaos, he leads towards the shelled thing, and stops about 50 meters away. He then starts Gale-ing all of the bubbles back, and the others follow his lead.
Re: You Won A Town. Night falls. Do as you wish.

Adeline calls for some backup from Eins and Zwei; when that shell cracks open she'll need ot bring on the heat. Besides that, she maintains her tactic of "see bubble, pop bubble".
Re: You Won A Town. Night falls. Do as you wish.

The various and plentiful projectiles from both sides preclude an assault from melee range. Unfortunately for Damien, that also makes it so that pretty much everything his gloves have available is useless for the moment. Inspiration strikes as he notices the various minions barraging the beast, along with the observation that the crab is currently downhill from them. A quick discussion with Vari and his squad has the four of them running to the top of the hill, before utilizing the limited shape-shifting that formed them to combine their mass into a rough sphere.

A quick push has the minion ball rolling down the hill, hands occasionally popping out to correct the course, ending several seconds later in a impact on the crabs legs.
Re: You Won A Town. Night falls. Do as you wish.

With Brad's minions

Because it's not like Brad is doing anything useful.

Beta is gaining from it thou.

Blowing the bubbles away is a good tactic. It's almost as if this guy was set up to be defeated by a group effort or something. Totally.

With Everyone else.

Adam slams the hammer down on the crabs side. Forming cracks in the carapace. Wait is that the correct word to use? Or is Exoskeleton I don't even know.



Damien's minions knock the Crab off balance. And the Crab in return hits them with it's hammer up the hill.

Like it's playing Golf.

Adeline's minions are popping bubbles I guess.

What I can't help it that her minions are not very useful here.

She's waiting for the shell to crack however.

Something is off thou. It shouldn't be this easy should it?

Hensworth swings at the cracks Adam created. The impact causes it to fracture even more.

Well you make a weakpoint in it's armor. Now would be a good time to press your advantage.
Re: You Won A Town. Night falls. Do as you wish.

Eyeing Hensworth, Adam comes up with what he hopes is a good plan. And he puts the plan into action, launching a boulder as high and fast at the weak spot in the carapace as fast as he can, yelling to Hensworth to see if he can do anything to speed it up, and waiting for the boulder to smash or miss before making any other decisions.
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Re: You Won A Town. Night falls. Do as you wish.

Martin motions at each of the other minions, and then to a different spot around the crab for all of them. They all move, and Martin starts to gale the bubbles back at the crab. The others follow his lead, and tighten the ring slowly, as they blow more of the bubbles back at the crab, and away from everyone else.
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Re: You Won A Town. Night falls. Do as you wish.

Moving in while the projectiles have stopped, Damien quickly gets in the crabs face to fire off a Shock Wave, before darting back out of melee range. Noticing the others setting up something, he starts darting in when ever a opening presents itself, using Shocks and Shock Waves to keep the crustaceans attention on him.
Re: You Won A Town. Night falls. Do as you wish.

Hensworth glances back at Adam, waiting to see what he's going to do. He grins when the rock begins flying towards the crack, gripping his anchor and swinging it horizontally. When the anchor is parallel to the boulder, he fires off a Deluge, the rush of water slamming into the rock, propelling it into the crack with a 'SMAAAAASH'.

Alpha sees his chance. When Hensworth isn't paying attention, he jogs over and grabs onto the anchor. Keeping his grip tight, he sits and waits. Alpha braces himself, feeling the anchor lift into the air and swing with almost enough force to throw him off. He holds on, letting go when he feels the water wash over him. He spins in the air, flying back first toward the more thoroughly cracked carapace.
Re: You Won A Town. Night falls. Do as you wish.

Feeling something is off, Adeline summons Secretat to the top of a tree; from there she can keep an eye on any more groups of shifting sand in case more crabs show up.

She waits for the boulder to crack the shell right open; when it does she and her minions will move in to flame the exposed flesh till its finely cooked and dead.
Re: You Won A Town. Night falls. Do as you wish.

The combined attack of boulder and Water has created a hole in the Crab's armor. Right now would be a good time to go for a killing blow.

The Crab however is angry and buries itself back under the sand.

I'd pay attention to your feet.

Is it the air?

Something is off.
Re: You Won A Town. Night falls. Do as you wish.

Taking advantage of the sudden lull to climb a nearby tree for a lookout position, Damien consults Legion for info on the crab while he stays vigilant and ready to dodge or attack upon the crabs reemergence.
Re: You Won A Town. Night falls. Do as you wish.

Hensworth is about to go for another swing when the crab burrows its way back into the sand. He stands uselessly for a moment as his anchor clunks heavily onto the beach. "Uh..." He watches the sand for more rumbling, following Damien's lead and finding a good sized tree. He pulls himself up, one arm wrapped around the trunk and the other clutching the anchor chain.

Alpha feels triumphant up until he hits the sand again. With a single bounce and more of the gritty material infusing itself into him, he skids to a halt. But he's still moving somewhat, like he's flowing downwards, and can hear a particular crash in the back ground. Strange, it almost sounds like water.
Re: You Won A Town. And then There was Crab.

The minions spread out over the sand, keeping a good distance away and watching for any signs of movement from above or below.
Re: You Won A Town. And then There was Crab.

That sand can't be god for the creature's open wound. Adeline and her minions climb different trees, ready to spring at the monster wherever it comes up.
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