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One Rabid Fox changes the Succession Wars [A Battletech Isekai]

I wasn't really thinking about the ComStar thing so much as that seems really late for the tank

especially if the Devastator is the actual Mk3 and that the MkI and MkII versions are SLDF tanks.

I THINK there was a background lore blurb brought up around the time ComStar started trying to expand the Comguard about reopening/rebuilding old SLDF manufacturing centers on Terra. If I remember right, companies that ComStar had major leverage over that had ties to those production lines were allowed to run them in return for the Comguard having priority purchase and the companies hiring locally. I'm just completely blanking on WHEN that happened.
New Avalon 4.4
New Avalon 4.4
Night had fallen on New Avalon, and with it a man in front of surprisingly sophisticated piece of technology sat digesting the day's events. The gathering, the last few days even, had been nothing unusual for what he had come to expect of the successor states. He had the advantage of the Federated Suns being the first of those that the dragoons had made contact with.

Whether or not the WolfNet operative was aware of it the main reason he'd been able to thus far avoid detection, or apprehension was the lack of sophistication to his own humint gathering efforts. Skills which were meager compared to those mature skills of the Successor State apparatus, but comparatively the successor states didn't even realize how vulnerable they were to back doors and gaps in software.

The truth was that assumption overshadowed the technological sophistication that the clans had access too, which was how the WolfNet gathered much of its information anyway... largely using Star League era back doors , and security vulnerabilities brought about by splicing in and together various systems that the science caste had been able to exploit for the warriors of the WolfNet front line.

It was a warrior on New Avalon of course, a warrior watching the elemental's image recorded in high clarity trivid footage. Another warrior caste, but from a different clan. It was a shock, but a singular individual was not impossible. He had dared to move closer, and examine what he could. There was nothing in terms of clan tech he viewed in their ranks, but if he were honest the briefings and estimations for the mission of the Dragoons were that the the Successor States would be still at the level of the Star League... and that seemed more true of this new lead.

Digging, digging for answers yielded concerns. The WolfNet operative pieced together what he could based on what he could gather from Davion sources. On Halstead Station an apparent mixed Star had stood against a charge of House Kurita's best... not that the Davion's report framed it in such terms... but he could recognized the Hells Horse colors of the tanks in the trivid battle Rom footage from the Robinson Rangers as they had moved to encircle the bloodied Kuritans from behind.

It was not, as if Zellbringen had been invoked so there was no dishonor in such.

The electronic reports though were the more interesting, or shocking. The clan warriors had not formally declared themselves as such, but the Elemental had reminded, stated clearly, that House Kurita had collaborated with the Usurper Amaris... and worse Davion data roms implied that Rim World remnants were somehow still out there.

He had to deliver such news to Colonel Wolf. There was-

The flashbang detonated as the safehouse door exploded inward as Davion commandos breached it and a bag slapped down around the clan warrior's head seconds later.

Aaron Sandoval marveled at the holographic projection, not so much the technology but so much as the charts. He would have liked Clay to have invested the money on Robinson, but frankly the investment on New Avalon were safer relative to the Combine border.

Pratt & Whitney of New Avalon would be expanding production of tooling. Parts mostly, the spare parts, simple parts in order to keep engines running, and also the machinery to make those tools, which would be exported to other factories. While Pratt & Whitney would still be manufacturing engines on New Avalon, so long as the capital could be defended then it could produce the industrial materials to restore or build the machinery to stock new factories.

They weren't talking about just new tanks. There were packets about civilian infrastructure investments, water purification, civil infrastructure. All important things to be sure, but the real promise were preparations for new technology arriving to existing units over the next five or so years.

"I really like," Henry remarked shoving his hand into one pocket to dig around for the pen and the computer tablet, "Blackwell's OmniVehicle, but they're expensive, not only are is the bandit a hovercraft, its a relatively large fusion powered but in price tag terms they're on par with 'mech prices." He grumbled that the hovercraft didn't even have the decency to use a 200 rated engine, "But the Badger, the earlier lighter design uses a 180 that will be significantly easier to mass produce for the market. The 215 even if Blackwell agrees immediately would take time to implement."

"So its the better option?"

"If we can secure a license, but," He paused, "Its not really the immediate matter. The OmniVehicle is based off of a Star League system for rapid refitting, there is not reason they shouldn't be applicable to 'Mechs, and ASF. Thats where I'll be sinking my techs, I have a handful of Mercury 'mechs I'll be bringing to the NAIS, they run off of 160 weight engines, but I don't think Ian's college will present them too much where, its the same engine as the locust after all."

He had had the concept of the OmniVehicle system the Blackwell combat vehicles used explained to him, and he understood the idea. "The Badger and Bandit are both for infantry deployment."

"Or skirmishing, yes, we need something heavier for engagement, but the Hover frame's alt F could meet my cavalry needs, but for mass production the 200 weight version of the Sphinx would suffice, when Pratt & Whitney expands 160 engine production the Sphinx will expand here, but that'll be next year, next fall," Henry's brows knit which was incongruous on the young battlemech pilot's face, but it was an oddity that the duke found he had become accustomed to. Just as he understood that the Sphinx using the same engine as the Locust did would be able to be produced in larger numbers... when they were talking about scale numbers across multiple planets and at unit prices where it mattered.

Sphinx tanks would be going to the DMM, going to march militia units alongside comparatively inexpensive new 'Mech designs like the Sentry. That was the grand idea. It answered the question of meeting needs for tanks, and battlemechs but other firms, and the AFFS more generally would need to procure the equipment to outfit infantry for the militia, and also it still didn't reach a solution for aircraft or for air defense.

"On that, the ICE powered versions will be fine, they've worked this long, and the main focuses will be expanding production. Anyone currently making them can keep manufacturing the internal combustion model," He shrugged at the comment even as he made it, "Its our best option. We can also field them with LRM 15 tube launchers while retaining spare parts, but I see those as our best option even as aircraft production expands."

Aaron chuckled, how easy and simple the younger duke made things sound. He believed him though, "And I can't convince you to accept a staff position on Robinson, can I?"

"Yvonne makes a good case for going to Kathil," He replied, "especially if do start moving a lot more internal trade. The carrying trade needs to be expanded in order to facilitate that shipping, my star lords are realistically going to be plying not just the main lines, Robinson to New Avalon, but also whenever it comes time to fight Kurita, there need to be other smaller but still more regular lines." They didn't, hadn't brought up Bristol... apart of Aaron wanted to be surprised with everyone else... the part of him that he knew he should smother. It was the part of him after all that was the young son who'd never been intended to inherit. As Duke he needed to know who his house's allies were and what they could accomplish... but he had other questions, and there was no hurry, "You mentioned something about the Eridani potentially visiting to Sakhara."

"I'm sure the official reason will be that Sakhara was founded by SLDF officers," He blew out a breath glancing up as the holographic table changed, rotating back to battlemech engine and weapon manufacturing tables, "Ian says he's set them up with GM and is looking to help them rebuild, but what its really about is that Combine collaborated with Amaris, fed him positions that included the 19th​ Regiment of the Regular Army getting smashed on Talitha," He had said as much before, "My Battle Company traces its lineage to the 19th​ Regiment, they're the rock I build my defenses on."
Ah the GM 180 engine. So so many decent if not good/great designs use that thing.
The blackjack, wyvern, vindicator; the 30 ton LAMs, falcon, javelin, turhan,the hatchetman, and of course the Badger.

Also if applying omni tech to ASFs the place to start would be the Spad
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New Avalon 4.5
New Avalon 4.5
Alexandria recognized the machines. They were still in the bright orange and white safety colorations but they had sense been branded with the school markings of Albion Military Academy today represented an interim between the ongoing round robin of the tournament. The first prince had talked about the industriousness of the Federated Suns, the making of things.

The First Prince had been careful to heap accolades on all of the great firms of the Federated Suns of course... but the twelve Heavy BattleMechs were identical, and there were no Marauder II BattleMechs present. The machines, the assault BattleMechs that were of New Valencia which had entered production before the battle of Mallory's world, or Halstead Station. Then of course there were the companies that had been manufacturing battle mechs since the Star League, companies like General Motors, Corean, and Achernar who had all been lauded for preserving the Federated Suns against Kuritan ambitions of conquest.

She peered over at the holographic display, but didn't need to actually voice the question.

"Shogun, the engine still vexes me given that the machine's mass," He murmured more to himself, "Eighty five tons, 255 rating engine. If I wasn't trying to get the dragoons onboard I'd have probably swapped the launcher to the Zeus model, but its an LRM 15. The SRM sixes had to change, and one of them had to go, don't know what the Dragoons were thinking there... I'll ship a few to New Valencia when i can, its a small mercy though they use the same avionics as the BattleMaster."

Blackwell on New Valencia had started out just as a supplier of spare parts. They hadn't had the resources, physical capital or political to make the transition into manufacturing vehicles in their own right before they had caught the dragoons eye. She assumed that the modifications that had gone into the Shogun, from whatever version the Dragoons had returned to the Inner Sphere with would need to be approved... and thus having New Valencia act as an intermediary.

Naturally of course Justin was hoping for a list, "I'm still waiting on Haakon of course," He replied, "Mountain Wolf and the liscences will be a light and heavy battlemech entering production." Henry paused, mulling the situation... the truth was diversification, Sakhara was in the Draconic March and he had no idea how long it would take for the Dragoons to come to a decision. He changed tracks, "The truth is New Valencia,"

"Sits in between Kestrel and Bristol." Justin remarked, before protesting that he could in fact read a star map.

He wasn't wrong. The truth was a simple look at a map showed that. He wasn't wrong. New Avalon wasn't much further, the jump circuit from the Draconis March was routed through Kestrel. That was the route they had taken both trips to New Avalon... but as the circuits expanded there were already two modes of thought, to run a circuit from Kathil, something he was going to have to do the most effective way would be to reestablish a permanent presence in hitherto dead or abandoned systems. It would be possible, and more practical to run a Bristol to Kathil line... and for that matter a direct route through Friesland to New Avalon in order to connect Kathil to New Avalon. "New Valencia," He began, "to Bristol is easy, just Batavia,"

Alexandria turned back from the dirty look she'd shot her cousin, "Robinson would be more direct, New Valencia then to Bristol."

"This is true," And New Valencia was a jump from Markesan, and from there it was a route down to New Avalon. The Kestrel route from Sakhara is more efficient if we're measuring too and fro from New Avalon, and with Pratt and Whitney here I'll probably having to ship both ways ... if we even reach terms with the Dragoons any time soon," He shrugged. "The Merlin runs off of a Pitban 240 engine that's easy, the GM 210 well, not as easy, not as common but well, the Antares, and a handful of other designs we will be releasing should bring a contemporary tech Night Hawk back onto the scene."
From the Davion royal booth Hanse was monitoring the discussions of the Eridani. The whole point of putting the Long Swords on display was, ostensibly, to give Albion cadets a chance to show off their home institution. IN truth part of the reason the company of mechs was also to gauge the interest in them from professional soldiers. The Kell Hounds were part of that, but so to were the Eridani ... it was just that if the Kell Hounds were interested they could just ask Ian or really directly ask Clay without really need for introduction.

They had been with his brother on Mallory's world after all.

The Eridani though were a question mark, he looked down and flipped the papers, before glancing to his aunt. "Yes Hanse?" The duchess of Victoria responded seeing the look.

"The 19th​?"

She paused, "What about them?"

"Are we certain that none of the Eridani left with Keresnky?"

"Certainly, certainly not. We can't be certain of anything. To the best of our knowledge none did, certainly that is the recounting for the Eridani themselves, but if your question is did survivors of the 19th​ manage to get away, which we know now is true, then perhaps some might have." She paused, "My analysts working theory though is based on the evidence, and grievances with house Kurita aside, the horse iconography and the numbers are coincidental."

Hanse raised an eyebrow, "Coincidence."

"Treachery is the combine's brad and butter, the 302 Hussars left the Combine and signed on for the Free Worlds League," The duchy of Oriente, specifically, "They still use Star League crest, horses, and trace their lineage to the 19th​ Army."

The Fox nodded, accepting the point. He didn't like coincidences. It wasn't in his nature to like them. They were annoying, but well, yes it wasn't impossible he supposed, "And that's who you believe the other half are?"

"Yes, though I do suspect that they're descendants of Kerensky's people. It wouldn't make sense to pretend the RAC were a separate unit... it'd be too complicated. It wouldn't fit with what we see, what we can observe from their behavior versus the Battle Company. Do I think they came from SLDF stock, yes, but I suspect that their coming together with Clay, is recent... very recent, the RAC ... my understand is Robison is some kind of hereditary martial nobility, but nothing like what we see with the 19th​ Regiment's descendants."

Hanse toyed with the fountain pen he had received from his father decades earlier, and mulled, "The Eridani are there to ask questions to try and find details that we don't want to publicly ask."

"Its a precaution, and if not them the Highlanders." She replied, "Clay's loyalties are firm, and his men are loyal to him..." To a degree that if Clay weren't would have been worrying given how close his brother was to the young duke, Hanse recognized, "They're almost desperate now to see some answers unearthed about the ones who went with Kerensky."

"The succession wars have been hell." Ian replied glibly, as he entered the conversation. Hanse hadn't heard his brother approach, but when was heir, and then first prince Ian had had to learn to slip past people, "I won't chide you for doing your duty, here you are, I'm sure you have a copy forthcoming."

Hanse paged through the new papers, "Northwind, and the Duke of Rio, I suppose that makes sense he's long friends with Lord Aaron," He remarked. "No one would have considered this fifteen years ago." That Corean would be invited to undertake such, that fusion engine production would be looked at for production of several planets all producing the same model battle mech.

"Aaron does seem, is intending, I should say, on approaching your in-laws as well."

Hanse nodded, "Yes, truthfully I know they're rather settled," Old fashioned, preferring the good old days, "but with how close they are to the border, I assume there would be someone else?"

"Most of the Draconis March lords are concerned about these raids the Galedon Regulars have been making, Kesai, Errai, the list goes on... I expect they'll be approached in time even without this Samsonov brute."

"I don't see them attacking Sakhara, they're not of sufficient status." Yvonne muttered, "The sword of light would be furious if they tried, Samsonov is ambitious to be sure, and a competent pilot, but I don't think he's suicidal."

"Ordinarily I'd agree, but with the shipyard there... he might be willing to roll the dice. He could claim he wasn't treading on the Sword of Light's grievance at all." Hanse remarked glancing to his brother for the First Prince's opinion. "Ian?"

"An attack over the hols from where I understand their last position is unlikely," and Clay had his circuit in place, which the Galedon might not know, so if they were heading, they'd be attacking possibly in the spring when Clay would have been back for months, "but it might be good for everyone if the DMM were on a heightened alert, and with resources made available in the coming year."

Ian statement brought a nod, as effectively his brother's chief minister Hanse knew that was the polite way of saying that he should do something that might well... tread on another march that was already complaining about preferential treatment... but he also knew his brother well enough to know he wasn't saying everything, "What else is being discussed?"

"Oh Henry and I are going to talk about tanks, and such of course, but the 19th is on the itinerary as well. His boffins have been quite busy the last few months from what I understand."
There's showing off and then there's a dozen assault mechs appearing as if by magic. Like I could get 1 or 2 but Henry really needs to slow down with the spawning stuff in without explanation.

Also have fun with talking to Mitchell Vehicles assuming lawsuits aren't incoming since they're the owners of the shogun IP and nowadays they're based on terra.

Also the 255 is a perfectly acceptable engine to put in a 85 ton mech Hanse. Hell I'm pretty sure by percentages there's a lot more longbows and stalkers with them than there are battlemasters with 340s....well I suppose some longbows also have a 340 but they're the minority by far.
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There's showing off and then there's a dozen assault mechs appearing as if by magic. Like I could get 1 or 2 but Henry really needs to slow down with the spawning stuff in without explanation.

Also have fun with talking to Mitchell Vehicles assuming lawsuits aren't incoming since they're the owners of the shogun IP and nowadays they're based on terra.

Also the 255 is a perfectly acceptable engine to put in a 85 ton mech Hanse. Hell I'm pretty sure by percentages there's a lot more longbows and stalkers with them than there are battlemasters with 340s....well I suppose some longbows also have a 340 but they're the minority by far.
And you're correct.

Also Hanse here is being Parochial, not objective.
NA 4.6
NA 4.6
The morning display, assembly, by Albion had allowed the senior academy to provide some demonstration which saved some face... not that Albion was doing poorly the tournament was going well for them in terms of actual scoring... but in truth the demonstration of the dozen heavy battlemechs in their high contrast orange white had suggested that the topic of conversation might regarding production of the Long sword BattleMechs... potentially distribution to other institutions through the Federated Suns. Currently those institutions were gathering in a reception for which Ian's absence probably would be noted before long, if his own hadn't already.

"Our concern is that its the Capellans." Ian grumbled running his finger the crystal glass within which his mix of champagne and other alcohol sat, "Its poppycock of course, they shouldn't be able to meet us on the field of battle so they resort to this nonsense."

Henry wasn't quite sure Ian was right. Ian was dismissive of the capellans militarily, was frequently railing about his brother in law's failings... but that was perhaps equally as related to the recent successes against the combine. It was no secret that the First Prince really thought the Duke of New Syrtis was a habitual complainer dragging his feet. "Then, should I expect a similar problem with the Shogun." He figured that would really be the test... this probably wasn't the Capellans, it was probably ComStar and the truth was he hadn't been thinking about things like manufacturing licenses from companies outside of the Federated Suns... or really for that matter outside of the hypothetical Federated Commonwealth...

... well that was a whole other can of worms.

"The Shogun," Ian paused, and took a long pull from his scotch and champagne cocktail, "Damn it, I fear we have gotten ahead of course, ahead of ourselves."

Neither of them expounded for a moment. He didn't bring up ComStar as a potential problem, or source of the problem with the tanks, and at least the for the moment the Shogun issue didn't' seem to be the issue at hand.

It was the tanks.

... and what could be done more broadly. Ian had been looking at an expansion of AFFS procurement, predominantly funding to the Draconis March forces so that they could wage war against the Combine. Naturlally. "Actual factory production takes time. Fitting together individual pieces if you have the pieces on hand, isn't really a problem, but its hard to do that at scale." Henry remarked, and well the hull of a tank is diffferent than a battlemech chassis. He paused... it would have been so much easier to point the finger at ComStar true or false if this had been over the Shogun, but it wasn't.

There was a chance, a slim chance that this was lawfare being conducted by the Capellans in concern of what might happen if the Federated Suns started mass production of fusion powered tanks. Was it? Well the problem, that Henry saw was there wasthe possibility it was, in which case it was a problem he hadn't foreseen, and would need to adjust to.

"We could fight it in the courts."

"It would create problems for international trade." Henry replied with a frown... "The Shrek design... there isn't any point in changing it, the Devastator I could reasonably speaking make modifications towards as a novel design." There was always debuting the Zhukov, maybe with a 300weight fusion engine since the ICE engine was roughly the same mass... it was an almost perverse thought since that was a design Aldis should have been unveiling in the future, "If we fight this, and we win in a Federated Suns court it smacks of favoritism, and worse if similar arguments are made by Terran firms,"

"We would be in the unenviable situation of where the two courts are levelling charges."

Of course the truth was the problem there, was that Aldis could threaten to boycott the Federated Suns, by itself maybe not but then companies that traded with him would probably be subject to recrimination... and all sorts of other knock-on effects. It would have international trade repercussions, make international finance difficult and potential chill relations with lyran businesses. "I'll attempt to work something out with Aldis," He replied... and made a mental note to see about Mitchell... he had to wonder if Mitchell being based on Terra was part of the reason no one had been willing to deal with the Dragoons' request or if the Shogun was just that much of a nuisance.

"We should revisit this as the situation requires." Ian remarked in a pro forma matter, "Themore important question is that steps are taken to insure that any challenge is mitigated, prevented from interfering with the defense of the realm."

Henry nodded, "Well, on that. I like the Devastator, but its expensive. A lighter cheaper tank," Though with fusion power still pricy but you didn't need power converter systems to power energy weapons, "well there are those designs. And Aldis's suit has nothing to do with BattleMechs."It also didn't prohibit, or attempt to injunction him against manufacture because it wasn't a cease and desist order it was the preceding step of asking for information before a suit proper could be made... it was a clear statement that someone was probably going to sue him, but he could live with that.

"The long swords are unaffected?" It wasn't really a question. Ian was not a lawyer. It would have been unfitting of the First Prince, maybe even for House Davion as an entire dynasty, but it was more certainly clear that the Long Sword represented a major point of interest. By itself of course the Longsword would not change the succession war, it was industry that would do that.

"The long swords aren't involved." The but went unstated, a Shrek cost 3.8 million c-bills but if he couldn't sell the Shrek... the Hammer hands used a 225 fusion engine but that would be a potential fusion tank engine, Von Luckner, but again Capellan based corporation, "If we were actively involved smashing the Capellans' teeth in," He remarked, "We'd have a better argument... but we're not, there are two tanks a large laser and PPC variant, pairing them with militia mechs would be cheaper, allow us to field more machines than the long sword... if there is anything at the operational and strategic level that's probably the best."

"The long sword though is a heavy battlemech. It is a Federated Suns Battle Mech, and while yes one could argue the Centurion is, it would rally the populace and enliven the cadets of institutions to be able to see them."

"You want me to prioritize LongSwords for upcoming classes then, or as training mechs?"

"Of sorts, I am sure you and LordAaron have discussed the logistics of making war against the Combine, it is your theater you are the commanders on the ground, and the combine has reason to make the attempt against you both. I will support you how I am able in the knowledge that your efforts support Atlas's burden of defending the realm." Henry was pretty certain that had been a pun, an intentional one, as of course, Ian was an Atlas Pilot... "and as for the Capellan Front, I am working on it.
I'll be honest, I'm not 100% sure if the legal issue is just over the Demolisher or the Schrek as well. The proceedings might slow down production of the two heavy/assault weight tanks but there is NOTHING stopping Henry from building his medium tanks like it's WW2.
Or from spamming manticores like nuts using that same engine.
Or making a 80 ton totally not a slightly bigger Von Luckner.
Or totally not a Schrek with 2 PPCs and a LRM-20.
Or putting those engines in the Ranger, Warden, and Alecto designs. Or Merlins. Or getting Lycomb Davion Introtech to exploit their awesome license.
Or 30, 40, 60, or 80 ton ASFs.
Also could quite easily put those 255s into stalkers since the holding company of those rights is outright gone. This also applies to the Manticore as well. And the Shadow Hawk among many other designs. Plus those outright once owned by the SL/TH like the Banshee and Atlas.
Meanwhile HartfordCo basically is probably holding onto life via making some electronics and getting licensing fees for them with a fair few other companies with good IPs for designs also in this state.
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NA 4.7
NA 4.7
Justin really should have been more concerned with his upcoming match against the Highlander. They were rounding out the brackets of the tournament... but the truth was... Scuttle butt at the academy had nothing on New Avalon and the gossip that made its rounds at the holiday gathering, "The capellans are suing you?"

"There are legal proceedings in the process of filing," Henry replied. Justin had latched on to the prevailing theory that that this might be a foreign plot... and it was probably a foreign plot, but to an extent he'd been rushing ahead and he should have made better considerations of how foreign companies would respond. "What I will probably do is keep producing components," PPCs, and Fusion Engines could go to other things. "The 240 is a good engine," and understatement really, "and the factories to produce them are already up and running. Kallon, and the Rifleman come to mind. PPCs in the Rifleman additional medium lasers, "Eighteen heat sinks would warm, but ten and a half tons of standard battle plate wouldn't be anything to sneeze at.

In short he could work around matters. The factories on Sakhara weren't something he wanted to keep idle, but if it was just spare parts then that would be fine. If this was just Aldis Industries trying to protect their copyright that was fine, he'd find some other solution... would develop a better Devastator and go from there. The Shrek would be annoying but there were options.

If it wasn't, if this was the capellans trying to kneecap armor production... well then the solution was simple mass produce lighter 40 ton tank and push into mass service across the core ward Davion front. It might have honestly been better to start there. Truthfully no one associated Halstead Station or Mallory's World with sweeping armored formations of heavy tanks.

The legal proceedings would have no effect at all on the Star Lord production, and that would be the real defense policy question; defending those shipyards. "Its a feeble distraction, the capellans would have to be stupid to try a costly offensive given the tensions with House Marik,"Alexandria added after a moment.

... which would have been nice if governments operated on cold hard logical reasoning's, and didn't have to consider opinions inside the domestic power centers, "The MAC went on a deep raid against New Valencia, its not that out of the realm of possibility that they might try that again." And of course it wasn't just the capellans, there was always going to be the threat that the Combine would come to call, "In any event if the Capellans do make a move like that it would take time." They'd be back... or truthfully Justin, and Alexandria would probably have already shipped off world having graduated by the time of that confrontation, if it came to pass.

"And if MacCarron does attack?"

"If he's stupid enough to let me envelop him, then he'll get the same treatment as the sword of light," More so then Justin realized... if MacCarron's armored cavalry did actually attack Sakhara Henry wouldn't have to worry about any dickering about salvage rights so long as the attack was occurring within his land hold... but of course that assumed the big mac came around, but if they did... well the Cluster was there for a reason. "I'll have enough air cover over Sakhara that I don't really think we should have an issue in pinning them in place on the ground."

Which of course reopened an earlier and often frequent conversation of just how few ASF manufacturers there were in the Federated Suns. Just three really besides him, "You said you needed Haakon to return,"

"Having them back would make things easier, the Jarnfolk have a disproportionately large spacer population they have experts used to the constraints of living in zero or low gravity, and that will make ASF construction," You could of course build ASF, Small Craft, and DropShips ground side, but orbital factories were the secret to manufacturing endo-steel in a cost effective manner... but he asn't going to admit that at this stage... "Of course since we're not immediately pushing forward with Bristol its not as critical."
He was annoyed by the situation... but he needed to take the matter seriously. As it was the holographic display still was focused on Spica, and the RCT deployment table waited, but they were focused really one the broader strategic picture, rather than the operational one. "What do you think?" Ian questioned his aunt he decided preparing to focus wholly on the issue of another Successor state turning his attention towards his realm, or back to face the Federated Suns.

"I think it could be the Capellans." She replied, "We can't disprove it..."

Ian turned his expression to his younger brother, and regarded the contemplative look on the Fox of House Davion, "Hanse, you look like you want to say something?"

"Because, it occurs to me that outside of Terra, Capella was previously the only world which supported a panoply of industrial manufacturing. In the sense that there are dropships, JumpShips now, and the conventional arms of battle,"BattleMechs, tanks, and ASF all... "And Sakhara is right on the Combine border, but its protected against the Capellans... I don't think its the Capellans pushing this, I don't think they have the intelligence for it." That was to say that Hanse doubted that the Capellans would have been able to ascertain what was happening deep in the Draconis March and then have had time to digest it formulate and action a plan.

"The Combine has always been dismissive of the other arms of battle."

"The Combine aristocracy yes, but its entirely plausible this could be a classic example of a plastic vendetta, of some Combine merchant attempting to exercise some action out of patriotic fervor through his own resources."

Yvonne shook her head in disagreement, "No, I've discounted that Hanse. Yes I agree its of course possible, but striking at a banner man," Hatamoto was of course the Japanese word, which was perhaps more so important, "Of the first prince would almost certainly provoke repercussions at home if found out, the samurai of the combine are openly disdainful of their merchants. That being said... I do think the combine will likely give us an opportunity in how their honor will require them to attack."

"You think Takashi himself will attack?"

It wasn't unusual for the reigning coordinator to lead direct attacks from the front, "I admit that it is a possibility, but perhaps more likely is a mustering of the Sword of Light,"

"You've heard something then?"

"Takashi has appointed his son, has been rotating Theodore Kurita through a number of staff and line positions the most recent is a posting to the Sword of Light. The Gold Dragons specifically, its a battalion command slot."

"He could just be seasoning Teddy, that's scarce ground to suppose the Fifth will attempt a bullish attack on Sakhara." Ian replied. All of the great houses knew each other. It was a reality of the Inner Sphere. The great houses were heads of state and the persons through which the highest agreements could be discussed in matters of emergency, but the same reality also didn't Ian recognized preclude Takashi from demanding his heir prove himself in attack. But then, "Unless of course the combine is grossly underestimated the defenses, could they?"

Conventional wisdom might have supposed that yes, Halstead or Mallory were tactical miracles, flukes or unique occurrences but together it was hard to think that the Sword of Light had lost a regiment between two battles... and by reports that the DMI had been able to put together not been able to recoup those losses even two years after.

"On Halstead, the Rangers were able to follow up and catch the remains of the Regiment in the rear near Madison," The cauldron closing had caught the remains of the Regiment between an advancing formation in their rear area while still facing their principle threat forward. Sakhara was largely open spaces. The atmosphere was much more hospital than on Halstead, "There is no reason to think Clay's armor forces couldn't hold given their lines of sight. The combine would have to cross at least two rivers to make a direct assault on the factories themselves."Sakhara Academy was in a semi urbanized bend in one of those rivers which would off the Academy itself , but even so there was a wide desert plain to the west that would support tank lines of sight.
Speaking of 240s and ASF manufacturers Jalhastar Aerospace also makes the suns manticores.
Honestly though I could deal with the suns having so few ASF producers if they had at least 2 more sites making ASFs and all 3 basically having their eggs in 1 basket.
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You think the various manufacturing companies in the FedSuns would get in line if Ian or Hanse gave them a nudge and Henry offered to just build them factories?
Henry is starting to remind me of the guy who designed and built the Detroit Tank Factories and most of the Soviet tractor/tank production lines. Can't remember his name but the US Bureau of Ordinance hand picked him in the lead up to WW2. Given his shown capability as an industrialist and a combat leader I can see Ian having Henry take a tour of the various Marches and just build up the infrastructure/manufacturing capacity year by year.
My take on a mix of the devastator and von luckner to avoid legal troubles and still have a solid tank.
Devastator/Von Luckner Hybrid
Base Tech Level
: Introductory (IS)
Tech Rating: E/X-E-D-D

Weight: 80 tons
BV: 1,296
Cost: 4,172,850 C-bills
Source: TRO 3039 - Star League

Movement: 3/5 (Tracked)
Engine: 240 Fusion

Internal: 40
Armor: 208

Medium Laser
Medium Laser
Medium Laser
Small Laser
Machine Gun
Machine Gun

AC/20 Ammo
AC/20 Ammo
AC/20 Ammo
LRM 5 Ammo
SRM 6 Ammo
SRM 6 Ammo
Half Machine Gun Ammo
Runs around at the expected 3/5 with a very solid 13 tons of armor to keep it alive. Weapons fit is 1 AC-20 with 3 tons of ammo, 2 SRM-6s sharing 2 tons of ammo, 2 LRM-5s to provide some long range punch sharing 1 ton of ammo, 3 medium lasers, 1 small laser, and 2 MGs sharing a half ton of ammo.

Its basically my variant of the demolisher that's based off the von luckner (see here for that Demolisher variant and other assorted designs ) but taking advantage of the mass saved from using a fusion engine to add 2 tons of additional armor and using the 10 free heatsinks that said engine provides to boost up the offensive punch and give it weapons that don't require ammo.
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Bristol 1.1
Bristol 1.1
In the distance a trio of industrial mechs were working their way across the arid grasslands already engaged in the first round of surveys that would need to be conducted. He was hoping that the rest of Alexandria and Justin'smatches in the squires tourney went well, that they did well. The truth was though that he was needed more here.

His departure from New Avalon was feasible because of the Star Lords waiting, because the truth was he had already been prepositioning them as part of a Jump route going from New Avalon to Markesan, from Markesan it was only two jumps. New Valencia was also a single jump from Markesan which was useful since New Valencia was two jumps from Robinson, and from there three to Sakhara.

That loop consumed, tied down JumpShips both from his Star Lord fleet as well as the less eye catching smaller ones which was why he had wanted a second shipyard up and running at Bristol to cover the 'west' so to speak. That was going to take a backseat, He would work on getting Kathill back into shape ...it would be funny technically speaking his enrollment as a cadet, and as a special instructor on the faculty, was in the MechWarrior branch, but the assignment would be some where between the engineers and staff roll far removed from direct mech actions. Still the trip to Bristol wasn't a difficult one.

Bristol was within the Crucis March which was probably part of the reason Hanse had come along, but also because Ian couldn't be spared, much as the First Prince would preferred to be here. "This was once a heavily industrialized world," The Fox remarked matter of factly.

The planet was slightly less massive than Sakhara, resulting in a slightly lower gravity, but otherwise pretty similar in broad strokes of its geography, rainfall and so forth, "And that will probably be the first thing I mean to fix," He couldn't promise Hesperus of course, but, well "I'll start with tanks and fusion engines, Jolassa Armored still trundles along as an institution here," Really as more a brand name than a manufacturer of complete parts,but they still managed to produce some goods, "Those tanks, and those fusion engines will be my priority," And using Jolassa as the excuse to reintroduce Gauss Rifles early... that wouldn't be this year, and while he didn't expect to recreate the alacorn, the Furywasn't as a 320 fusion powered tank it wouldn't be a problem.

... and from there probably C3... but he wouldn't mention that yet either. The essence said that the Fed Suns had started ... had been able to reintroduce the Alacorn during the Fed Com era so surely that was feasible but he'd need more time for that one. "And being four jumps away won't present an issue?"

"No," If they were serious about sending him to Kathil to start work. "It'll take time to take stock of everything, but I can spend the summer," Once Justin and Alexandria graduated, "Looking at Kathil, I'll draw up what will need to be done from that survey and give it to you."

"Of course," Hanse replied.

No one expected a miracle. Most people weren't yet in the loop to expect anything at all. He'd spend sometime here... really not enough time here on Bristol putting thingsinto place. Ian had been... well procrastinating in appointing a duke to hold Bristol, Hanse had mentioned that the short list had included one of their impoverished dispossessed cousins... a cousin who wouldmost likely be placed instead on the front shared with the Combine...but that conversation had also been aimed at dancing around other nobles in the Draconis March ... like Hanse's in laws.

"Is there anything you expect to need?"

"Additional ground security?" He guessed, "I know the RCT on Spica will be a ways out, if certain people guess what we're aiming at, I suppose I'll hire mercenaries. Most of the machines I can bring in from New Avalon, from Pratt and Whitney or Sakhara if not."

"Can you spare BattleMechs?"

He had really meant industrial machinery, "No, most of the production will be tied up, if I wasn't getting sued I'd probably try and supply some kind of heavy tank formation, but until I can get the factories here up and running I won't really have the spare line space either. "It really had vexed him, regarding Aldis Industries on the jumpship that they were going to try and stop him from producing those tanks. "If talks with Mountain Wolf goes well... on the BattleMech front I'll build the Merlin line here, have them set up for 240engine before we break ground, see if Kallon is interested in letting me produce Fusion powered Partisans here as well. Maybe Riflemen too, or talk to Jalastar restart production of the Centurion ASF. Its really going to be Fusion Engine production which would be the bottleneck, weapons are easy to manufacture... Three to Five years, as long we can keep machine tooling production up the end of the decade," So FY 3021.

"For Bristol?"

"Yes," He replied, "As for Kathil, I won't know really until we get there." The wrong thing to say since Hanse looked contemplative about whether or not they should try and go further 'west' towards the Federated Suns border but Four Jumps was too many. They didn't have a circuit in place... "and the Shipyard should produce a Star Lord this year."

"Yes, that's the plan, next year probably two. Depending on what we can lay down it'll probably fluctuate from two to in good years a third coming online based on Germanium and fusion drives. Two ships, we expect it'll take roughly five months once the yard is full functional, but that can be reduced if the ship's components are all ready and on hand for transfer to the yard and no significant clean up work needs to be done." Maintenance within the yard itself

"But you'll be able to produce everything on Sakhara."

"Yes," He replied again, "and its a question of machinery, if the main yard isn't having to waste time swapping over to refit and repair duty the new ships will be able to keep personnel on the same tasks, by the end of the decade, again we should be in a much stronger industrial position. As I said once the FtL carrying trade isn't so overburdened we can focus on merchant shipping, dropship carriage which will make bulk goods more effective. Its about the economy."

Which Hanse was already thinking of the federal tax revenues that such internal trade would yield, the increase in incomes and flow of goods would fund to support the government of the Federated Suns but also that a large portion of that trade would directly effect worlds of the Crucis March. "If you're talking about mercenaries using armor, Yvonne might have a recommendation of some men from Friesland who would be to hear your proposal. Especially, if you're prepared to help them refit and rearm while Ian is busy wooing the Eridani, and the Kell Hounds are evaluating the new BattleMechs."

"Yes Ian was hoping to all the weight classes to be covered for evaluation," He had brought it up again just before they had departed New Avalon... and that was more feasible than Ian realized . Henry wasn't entirely sure that meant that the Kell Hounds would actually post a detachment to Sakhara or if the plan was just to ship the mechs to New Avalon via the circuit and that would keep the Hounds close to the First Prince. Either or it didn't' really matter it would be later in the new year regardless... but that new year was getting closer and closer... and well 3016 was already shaping up to look as if it was going to be interesting in the Chinese sense of the word, especially with the looks being thrown at the Capellan border... that was after all part of the reason he and Hanse had left New Avalon ahead of the festivities ending.
honestly for the fury i'm of the opinion its better to stick in a FE 240 and add more weapons to it since its a command tank and thus speed isn't as important and put the 320s into some sort of ASF or Assault mech.

Fury Command Tank (FE 240)
Base Tech Level
: Standard (IS)
Tech Rating: E/X-X-X-D

Weight: 80 tons
BV: 1,445
Cost: 4,233,600 C-bills
Source: TRO 3050 - Star League

Movement: 3/5 (Tracked)
Engine: 240 Fusion

Internal: 40
Armor: 248

Gauss Rifle

Gauss Rifle Ammo [IS]
Gauss Rifle Ammo [IS]
MML 3 LRM Ammo
MML 3 SRM Ammo


Carrying Capacity
Troops - 1.0 tons

Also as for stephen davion...honestly there's plenty of places that he could be made duke, count, or baron of. Like say a world taken from the dracs or capellans.
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Bristol 1.2
Bristol 1.2
The Ducal Palace had been largely empty since Ian had inherited it; and frankly had been neglected before that. There was a planetary governor of course who had administered managed in the First Prince's stead but there hadn't been much going on. Bristol was a pretty peaceful world just greatly diminished by the succession wars, and thus there was space here for he and Hanse to work.

The nominal plan was to bring in machinery and other parts to start rebuilding Bristols industrial spaces from Pratt & Whitney on New Avalon. It would help, but it and some of the other exports from New Avalon and the Fed Suns in general were more about covering mundane reordering of the economic geography. Not everything was about fusion engine seen though in the short term that was what he expected to be the principle military export from Bristol's factory.

Reindustrializing though would mean other needs. Re urbanizing reconstructing road networks and building new space lift facilities would also require mundane things. Tanks would be easier than mechs, and that would require factories of a more basic tech level, and that would mean workers putting money into the local economy as those tanks were sold off world.

He expected, and had stated as much to Hanse's questions, that he'd be doing a great deal of component production. It would probably in terms of bottom line be the major bread and butter of business. Never mind the Shadow Hawk refit kits, really it would be selling logistical support, selling spare parts into the AFFS and their allied mercenary commands where he'd probably be making the income in factory work. As Duke of Bristol he'd collect other incomes, but that wasn't ... well being Duke of Bristol was going to be about other things in the long run.

It was complicated.

What wouldn't be complicated would be the 240 Fusion Engine line here. That was probably going to be one of the first things he put in place from things that didn't really come from his holdings from Pratt & Whitney on New Avalon. There was just so much that the 240 worked with, could be done with, and that as a fusion its energy density saved weight over a more massive ICE.

Stillhe expected that would have to wait until this summer.

Ian's brother appeared from the other room. "So I can't do anything regarding your Mountain Wolf business, much as I'd like to, we must rely on your man Haakon, but for businesses in the Federated Suns themselves well that's a different story." You scratch my back I scratch yours. Not that Hanse was being coy, they were on the same side Henry knew that.

Hanse had been asking questions about if Mountain Wolf discussions went well. That was why he had told the heir to the realm about the plans to put the Merlin line here. It was a 240 engine machine abundance of common parts besides it was basically ideal. Talking to Kallon was certainly on the list of things to do as well.

"I Shall be honest, the talking to Jalastar would be good. Fusion powered aircraft are a limited commodity," If engines could be supplied those, "I know you have your own aircraft, but as you said Jalastar was until recently building Centurion it would be good for the realm."

"Its a simple fighter, three medium lasers, and a pitban 240," If not for the demand for those 240 engines he doubted that production would have closed as it had, "Its 30 tons, and yes if you convince Jalastar to talk, given the engine and weapons load out thats something that could be manufactured here, Sakhara, New Avalon as well." It wasn't a brag. Henry was looking in the long term of providing cheap air cover, but the fusion engine was the stumbling block. He shrugged, "I suppose the avionics are a concern, but if Jalastar can be brought onboard with an agreement I'll make sure those are overhauled before we start production, we might be able to standardize the new version on the Sparrowhawks Rander 100 series electronic package make things simpler still for logistics and save everyone a little bit of a headache there." Still, "We'll need time."

That was thing of course, is that the Federated Suns economy even without him had started to recover and grow under Ian's tenure. The 3rd​sucession war had been trundling along sure, but the damage wasn't like the previous ones, it was a slow grind, border raids and settling into the accepted norms and conventions based on derived from the defunct Aries conventions.

Henry certainly didn't want a reversion back to war crimes oclock of the first succession war.

"Time is perhaps one of the things we have."

...but Hanse didn't know about the clans.

"Well I mean we need years, we will needs techs, any offensive launched against the Combine is going to require more supplies than the AFFS normally needs, especially if we're trying to take planets... and those planets will require investment to rebuild."

"Of course," Hanse nodded, and maybe they were talking across from another's meanings. "Ian is committed to taking the fight to the Combine," And Hanse certainly agreed from his body language that he agreed with that position. "And the accepted position is that we need to be prepared for a combine attack."

It was the second statement that lead them down the rabbit hole of not just Hanse's inlaws, and New Ivaarsen, but also the Draconis March, and the incursion by the... really the raids in force of the Galedon Regulars that had begun.

He was trying to think of things, "Samsonov pilots an Atlas?" He couldn't put a face to the name, even though he'd probably been show the Combine mechwarriors of note on the frontier... it just wasn't clicking.

"Yes that's right." Hanse replied. "Really, he's had more success than most." Which meant he hadn't been completely successful but he had a string of successful raids as he worked 'east' along the star map, "We can't say for certain that he'll make a bid to raid Sakhara but its not impossible." He was moving in that direction.

Henry's thoughts had already turned elsewhere... half niggled the consideration of the Galtor III campaign half remembered details nagged him, and thoughts of Hoff just one jump from Sakhara came to mind. That Misery was twojumps didn't mean as much because well if they were luck the Dragoonsmight never sign on with the Combine at all... but again Hanse didn'tknow that the Dragoons were clanners, or what a clanner was. "We'llsee about preparing for that as best we can, I, without knowing wherehe intends to attack," well you couldn't defend everything, andhe just didn't remember enough about Samsonov to remember where mightbe next assuming that was even still accurate.

"Thatsthe thing really... Robinson has the circuit, and Sakhara has the circuit, we can't cover the whole front of course, that would be an overreach, but if we could catch Samsonov on the ground we could probably overmatch him with the DMM. Troops from Royal, or New Ivaarsen, Sakhara Robinson, Rio and hold to him to account. Its still in the planning stages."

...but of course Henry recognized he was the one with the excess of JumpShips. And of course it would be seen as doing something, stopping the Combine from raiding across the border, and that was important for the domestic opinion especially local domestic opinion. The citizens of the Draconis March wanted something done against the combine, they were the most supportive of expeditionary warfare against House Kurita.
The centurion does need a major upgrade package before the suns make it again. It needs a lot of soft factor upgrades that don't show up in game. Like better avionics and control surfaces
Yea, given just how LONG most Aerospace Fighters have been produced it's kinda hard to place how they sit as far as generational advances.The Centurion ASF would be roughly equivalent to a Mig-21 or F-5 Tiger I think? Or would it be more like an advanced trainer aircraft that can still be used in combat?
Yea, given just how LONG most Aerospace Fighters have been produced it's kinda hard to place how they sit as far as generational advances.The Centurion ASF would be roughly equivalent to a Mig-21 or F-5 Tiger I think? Or would it be more like an advanced trainer aircraft that can still be used in combat?
Honestly I'm not sure you can safely have a 1 to 1 equivalent with IRL aircraft generations with BT ASFs
Honestly I'm not sure you can safely have a 1 to 1 equivalent with IRL aircraft generations with BT ASFs

It feels like most all the ASF still being used by the Third Succession War we're about Gen 3 if we're comparing them to modern jets. With the Star League variants being gen 3.5 and the new/reapearing models that come later gen 4. That's just how it fits in my head.
huh Samsonov's atlas. 2 PPCs and an AC 20 with 26 heatsinks and a pile of armor. I don't hate it. good hole puncher.
Its vastly better if you pull 4 heatsinks and chuck back in the medium lasers. Or pull 6 and add 2 flammers as well.
fair. but it can fire both PPCs and work in the AC20 for a few turns while stationary. it isn't perfect but it does punch holes. pair it with something with some scatter damage like a battlemaster or an LRM boat or something that loads up on SRMs and fun times will be had. it has a limited niche but it is solid. If I were a Mechwarrior and Inherited that mech? I would be a very happy camper. it could certainly be tuned for improved performance. but it works.
Bristol 1.3 New
Bristol 1.3
It might have otherwise been nice to spend new years on New Avalon with the festivities, but there was so much to do here... and not just here, not just on Bristol but in regards to everything else he had in front of him. So Henry accepted that he needed to be right here right now scouring time tables and jump routes and how much cargo was being carried and by what. He had prepared for JumpShips to be tied down by running a circuit out here, but it still left what they were carrying.

The leopard was a small dropship relatively speaking. Frontier trader it could do that, and on the frontier it could pull other responsibilities but it was inefficient at a more complex scale. One DropShip collar was one dropship collar. Of course that didn't mean as much when there were limited numbers of DropShips to carry goods aboard limited numbers of JumpShips. Any trade was better than no trade after all.

JumpShip limitations though were the problem on the primary order. Moving across interstellar distances, that was why Sakhara's shipyard had been such an important undertaking. Clay liked BattleMechs, he liked ASF... he needed them to defend the shipyard, and the planet but in order to fuel the carrying trade and increase the flow of goods and services he needed JumpShips' K-F drive to move to transport those goods across the gulf of stars.

As much as he wanted to turn to look at DropShips that were more materially efficient for trade it would have to wait. He'd talk to Boeing Interstellar when he could, and he'd do that through Hanse but a heavy lifter was not an immediate priority. Once there was time, oncethe industrial blossoming had had time to take hold, well then they'd work on expanding cargo carriers... and he admitted that maybe there was an argument to replacing the less effective cargo carriers first instead of expanding the faster than light ships that carried them...but he'd committed to one course of action already... and there were so many other projects he had opened up, and lost himself in recently... he needed to focus on what he had in progress.

Thankfully the Long sword was designed for commonality of parts. Those designs, the ones focused on that logistical benefit, were going to need to be priority. Even so it would take time to expand production, and there were going to be more requests like those already made. Still that would fall to Sakhara's factories the 280 engine would preclude Bristol since 240 would need to be the first engine export line he brought on line, followed by 320. That was more clear now because the truth was he'd been vacillating back and forth between which. New Avalon would be prioritizing lighter engines aimed at medium tanks, and light BattleMechs... it might even fall to Pratt & Whitney of New Avalon to make even smaller engines for swarms of combat vehicles to further pad out militia units on the frontier

All of those thoughts were arranged on a timetable of production that stretched forward into the years to come. Diversification of production sites would take time, setting up the sites and machinery would take time... just as it would take time to do other things.

Ian's instructions were phrased as if the First Prince either believed or wanted it to appear the expansion of the Battle Company forces were his idea...but those instructions related to the 19th​ Striker regiment also included notes from the Duchess of Victoria, which Ian concurred with in principle, to do so as discretely as possible. Henry had been planning to expand the forces all along it was justyet another thing that would take time.

It was also part of the reason that Hanse was probably here on Bristol to provide support for what needed to be done here. Bristol was apart of theCrucis March but Kathil wasn't that far, a topic which had come up more than once here, and on the way, and out past Kathil was Spica where Justin would be deployed. The Spica RCT deployment was going to be an issue simply because it involved federal troops under federal command in the Capellan March where there were already tensions.

Where there had been tensions before the tourney had embarrassed the Capellan March,House Hasek's favored military academy in the majority of the bouts, but particularly those that had pitted Alexandria's Orion, and Justin's Cataphract against them. That reflected well on Sakhara, their victories prior to his departure were good for the school. Reinforcing the 5th​ Davion Guards would just be a further slap in the face... there would probably be political repercussions.

Would that stop Clay from doing something about it? No. Valencia on Spica would need to be reinforced... but that ultimately just lead him to staring back at the holographic table of information that had occupied his attention since he had locked the door to the room here.

Carrying capacity, both DropShips and JumpShips. Kathil to Spica was five jumps, assuming that after Justin graduated he could justify providing the carriage from probably not a hard swing, assuming talks with New Valencia and this Friesland merc unit went well, and assuming he had enough time in between all of that he could probably post up on Kathil after Justin and Alexandria graduated to stage forces on Spicato go.

... but he'd already told Hanse he couldn't really spare BattleMechs at this stage, anything he could send to Spica would have to be armor... orair power. The fury tanks were here... they hadn't publicly disclosed the massive, castle brian scale, storage facility yet, but they were here. If talks with the Friesland people went well then they could begin training on those.

Less than six months though. How well could the 5th​ be reinforced on Spica was the question, and more importantly could it be done in such a way that if the capellans attacked could they trap the capellans on planet and destroy them in detail? That was certainly his preference to any engagement... but he also had to weigh whether they could just deter the capellans from attacking at all.

But if they didn't attack ... well then what... he didn't like wondering about that, and in the grand scheme of things he didn't have as much time as he wanted to deal with it, or rather put forward a position to counteract it... but Spica was a ways from Sakhara. It was closer to Bristol, and New Avalon sure, and if he was on Kathil at the time that would closer still but that still hinged on being present... and even Kathil would be pushing it to respond quickly.

... and it would be best to b e able to tell Hanse something soon, or if not him, then tell Ian something in the near future... before Justin graduated before he shipped to Spica. This wasn't Halstead or Mallory's world where he could get away with not collaborating on moves , he was in a much different position now, and he was going to be much more involved in national politics from here on out.

Notes: I willprobably be focusing on some various scraps I have half finished thatjust have been sitting around, I really wanted to get back intoupdating out of the dark, and the out of the dark (weber) fic alongwith eminence in shadow real life has just been uncooperative of late. We will pick up with Hanse, and more BattleMech stuff next time though.
interesting no 260s, 275s, or 300s are planned for export. Albeit I suppose short of getting kallon to make thunderbolts and crusaders 260s at least with existing designs aren't that useful at the present date in the suns unless wanting more Jagermechs. coudl be there's limits on what's practical to do at the moment since you can't magically create hardened locations for said plants from thin air.
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interesting no 260s, 275s, or 300s are planned for export. Albeit I suppose short of getting kallon to make thunderbolts and crusaders 260s at least with existing designs aren't that useful at the present date in the suns unless wanting more Jagermechs. coudl be there's limits on what's practical to do at the moment since you can't magically create hardened locations for said plants from thin air.
Yeah, Henry is basically parsing down what he plans to use the essence for in terms of production of engines and while talks with Kallon are still in tentative planning stages for the future. There are a lot of eyes right now, and he has bristol.
Try for a 300 first the 75 and 100 ton brackets have some nice mechs. That said the t-bolt might justify the 260 by itself. The mech is a older model but it's one they got right.
Try for a 300 first the 75 and 100 ton brackets have some nice mechs. That said the t-bolt might justify the 260 by itself. The mech is a older model but it's one they got right.
300 is nice but then you got the 60 ton 5/8 which is a bit hit and miss in terms of good mechs. ost doing it well and quick draw showing how not to. then you go to a 50 tonner 6/9 and I can only think of the Chameleon that did it. fine for what it is but that is basically just a heavier pixie that I think might be worse or just not better. and going any lower needs the XL.

I guess if I wanted to throw a slightly odd ball engine rating I'd lean towards 275. the 55 ton 5/8/5 mafia is consistently good. not always great. but they are good. I do like the 260 though. T-bolts and Cats do good work. 270 could be neat. Highlanders even without their gauss are formidable and pixies are good.
Imperator Pax can you post a list of what is being made at each planet? The details are getting confusing and hard to follow. Especially since it looks like partnership deals are going to happen.
Thanks in advance, PM.

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