5 July 1917
Imperator Pax
Talon Master
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5 July 1917
He grinned taking the steps two at a time. They were going up the stairs not down, and they no longer had the element of surprise. If he had to go through any doors, he'd slow down, and and come across but going down stairs was always easier than up. He'd already pushed another enfield style magazine into the remington's magwell, and the hunt was on.
The blood was up, and they were in it. Chances were Cole was in the fight as well. They had emplaced the men across the street close enough that with glass they could still make out faces, and thus the distinctions of men's uniforms. From the number of rounds fired since the shooting had started though the major in charge of the detachment must have decided he could best secure the objectives by going ahead and eliminating the drinkers on the second floor gallery while they were stupered.
So that left the question whether or not the leg infantry was pushing to the doors of either wing to start coming in behind them. They had figured that the best plan was to pull everyone out of the school if things went loud because if someone started a fire it was scarcely imaginable that they'd get the school cleared of a few hundred students and the staff in time otherwise.
The upper floor's landing was already a mess though, "Down," He shouted in English, rattling the basic command in imperative north chinese dialects. A gray uninformed man with epaulets didn't listen and took the business from the corporal's browning that painted the wall behind him a too red scarlet. The shotgun gave twice more in the hall's confines at men with 88s even as the corporal took over issuing commands to comply.
From the sound of it Cole was at the opposite landing engaging mixed pistol and rifle fire. The lieutenant in his own squad looked wide eyed, "From the number of officers there must be a whole company here, sir."
He shook his head as they stopped at a corner, "I don't think so lieutenant," The hadn't been seeing the right number of NCOs, or rather it seemed likely given what they were encountering lieutenants who were serving in roles that sergeants should have been in... because so far he wasn't seeing sergeants... but this was also a mix, "I think this is a mix of cavalry and infantry men, not a whole unit." A number of them men they'd had to shoot wore cavalry boots in distinction to their leg infantry counter parts.
Allen followed the look back to the stairs they'd come up. "Reinforcements are entering." The Lieutenant observed. Cole's gendarmes were probably coming up the other side as well.
"If there is a company in here, then we'll find out." But it seemed unlikely. Allen pushed the corner rifle slightly above his hip and high as he forced his vision to keep from narrowing to pin pricks as he found another riflemen. At about the same time he fired another Remington barked catching the man in the torso. The two shots pushing the soldier over the bannister and sending the rifle tumbling when it hit the ground the stock broke chipping a long sliver of the toe.
There were too many doors to cover though, and too many people rushing out of various rooms forcing him to call a halt before they pushed any further. The men outside with scoped rifles had stopped firing, suggesting either they'd cleared the gallery or any remainder had had the good sense to keep their heads down, and stay away from the windows. They certainly weren't attempting to return fire... but that raised the question of whether whatever rifles they had, were they pointed at the opposite side. Were they pointed at the doors coming into the upstairs gallery?
The doors to the gallery were big. That was a plus, and the defenders had supposedly been in varying states of intoxication when Percy had come out... Allen spared a look down at the receiver of the Remington, he wished there was a hand sign for reload, the closest was the command to make ready.... which was something of a nice catch all, but catch alls lead to confusion. The other option was to chain instructions passing man to man in the formation.
Entirely different than the sort of fighting that had characterized the July Action thus far. Then again these were not the line service riflemen either. He reiterated the make ready sign taking the partially empty magazine out, and putting in another of Griswold's ten rounders.
They had to break down more than one set of doors to clear the upper storey. A couple of college age students had been hogtied in a broom closet with their heads shaved recently, but overall not much worse for the wear. Contingent on the expectation that the troops securing the lower floor, and the men on the train cars and rooftops would keep the exterior windows cover the mix of gray and black uniform troops cleared the rest of the upper story.
"Leave the biggest one for last." He nodded at Cole's remark. The majority of Cullen's troopers were carrying Winchester 351 rifles, Cole was carrying a Griswold modified Remington. "If this is how fighting is going to be brother john this is going to be a problem." The Remingtons had been expensive guns to import, though as part of the deal inked in 1914 FN in exchange for cash they had the technical documents to produce them... but they'd already been doing that before... but the expense still existed in manufacturing.
Allen nodded, and turned to an infantry officer, "Signal that we're about to breach." that would let the rifles glassing the gallery know. He numbered off short sections that would push in, front, left right and then the aid contingent carrying the rear as Cullen did the same for the other door.
Once they were through the big doors they could push to corners and walls and funnel more riflemen in from reinforcing troops but those men would have full length bolt actions. Too long to be appropriate for the confines of building fighting.
He signaled ready, and the gesture was returned. The doors crashed opened within seconds and as a throng the demi platoon opened fire. A couple of defenders attempted to stand and either took frontal fire, or took rounds into their backs from the outside of the building.
In twenty seconds it was done. The gallery smelled of piss, shit, and vomit.
"What a pig sty." Cole grunted one of several who were making similar observations. A sergeant told the enlisted to shut up, and get moving before moving to body check a civilian attire westerner from coming forward.
"Mr Bohannon, Mr Forrest. I had thought that was Mr Graves earlier."
The sergeant grimaced., a gesture that Allen would have been happy to mirror, "Its fine get the rest of these boys out of here." They'd put together a grave detail to collect the dead from Zhang Xun for transport to the field cemetery outside of town. "And let Percy come in," He was chomping at the bit, and it made sense to just wait for the englishman.
That left them to wait and let the schoolteacher natter away. Allen had begun to tune him out as soon as the conversation turned to the school's literature curriculum, but the greasy, combed over, haired man started asking question. "I mean you have schools."
"We went to west point, it has a liberal arts department. I studied language and mathematics." The southerner neglected to mention that while Natural Philosophy had been on the campus it had been ignored in favor of the tactile pursuits of how to build... or explode... a bridge. He wondered if Congress would graduate next year's class early to contend with the European war... he'd heard already that there were predicted officer shortages and that new methods were to be tried.
The philosopher nodded, "and I am sure that must greatly impact your own curriculums. After all," He shakily chuckled, "One does teach what one knows."
"John Allen, ah jolly good." Percy made a show of checking his pocket watch, "You went in with great Elan, I should say. Nakamichi seems to think there is some problem effecting the running gears of Manchuria's railway, it came over the cable. The railway is about borrowing some kind of tension adjustment tool for them." Percy carried on in a tide of nonsensical jargon, as Nakamichi slunk quietly into the room.
Cole elbowed him and leaned over, "You think that call he placed to Korea."
"Was to Isaburo?" He was skeptical, "Maybe but."
"You don't think so?"
"Isaburo isn't the kind of man to suggest scuttling the trains," It was possible of course, but. "Whatever the case if those trains aren't running, that's fifteen thousand modern troops stuck too far north to do anything." It was always possible whoever was in charge of the south manchuria had put two and two together to get four and knew if they let the oil out of the bottle the lack of lubrication would mean the trains wouldn't be going very far.
Percy cleared his throat, "Gentlemen, give all the fuss, if you might join us all for an early tea time."
Notes: this gets us through the first portion of the Manchu Restoration. As ATL, this is more action than there actually was, for the most part none of the beiyang commanders were really that keen on actually shooting at one another and while there were small scale skirmishes Duan Qirui basically resolved things by telling Zhang he was outnumbered ten to one, and talked him down by using largely showy flash maneuvers (Duan had peking strafed by the handful of French aircraft Yuan Shikai had purchased before the war, dynamite was dropped. It did neglibile physical damage but it was a novel thing) rather than any real meatgrinding action. Zhang Xun was then basically allowed to retire, without real repercussions against his person.
Then Duan and Feng proceeded to get into an argument, but that is down the road. Anyway the July of 1917 arc still has a ways to go, Yan Xishan shows up, and there are some other matters, but the July Action here sets the precedent for a number of factors that form the institutional basis for Xian military doctrine... and why the Gendarmes [and other specialist / 'elite' elements] are really quick to adopt smgs in a couple years when those become available in numbers.
That being said the July Arc is not going to cover every day there will be a couple of time skips to account for travel, and redeployment as well as the aftermath of the attempted restoration before we move into August.
He grinned taking the steps two at a time. They were going up the stairs not down, and they no longer had the element of surprise. If he had to go through any doors, he'd slow down, and and come across but going down stairs was always easier than up. He'd already pushed another enfield style magazine into the remington's magwell, and the hunt was on.
The blood was up, and they were in it. Chances were Cole was in the fight as well. They had emplaced the men across the street close enough that with glass they could still make out faces, and thus the distinctions of men's uniforms. From the number of rounds fired since the shooting had started though the major in charge of the detachment must have decided he could best secure the objectives by going ahead and eliminating the drinkers on the second floor gallery while they were stupered.
So that left the question whether or not the leg infantry was pushing to the doors of either wing to start coming in behind them. They had figured that the best plan was to pull everyone out of the school if things went loud because if someone started a fire it was scarcely imaginable that they'd get the school cleared of a few hundred students and the staff in time otherwise.
The upper floor's landing was already a mess though, "Down," He shouted in English, rattling the basic command in imperative north chinese dialects. A gray uninformed man with epaulets didn't listen and took the business from the corporal's browning that painted the wall behind him a too red scarlet. The shotgun gave twice more in the hall's confines at men with 88s even as the corporal took over issuing commands to comply.
From the sound of it Cole was at the opposite landing engaging mixed pistol and rifle fire. The lieutenant in his own squad looked wide eyed, "From the number of officers there must be a whole company here, sir."
He shook his head as they stopped at a corner, "I don't think so lieutenant," The hadn't been seeing the right number of NCOs, or rather it seemed likely given what they were encountering lieutenants who were serving in roles that sergeants should have been in... because so far he wasn't seeing sergeants... but this was also a mix, "I think this is a mix of cavalry and infantry men, not a whole unit." A number of them men they'd had to shoot wore cavalry boots in distinction to their leg infantry counter parts.
Allen followed the look back to the stairs they'd come up. "Reinforcements are entering." The Lieutenant observed. Cole's gendarmes were probably coming up the other side as well.
"If there is a company in here, then we'll find out." But it seemed unlikely. Allen pushed the corner rifle slightly above his hip and high as he forced his vision to keep from narrowing to pin pricks as he found another riflemen. At about the same time he fired another Remington barked catching the man in the torso. The two shots pushing the soldier over the bannister and sending the rifle tumbling when it hit the ground the stock broke chipping a long sliver of the toe.
There were too many doors to cover though, and too many people rushing out of various rooms forcing him to call a halt before they pushed any further. The men outside with scoped rifles had stopped firing, suggesting either they'd cleared the gallery or any remainder had had the good sense to keep their heads down, and stay away from the windows. They certainly weren't attempting to return fire... but that raised the question of whether whatever rifles they had, were they pointed at the opposite side. Were they pointed at the doors coming into the upstairs gallery?
The doors to the gallery were big. That was a plus, and the defenders had supposedly been in varying states of intoxication when Percy had come out... Allen spared a look down at the receiver of the Remington, he wished there was a hand sign for reload, the closest was the command to make ready.... which was something of a nice catch all, but catch alls lead to confusion. The other option was to chain instructions passing man to man in the formation.
Entirely different than the sort of fighting that had characterized the July Action thus far. Then again these were not the line service riflemen either. He reiterated the make ready sign taking the partially empty magazine out, and putting in another of Griswold's ten rounders.
They had to break down more than one set of doors to clear the upper storey. A couple of college age students had been hogtied in a broom closet with their heads shaved recently, but overall not much worse for the wear. Contingent on the expectation that the troops securing the lower floor, and the men on the train cars and rooftops would keep the exterior windows cover the mix of gray and black uniform troops cleared the rest of the upper story.
"Leave the biggest one for last." He nodded at Cole's remark. The majority of Cullen's troopers were carrying Winchester 351 rifles, Cole was carrying a Griswold modified Remington. "If this is how fighting is going to be brother john this is going to be a problem." The Remingtons had been expensive guns to import, though as part of the deal inked in 1914 FN in exchange for cash they had the technical documents to produce them... but they'd already been doing that before... but the expense still existed in manufacturing.
Allen nodded, and turned to an infantry officer, "Signal that we're about to breach." that would let the rifles glassing the gallery know. He numbered off short sections that would push in, front, left right and then the aid contingent carrying the rear as Cullen did the same for the other door.
Once they were through the big doors they could push to corners and walls and funnel more riflemen in from reinforcing troops but those men would have full length bolt actions. Too long to be appropriate for the confines of building fighting.
He signaled ready, and the gesture was returned. The doors crashed opened within seconds and as a throng the demi platoon opened fire. A couple of defenders attempted to stand and either took frontal fire, or took rounds into their backs from the outside of the building.
In twenty seconds it was done. The gallery smelled of piss, shit, and vomit.
"What a pig sty." Cole grunted one of several who were making similar observations. A sergeant told the enlisted to shut up, and get moving before moving to body check a civilian attire westerner from coming forward.
"Mr Bohannon, Mr Forrest. I had thought that was Mr Graves earlier."
The sergeant grimaced., a gesture that Allen would have been happy to mirror, "Its fine get the rest of these boys out of here." They'd put together a grave detail to collect the dead from Zhang Xun for transport to the field cemetery outside of town. "And let Percy come in," He was chomping at the bit, and it made sense to just wait for the englishman.
That left them to wait and let the schoolteacher natter away. Allen had begun to tune him out as soon as the conversation turned to the school's literature curriculum, but the greasy, combed over, haired man started asking question. "I mean you have schools."
"We went to west point, it has a liberal arts department. I studied language and mathematics." The southerner neglected to mention that while Natural Philosophy had been on the campus it had been ignored in favor of the tactile pursuits of how to build... or explode... a bridge. He wondered if Congress would graduate next year's class early to contend with the European war... he'd heard already that there were predicted officer shortages and that new methods were to be tried.
The philosopher nodded, "and I am sure that must greatly impact your own curriculums. After all," He shakily chuckled, "One does teach what one knows."
"John Allen, ah jolly good." Percy made a show of checking his pocket watch, "You went in with great Elan, I should say. Nakamichi seems to think there is some problem effecting the running gears of Manchuria's railway, it came over the cable. The railway is about borrowing some kind of tension adjustment tool for them." Percy carried on in a tide of nonsensical jargon, as Nakamichi slunk quietly into the room.
Cole elbowed him and leaned over, "You think that call he placed to Korea."
"Was to Isaburo?" He was skeptical, "Maybe but."
"You don't think so?"
"Isaburo isn't the kind of man to suggest scuttling the trains," It was possible of course, but. "Whatever the case if those trains aren't running, that's fifteen thousand modern troops stuck too far north to do anything." It was always possible whoever was in charge of the south manchuria had put two and two together to get four and knew if they let the oil out of the bottle the lack of lubrication would mean the trains wouldn't be going very far.
Percy cleared his throat, "Gentlemen, give all the fuss, if you might join us all for an early tea time."
Notes: this gets us through the first portion of the Manchu Restoration. As ATL, this is more action than there actually was, for the most part none of the beiyang commanders were really that keen on actually shooting at one another and while there were small scale skirmishes Duan Qirui basically resolved things by telling Zhang he was outnumbered ten to one, and talked him down by using largely showy flash maneuvers (Duan had peking strafed by the handful of French aircraft Yuan Shikai had purchased before the war, dynamite was dropped. It did neglibile physical damage but it was a novel thing) rather than any real meatgrinding action. Zhang Xun was then basically allowed to retire, without real repercussions against his person.
Then Duan and Feng proceeded to get into an argument, but that is down the road. Anyway the July of 1917 arc still has a ways to go, Yan Xishan shows up, and there are some other matters, but the July Action here sets the precedent for a number of factors that form the institutional basis for Xian military doctrine... and why the Gendarmes [and other specialist / 'elite' elements] are really quick to adopt smgs in a couple years when those become available in numbers.
That being said the July Arc is not going to cover every day there will be a couple of time skips to account for travel, and redeployment as well as the aftermath of the attempted restoration before we move into August.