Doctor Knowall 6
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Doctor Knowall entered his first class with a Scroll, a box of medical supplies, and a neutral enough smile. He walked in and scanned around. He easily caught sight of his younger self, which gave him a bit of pride.
Glad to see he's not slacking off, he thought. His mood improved a bit more when he saw the rest of his younger counterpart's team... Then dropped a bit when he saw RWBY. That's... Gonna be tough.
His mood soured entirely when he noted that the vast majority of his students were females, all eyeing him with varying looks of adoration. He held in a sigh as he walked up to the front of the room.
Geez... Yang did always say I underappreciated my appeal.
His mood darkened even more. He shook his head free of it and looked around the classroom with a neutral expression.
Don't think about her... You're doing this so she'll have a happy future... Without you.
"Welcome to First Aid and Emergency Response," Knowall stated, "A lot of Hunters think Aura is all you need out there to survive. These are what we call 'idiots.'"
There were some giggles. He let them die down.
"But the fact of the matter is? Even if you have Aura, most people don't," Knowall continued, "Not enough to be useful as protection, which is why most people don't bother unlocking it. And even with Aura? You are not invincible. There are countless ways to bring down Hunters. You might choke to death in a fire because you have no oxygen. You might drown. You might get overwhelmed by countless strikes. There might be so many Grimm you can't escape. Grimm can use venoms, toxins, and other effects to make accessing your Aura difficult or impossible."
He dropped his first aid kit on the desk in front of him. The loud bang made everyone jump. Good.
"So, two important pieces of advice," he stated, "One: You are not going to defeat the Grimm on your own. There are many songs of heroes who stood their ground to the last. You will never get to hear that song. So if it is an option-And believe me, 99 times out of a 100, it is an option-Retreat. Keep your team together. Get anyone you can out of danger and to safety. Houses and towns can be rebuilt. Beings with souls are priceless."
He looked around slowly, glad that everyone's eyes were on him. He was cheating now, using one of his mom's techniques to keep himself calm.
Because he knew many people who hadn't retreated. He didn't want to think they didn't have the option... And yet...
Focus, he admonished himself.
"Your job is to save lives. Don't forget that."
He then smiled.
"And two? Being able to do first aid of any kind maximizes not only your changes of survival, but those of the people we protect."
He opened the first aid kit. He held up a vial of white Dust.
"Who can tell me what this is?" He asked.
Weiss' hand shot up. He nodded to her.
"It's healing dust, Doctor Knowall," she said happily, "Grade 2.4, for standard field issue!"
Knowall raised an eyebrow and nodded.
"Very good, Miss Schnee. How do we use Healing Dust? Anyone?"
Jaune's hand shot up, and Knowall nodded. Jaune coughed.
"Ah, you channel your Aura through it into another person, giving them some of your Aura."
"Explain the process," Knowall ordered. His younger counterpart nodded, his voice growing a bit louder and more confident.
"Well, uh, Aura has energies that repel other Auras-Souls are different for everyone, after all, so most Aura can't be transferred into another person without being filtered. Healing Dust absorbs the part of Aura energy that are, well, unique to an individual so only a neutral energy enters another. The conversion rate is only about 25% though."
"True," Knowall nodded, gesturing for Jaune to sit down, "But twenty-five percent is better than no percent. In this way, healing dust has revolutionized medicine. Especially out in the field. Giving someone a few extra points of Aura in combat can mean the difference between life and death."
A few of his classmates were eyeing Jaune with some new respect. Good. He'd been good at school but he had a bad habit of slacking off when he got too stressed out. Hopefully his extra training was letting his younger counterpart manage that.
"So," Knowall stated, "We'll begin with basics of Aura transfer through Healing Dust. How to apply it and how to channel it. Not everyone is going to be very good at this to start with... And that's fine. Everyone is terrible at something until they get good at it. Practice and hard work is how you get good at something, so don't get discouraged."
"So uh, what will we be practicing on, Doc?" Yang asked. Knowall turned to stare at her. He calmly reached up to his left forearm, and lowered his Aura down to almost nothing. He adjusted his pain receptors, focused...
Then snapped his radius and ulna with an audible crack.
"Me," he stated calmly, ignoring the gasps, cries, and one student vomiting. He wasn't going to apologize though.
It was how his mother had taught him, after all.
- - -
Doctor Knowall retired to his office in the Beacon Infirmary after classes were done for the day. It was clean and cutting edge, like the rest of the building. None of the medical scanners had been cobbled together out of anything he could salvage. None of the beds were cots made out of wood duct-taped together with cut apart bedsheets. There was no snarling of Grimm, no pounding of guns or missiles.
It was calm, pristine even.
It all made Jaune feel... Twitchy. Jumpy.
"Hey Doc?"
He took a deep breath. He turned on his chair to face the open door out into the infirmary. He went through every meditative technique he knew.
For standing there with a bright, cocky smile on her face was Yang Xiao-Long.
"Miss Xiao-Long," Jaune said, "What can I do for you?"
Yang smirked a bit, mischief in her violet eyes. It was so familiar it was utterly painful.
"Well, I wanted to get a check up," she said, rolling her shoulders, "My last combat class was pretty rough, and I'm a little sore."
Knowall's keen eyes and Aura senses identified that there was literally nothing wrong with her. He should tell her to run off, stop wasting his damn time. She used to flirt like this with him all the time, in... In the future.
He should just...
"Sit down," he sighed. Yang grinned and sat down on one of the beds, perched like a glamour model. Knowall nodded and scooted over on his chair's roller wheels. He rested a hand on her shoulder, and flared his Aura. Yang sucked in a deep breath as he poked a few muscles and studied her Aura reactions.
"You'll be fine, minor overextension of your ligaments," Knowall stated, standing up and walking over to pick up his Scroll. He tapped out a few notes and added it to her digital chart. He turned back and shook his head.
"You need to diversify your attacks," Knowall stated, "Kicks can be very useful, too. As well as blocking."
Yang pouted a bit at him.
"You sound like my dad," she huffed. She complained about that all the time in the future, too. Whenever he warned her. Whenever he tried to get her to be safer.
"Listen to him," Knowall stated, once again looking over the infirmary and finding it spotless. He hated it.
"You'll avoid a lot of pain if you do," he stated, glaring at her. Yang scowled in confusion. It was just like her... So bright, so defiant...
"What's your problem?" She demanded bluntly. "I just wanted to get some attention. Maybe..." She smirked. "Brighten up your day-?"
Knowall slammed a fist into the wall, leaving a crater. He took slow, deep breaths. He slowly turned to look back at the shocked Yang.
"... Sorry," he murmured, standing up straight. "I'll have to ask Miss Goodwitch to fix that."
"... I..." She shook her head slowly. "I-I'm sorry. I didn't mean to... To touch a nerve."
Knowall slowly nodded. Silence fell in the infirmary for a bit. A silence Yang predictably broke.
"Who... Who was she?"
Knowall started and looked back at her. Yang shrugged with a small, apologetic smile.
"Someone... Someone had to have made you this angry. Fifty-fifty, right?" She asked. "Did..." She sucked in a breath. "Did she... Run out on you? Abandon you?"
She looked down at her hands, resting in her lap.
"... Break your heart?"
Knowall sighed. He took off his glasses and wiped them off.
"No," he said, "She... She was murdered."
Yang looked up in shock. Knowall stared past her. He just... He couldn't look directly at her. To see her here, intact, whole, alive... While his memories showed everything...
"Our wedding day," he mumbled, "White Fang broke in. She was... She was friends with someone the leader was obsessed with. He wanted to punish her. Kill all her human friends..."
He closed his eyes. Yep... It was still there. She fought for her life. She killed so many of the White Fang members. He had screamed himself hoarse, tried to pull free. To help her. His captors were too strong for brute force alone.
Even then, he just couldn't bring himself to use his arts to hurt people.
Then Adam descended like a demon out of myth... And stabbed her through the heart. He saw the life go out of Yang's eyes.
And after that... There was only rage. And pain.
"... When they killed her," he mumbled, "I... I broke my oath. I finally... Had enough. I used everything..." He stared at his open palm. Funny, he expected it to be covered in blood.
"Everything I knew... To kill them all."
He shut his eyes again. All the members of the White Fang were dying in horrible agony. Adam? He had saved the worst for him. Every minute of his death had been an exercise in pain and cruelty. Even when the mighty White Fang leader, humbled and broken, had begged for mercy... Knowall hadn't responded.
He'd watched him with unblinking eyes as he perished, his very body eating itself to death.
In the end...
"... It brought me nothing but more pain," he whispered. "Not even absolution. I... I haven't felt peace since that day. Just... Nothing."
He felt her rise. Felt her wrap her arms around him. He opened his eyes and looked down at her. Yang was doing her best to keep the tears out of her eyes, but... The sheer compassion in her gaze was heartbreakingly familiar.
"... Sorry," she whispered.
Knowall very slowly nodded.
"Thank you."
He cleared his throat. He got himself under control... And pushed her away to a respectful distance, pulling his hand back just as carefully.
"Thank you," he repeated, "I'm very sorry I got so... Unprofessional."
"I, no, I-I get it," Yang admitted quietly. She smiled softly. "I know how you have to be strong... Even when-"
"You're crying on the inside," Knowall finished. Yang stared at him in mild shock, but nodded.
Knowall again cleared his throat.
"You should get back to your team," he said. She turned to go, slowly. He watched her walk out.
He sighed and rubbed his face.
When Yang Xiao-Long was involved? He was always weak. Too damn weak.
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