Versed in the lewd.
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ok, trying to plan now.
We have
4 Velvet actions
5 servant actions (converted in 2 Velvet APs)
near certainly another 4 followers actions will be converted to 1 Velvet AP.
1 free social, 1 free mansus, 15 or 16 followers actions...
We also have 409 bits, and next turn we should get another 160 + around 50 from Rarity share, + >100 from Commission.
Velvet will effectively have 8 actions (4+ 3 from Cover your bases, + 1 free social). AND the mansus free point, that's definitely going to Outsider.
Let's try making a draft.
First of all, the most urgent things: We need Axe's Sacrament. THat's 3 actions, with the hope it will take less than that and we might get a leftover AP for something else.
Forge's redemption is extra safety, and it prepares us for Edge Sacrament (maybe next turn?)
Velvet wouldn't be Velvet if she didn't worry about her family. so Family FO is a must. Same for Selene FO, because we need to empower her.
That's 6 actions already. Sorry Uncle, we probably can't afford to help you.
7th... I'd go for Artifact studying, but I SUPPOSE we could do a study turn next turn with Lantern influence?
I feel like I'm forgetting something... maybe it will come to me later
eh, Velvet's specifics can wait a bit I suppose. let's go Category by Category in the meantime.
-[] [DETECTIVES] (FOLLOW UP) There are still changelings out there. Hunt them. Look for them, and for the ponies who colluded with them. (One of the chief expectations of the Bureau. Avert a future Catastrophe)
fairly obvious pick, though I was tempted by the other ones honestly.
-[] [CONSTABLES] (FOLLOW UP) Your detectives have given you a very long list, of ponies and places involved in the attempt against your life. Round them up and put them all in jail, before this trail goes cold.
This gives us time to check Tall Tale on our own AND it's also the most "urgent" one.
-[] [COMMISSIONER] Some of the ponies in the Bureau are more important than the others. Get to know them better.
--[] Shining Armor, your Deputy.
-[] [COMMISSIONER] The Lunar Bureau is not the only recently-minted institution in Equestria. Try to contact the others.
--[] Eclipse(?), and Midday Dew.
for Shining, the idea is that it pairs well with Cadance/Friends FO.
For Midday Dew, that we'd try to find out more about what they're doing, maybe helping us preparing for Celestia's actions. We might also be able to nudge them towards NOT pursuing Lantern as much, maybe...
-[] [RARITY] Take a commission. (Gain at least 100 bits immediately, will "fail" her career roll)
we need more bits, always more bits
-[] [JADE] Research "A Memory of Light" (Current progress 0/100, uses Learning and LANTERN)
we could have her scry. Problem is, we don't actually have a place for her to scry from. Which is another reason I really want to complete Canterlot Part 3...
-[] [BALDOMARE] Ask for a lesson on the Lores. (WRITE IN Lore)
-[] [BALDOMARE] Channel an Influence. (WRITE IN Lore)
If I managed to fit in an extra study action, there's an argument in favour of the influence. It would help studying artifacts and books, AND it's an extra influence that MIGHT come in handy during Axe's sacrament if we're lucky.
It's currently a maybe.
the lesson would be so after doing both influence and artifact we'd be at 4/4 and ready for her lantern sacrament.
-[] [MAREINETTE] You need her to talk to… (WRITE IN a pony for her to speak with in, "stepping into" your horseshoes).
--[] Spoiled Rich.
We want her at Close Friend so we can do Moth Sacrament on either turn 22 or 23.
-[] [AXE] Ask for a Knock lesson.
we need knock 4/4. only way we might not need to do this is IF we instead study the Knock book.
5 servants are converted into Velvet APs, obviously.
this leaves the following unaccounted for:
we need 4 for the third Velvet AP. I'd say Fluttercomet, Filthy Rich, Servants and either Biedde or one Selene is the obvious pick.
A few other options worth considering:
--[] In Ponyville, and its… great assortments of libraries? (HEART, FORGE)
to try to get lvl 3 Heart books (and expedition books). mid-priority because we have already a lot of stuff to research
-[] You need this to be done. Send a pony on an expedition. (Will cause an "Expedition planning" vote to occur, later this turn. If the expedition is not a "short" one, you must pick this action as many times as you want followers to participate in it.)
I'm seriously considering Tall Tale or Canterlot part 3.
-[] Three extra Velvet actions! (Costs 9 follower actions)
I want to see, what can we get away with sending, and how it affects our turn planning.
I'd like to do it as I'm fairly convinced it will unlock a ritual site which we really need. It's also likely very rewarding to do.
Problem is, it will consume all actions for those we send.
we DEFINITELY need to send Axe. so it means we'd need to study the Knock Book on our own.
we'd also have to likely send Biedde (doable), and someone else, probably Selene or Mareinette (both fairly busy).
so I'm leaning towards us not being ready for it. Maybe next turn.
this is more doable.
being Medium means it will use all actions for everyone EXCEPT Selene as add-on, which would have her use only 1.
We could send Biedde leader, Selene follower, and then Axe (or Mareinette, admittedly), with plenty of artifacts to help.
That said, Baldomare would be extremely useful here, but she's the one we can least afford I fear...
bits required: 210 bits, we'd likely recover most of it, so I'm not worried about that.
damn it, I don't think I can justify it!
We have
4 Velvet actions
5 servant actions (converted in 2 Velvet APs)
near certainly another 4 followers actions will be converted to 1 Velvet AP.
1 free social, 1 free mansus, 15 or 16 followers actions...
Rarity: 1
Jade Whistle: 1
Fluttershy: 1
Filthy Rich: 1 (UNCERTAIN)
Baldomare: 1
Mareinette: 1
Velvet Axe: 1
Biedde: 1
Selene: 2
Household servants: 1
One-time use servants: 5
We also have 409 bits, and next turn we should get another 160 + around 50 from Rarity share, + >100 from Commission.
Velvet will effectively have 8 actions (4+ 3 from Cover your bases, + 1 free social). AND the mansus free point, that's definitely going to Outsider.
Let's try making a draft.
First of all, the most urgent things: We need Axe's Sacrament. THat's 3 actions, with the hope it will take less than that and we might get a leftover AP for something else.
Forge's redemption is extra safety, and it prepares us for Edge Sacrament (maybe next turn?)
Velvet wouldn't be Velvet if she didn't worry about her family. so Family FO is a must. Same for Selene FO, because we need to empower her.
That's 6 actions already. Sorry Uncle, we probably can't afford to help you.
7th... I'd go for Artifact studying, but I SUPPOSE we could do a study turn next turn with Lantern influence?
I feel like I'm forgetting something... maybe it will come to me later
eh, Velvet's specifics can wait a bit I suppose. let's go Category by Category in the meantime.
-[] [DETECTIVES] (FOLLOW UP) There are still changelings out there. Hunt them. Look for them, and for the ponies who colluded with them. (One of the chief expectations of the Bureau. Avert a future Catastrophe)
fairly obvious pick, though I was tempted by the other ones honestly.
-[] [CONSTABLES] (FOLLOW UP) Your detectives have given you a very long list, of ponies and places involved in the attempt against your life. Round them up and put them all in jail, before this trail goes cold.
This gives us time to check Tall Tale on our own AND it's also the most "urgent" one.
-[] [COMMISSIONER] Some of the ponies in the Bureau are more important than the others. Get to know them better.
--[] Shining Armor, your Deputy.
-[] [COMMISSIONER] The Lunar Bureau is not the only recently-minted institution in Equestria. Try to contact the others.
--[] Eclipse(?), and Midday Dew.
for Shining, the idea is that it pairs well with Cadance/Friends FO.
For Midday Dew, that we'd try to find out more about what they're doing, maybe helping us preparing for Celestia's actions. We might also be able to nudge them towards NOT pursuing Lantern as much, maybe...
Rarity: 1
Jade Whistle: 1
Fluttershy: 1
Filthy Rich: 1 (UNCERTAIN)
Baldomare: 1
Mareinette: 1
Velvet Axe: 1
Biedde: 1
Selene: 2
Household servants: 1
One-time use servants: 5
-[] [RARITY] Take a commission. (Gain at least 100 bits immediately, will "fail" her career roll)
we need more bits, always more bits
-[] [JADE] Research "A Memory of Light" (Current progress 0/100, uses Learning and LANTERN)
we could have her scry. Problem is, we don't actually have a place for her to scry from. Which is another reason I really want to complete Canterlot Part 3...
-[] [BALDOMARE] Ask for a lesson on the Lores. (WRITE IN Lore)
-[] [BALDOMARE] Channel an Influence. (WRITE IN Lore)
If I managed to fit in an extra study action, there's an argument in favour of the influence. It would help studying artifacts and books, AND it's an extra influence that MIGHT come in handy during Axe's sacrament if we're lucky.
It's currently a maybe.
the lesson would be so after doing both influence and artifact we'd be at 4/4 and ready for her lantern sacrament.
-[] [MAREINETTE] You need her to talk to… (WRITE IN a pony for her to speak with in, "stepping into" your horseshoes).
--[] Spoiled Rich.
We want her at Close Friend so we can do Moth Sacrament on either turn 22 or 23.
-[] [AXE] Ask for a Knock lesson.
we need knock 4/4. only way we might not need to do this is IF we instead study the Knock book.
5 servants are converted into Velvet APs, obviously.
this leaves the following unaccounted for:
Fluttershy: 1
Filthy Rich: 1 (UNCERTAIN)
Biedde: 1
Selene: 2
Household servants: 1
we need 4 for the third Velvet AP. I'd say Fluttercomet, Filthy Rich, Servants and either Biedde or one Selene is the obvious pick.
A few other options worth considering:
--[] In Ponyville, and its… great assortments of libraries? (HEART, FORGE)
to try to get lvl 3 Heart books (and expedition books). mid-priority because we have already a lot of stuff to research
-[] You need this to be done. Send a pony on an expedition. (Will cause an "Expedition planning" vote to occur, later this turn. If the expedition is not a "short" one, you must pick this action as many times as you want followers to participate in it.)
I'm seriously considering Tall Tale or Canterlot part 3.
-[] Three extra Velvet actions! (Costs 9 follower actions)
I want to see, what can we get away with sending, and how it affects our turn planning.
I'd like to do it as I'm fairly convinced it will unlock a ritual site which we really need. It's also likely very rewarding to do.
Problem is, it will consume all actions for those we send.
we DEFINITELY need to send Axe. so it means we'd need to study the Knock Book on our own.
we'd also have to likely send Biedde (doable), and someone else, probably Selene or Mareinette (both fairly busy).
so I'm leaning towards us not being ready for it. Maybe next turn.
this is more doable.
Expedition type Velvet/Leader actions required to go Confidante/Summon actions required to go Expected duration Short 1/1 Free 5 days Medium 2/2 1 10 days Long 3/All 2 15 days
Location: Tall Tale is a growing city, surrounded on one side by a quickly-disappearing forest, and by tall mountains on the other. Those mountains, according to your agents, are currently infested by changelings. You could sneak in there, to either strike at the changelings yourself, steal from them, or maybe even PLANT something you would like your constables to find later. But unfortunately, this endeavor will not be without dangers.
(NOTE: This expedition will DISAPPEAR if the Lunar Bureau raids it before you do. But an expedition sent here will arrive before the Bureau raids it, if both actions are taken on the same turn.)
Expected duration: MEDIUM
Base cost: 7 bits (you must have at least 70 bits per creature sent)
Expected dangers: Sneaking past your own agents shouldn't be hard, since you know their every move. And there are changelings in the mountains themselves. Other than that, anything else is UNKNOWN (expedition not scouted)
being Medium means it will use all actions for everyone EXCEPT Selene as add-on, which would have her use only 1.
We could send Biedde leader, Selene follower, and then Axe (or Mareinette, admittedly), with plenty of artifacts to help.
That said, Baldomare would be extremely useful here, but she's the one we can least afford I fear...
bits required: 210 bits, we'd likely recover most of it, so I'm not worried about that.
damn it, I don't think I can justify it!

summary of the spoiler tab is that I don't think we can afford expeditions due to Name actions being too important.
I'm starting to think we should have Baldomare give us a Lantern influence, and then we do 1 or 2 study actions for
1)Knock book (frees Axe's action. This COULD allow us to send Axe, Biedde and Selene to Tall Tale. It's the only way I can see it working)
2)if leftover books to study, Moth and/or Manehattan. I THINK Moth could wait though.
I'm not particularly worried about being left without lvl 5 books for Baldomare because we both are likely going to search for a lvl 7 one soon, AND because we have 2 good expeditions that will likely have at least one of those.
artifact study:
1)Lantern 4
2)Winter 4.
more well-written Draft to come with the general idea...