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Esquestria: The House of the Sun - A pony cultist experience

In which the Beauty meets the Beast New
Beauty and the Beast

You are Copper Secateur.

And you're trying really, really, hard to not get distracted.

This is the House of the Sun, after all. You can feel the light of Glory tickling your face. It's not a place to be focused on anything other than your aims, your goals, your desire. That way lays distraction, and then deception, and then quite possibly death.

You've passed the Gate of Want. You've honed your desires into a razor-sharp tool. You should be good at this.

But Velvet Covers is just. That. FRUSTRATING!

You thought you had grown stronger than this. Or that the… business you took care of before you fell asleep would have been a suitable distraction from her. Or that the cool breeze a certain guest has lent this city might settle your mind.

But even as you were falling asleep, you were still wrestling with the rumour that had blown in: your one-time recruit, one-time co-advisor, one-time rival, present-day Foe is now Director of the Lunar Bureau.

Maybe this is some mess of Moth absurdity. Ever since the Master disappeared, you've never quite felt settled, in the world as much as in your own skin. He had been a presence in your life for what felt like years, and though you don't doubt Starry's Moth-prophet proclamation, you do doubt that his strings are fully gone. Velvet might still be dancing to them, having been elevated into some darker secret and deeper plot. It would be just like her to leave the rest of the cult behind for her own ambition.

But truthfully, you don't think it is. The pony who ignored everything she owed you for that first introduction to the occult, the noblemare who turned her back on the cult when it needed support the most, the one advisor who always kept her secrets close... You're not surprised the only secret she left you with was her betrayal. Because while you don't know much about this Lunar Bureau, you can already feel it's meant to hunt you.

That last thought draws you back to your surroundings. Finally. Add that to your frustrations over Velvet, she distracts you when you're meant to be exploring.

Which nay have been a dangerous mistake. Because you've wandered off course, and the back of your neck is itching. You feel a whiff of desire, and you know it takes a violent form.

If before you suspected you would soon be hunted, now you're definitely being hunted.

It goes quickly. A hunt. A pounce. And then you're face to face with a Name.

For all Neighnia has taught you about ending, you really don't want to meet your's here. You still have so many desires left unfulfilled. But, like so many decisions that have shaped your life recently, it seems like it's not up to you.

The face in front of you has bright gold hair. Razor sharp teeth. And, unmistakably, that mouth curves into a smile.

"Nod if you're leading a rebellion against the status quo." It takes a moment to drag your attention away from those teeth. But as soon as you do, you nod.

"Nod if you need to be stronger." The Glory shining down, that still feels so far distant to you (and undoubtedly less distant for her), catches your eye as you nod again.

"Nod if the one you fight bears scars." You… pause? Maybe she does, but you don't really know, do you? You hesitate, and the predator in front of you snorts a laugh.

"She does. I can smell it on you."

She continues, "Shaphur's sword-shards, I've missed the taste of corrivality. War in the Wake has such a spice. The monsters you can make of it!"

Her breath is hot against you, and it smells of blood. She pauses for a moment, before she leans forward, the smile not fading from her face.

She covers your eyes with her paws, claws pricking against your skin, and with the Glory's light blocked from view you find yourself beginning to wake.

You're left with a Name in your mind, a ritual on your tongue, and that rich, burning, sensation of a desire about to be fulfilled.

I came across this quote buried deep in the SV thread:

Of every creature in existence, I bet the Baldomare could tell us how to get away from the master. At least for a while.
That you know of.

"Wait, why are you asking me this instead of... oh... you haven't met her yet? Pony-Jesus, Velvet, it's almost as if you haven't set hoof in the Mansus ever since you got your Brand!"
That quote is from the discussion of the Changeling assault! And who would "her" be but the Name of a power whose very essence is "Rebelling against a terrifyingly strong master"?

This reminded me that there's every possibility the Lionsmith-aligned Edge name doesn't lay ahead of us in the Mansus, but lays behind somewhere, in one of the areas we did not so thoroughly explore.

If so, I really hope this is a scene that has not come to pass, and will not. That's part of why I'd like to hamper Copper's continued exploration of the Mansus by means of Ash.
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My knowledge of the show is mostly just from cultural osmosis, but this might be a problem we've butterflied away - I think we're about to start hunting Discord. 🔪
Also, I forgot to mention when it first happened. BunnyLord is back with us, huzzah! Glad to see you here.

Now we have a wolf, son of his mother, son of his father. I really do need a clarification @OurLadyOfWires, since I tend to think too deeply, is this a character or a mechanic/consequence wearing a character's mask? It does matter, because this son loves something whereas his elder siblings merely hate. A bit more alike his mother than his father perhaps, perhaps, when it comes to The Wolf any difference at all is a vast gulf.
Could you please elaborate on your question a little more? I'm not sure I understood it to give you a proper answer.

Also, I have a question of my own. I don't mean this as a malicious nitpick or anything, this is legitimately me asking because these little details are important to me. But why are you saying this son "loves"?
Again, not a nitpick, but the term used was "glee", unless I am mistaken (I am very tired during weekdays now, so I could just be missing something obvious, pardon if that's the case).
So, again not a nitpick or a jab or anything. Please don't take this the wrong way. I really just want to make sure.

@OurLadyOfWires the copyedit harvest:
Thank you kindly!

I didn't make the exact changes you suggested, but only because I thought another phrasing would be more poetic. But I definitely agree with the errors you pointed.

As always, I appreciate it!

Velvet Covers has learned the Ritual "A Mother's Love"
This is not a Regretable Action. This is a Regretable Action
Coincidences do not exist indeed! Although I suppose only the seasoning of love, if not love, would make the taste less disgusting.

This was lovely! Thank you for sharing it. And to be honest, I never thought about this alternative before.

And please, let me know how you want that omake to be titled! I thought to put the very bad pun of "In which SONething else is added to the Menu", but I'll defer to the barely awake part of my mind that is telling me I'm just too tired to make these kinds of puns.

@OurLadyOfWires Last time we directly asked if there was any possibility of ever removing the Stains, I think you said that we/Velvet didn't have a good enough understanding of what the Stains even were to try and figure it out (since iirc it was when we were still at 1/7). Since we're now at 3/7, do we have a better idea about the removability of the Stains? Completely impossible, possible but not within the scope of the quest (e.g. as Hour-Velvet), technically possible but extremely difficult?
Still need a few more stains before you figure that.

Surely, that information will be unlocked before the seventh, right? We just gotta keep pushing! :V

But jokes aside, not yet. You will learn more about this if you do more. And since that decision is entirely on your hands, I'll stop talking about it here.

I don't suppose we could recover the burnt seed and restore it with a Redemption of the Forge @OurLadyOfWires ? You know, make Starry's death not have been in vain?

And do you want to feel even worse?
Have you ever stopped to consider the old image of how dogs like to chew on bones? You know, that old thing we see on media all the time, where a dog is portrayed with a bone on his mouth? Or how dog toys or dog treats are shaped like cute little bones?

On the lesser poison of Worship

A book describing the contentious practice of Wolf worshipping. "There will always be wolves in our lives," the writer insists, "so it is better that we keep them in our shrines rather than have them appear at our doors."

Study start text:
The first statue, carved with a snarl, must have its teeth painted red. Cinnabar is preferred, if a tincture is used, but blood is ideal. For it was the first who firmed the Pact by tasting the Mother's blood.
The second statue, carved with a great tongue hanging from its mouth, must be hollowed out, so the blowing wind can run through it and exit through its mouth. The mouth must not be covered, no matter what sounds it makes during storms or fiercer winds.
The third statue, carved with a bone held between its jaws, must be kept warm at all times. Keeping it close to the fire, in a closed shrine, is ideal. But it is acceptable to cover it with furs, or to burn it as long as a replacement is available.

Study end text:
By the time the text reaches the seventh statue, the writing is barely understandable. And the list of demands and requirements for the final icon is as long as it is nonsensical. "The seventh may not be touched by any colt who has reached the age of maturity," "the seventh must be treated with the utmost respect," "it is forbidden to speak, within earshot of the seventh, that the statue itself is not shaped like a wolf."
There is a reason why Wolf worshipping is frowned upon, and the degradation of the writer's sanity seems to be yet another testament to that. Still, you have learned enough from this book.

Well, let's just say Ash has a set of bones he will be savoring forever.

So many characters and writings in this quest, especially those who are very old, discuss the afterlife every now and then. I wonder what afterlife Starry reached.

Despite all of that, I really, really liked Starry. Her background had a lot more details than what you saw. As did all the other cult councillors, like you saw with Jade. But the memory you saw could only include so much, so... Well, it's a shame I won't be able to write more about her. I liked her.

Bloody Zog, gotta love hyperfixation. where did my evening go?
Heck yeah, thank you so much for this! The Wolf's words were an absolute banger.

I understand, and even commiserate, about how hyperfixation can make your time disappear. But wow, am I glad you wrote this!

And by all means, let me know what title you want for this.

About this, honest question. I haven't threadmarked this yet because I am not sure what place is the best to put it. We only have "Threadmarks" for the main story, and then "Extras" and "Index". I really don't know which of the latter two would be less inconvenient.

Also, if you press the "[ ]" icon on the top right, to show the BB code, the BB code is shown as:
followed by a three-number coordinate. I found that one to also be helpful to know.

@OurLadyOfWires So if we were to tell Pride about DoA's plan for this turn, what would we say? "She's going to do some exploring in Canterlot"?
You will give him "enough information so he can act upon it", but not enough to immediately reveal the Lores or anything.

And as any other character, Pride has his own agency. But he is asking you this because you gave him some answers/information the first time you talked to him (after a very good Grail diplomacy roll). So right now he... uh, trusts you? Thinks you are interested in his "success" in this endeavor? Has his mind associate "Velvet Covers" with "a lifeline in his desperate quest"? Well, this is your chance to put a hoof on the scale due to your previous actions.

Damn, I'm rambling. Apologies.

@OurLadyOfWires can Velvet teach Lores to Wolf's sons?

And they aren't the kind of things that would use Lores anyways. Not in the mechanical and actionable way you and other characters do.

Delightful. Truly.

And the name "Rose", as well as the wonderful conversations about BoH that appear every now and then, do make me curious about playing it.

Still, I gotta say. "Come on, the Woods was how it was for several Eras! Let your wolfy son have that section of the Woods at least for a single Era" :V

Thank you for writing this!

I kinda want to see some scenes of Selene interacting with Baldomare and Axe.
It's in the pipeline.

Part of me feels bad about how many "extra" things I plan to write during this turn.

But then I remember that, uh, that's not a bad thing?

Anyways. Axe has not yet been mentioned at all, so far, except by Pride. Almost as if she was summoned behind the scenes and is just a mechanical thing on the background. I'll remedy that very shortly.
And other things besides.

Beauty and the Beast
Haha, you really like the idea of a lioness Lionsmith name, eh? Can't blame you, she is honestly growing on me the more you tell us about her.

I usually don't like giving "peeks" of hidden things. But I am definitely not regretting mentioning the word "Dyad" next to Biedde.

Thank you for sharing this!

Aye, and I think that is all.

Let me know if I missed anything, or any pings. There is a reason why I have been making myself scarce during weekdays. And that's the same reason why I'll head to bed as soon as I post this.

I hope you are all doing well! And hopefully, things will keep moving as soon as weekend comes. Plenty of stuff to cover this turn. Plenty of stuff indeed.

Have you ever stopped to consider the old image of how dogs like to chew on bones? You know, that old thing we see on media all the time, where a dog is portrayed with a bone on his mouth? Or how dog toys or dog treats are shaped like cute little bones?
The third statue, carved with a bone held between its jaws, must be kept warm at all times.
God. Fascinating book to read, but poor, poor, Starry.

Haha, you really like the idea of a lioness Lionsmith name, eh? Can't blame you, she is honestly growing on me the more you tell us about her.
Thinking what a dyad partner to Biedde would look like… I wanted that playfulness, and casualness, and a more ferocious and freely-apportioned violence rather than a controlled and inexorable one.

And the only canon Lionsmith Name I could find any details on was a lioness-goddess, so it all fell into place. Definitely a fun character to play with.

(Fine, we have snake-mares, I guess she could be a lion-mare. But if there was ever a time to take a feline stand against the established order!)

I do love writing apocrypha based on meager shreds of evidence and a whole lot of theorizing. So I greatly appreciated that Dyad mention as well!
I wouldnt advise attacking copper, but I have advised against that until I was blue in the face.

It is a path we are determined to treat it seems.

Never do your enemy a small injury. We seem intent on driving her into a corner without stopping to consider what Grail-tinged mutually-assured destruction might look like.

Examine her, evaluate her, plan and execute a strike that renders her harmless one way or another. Don't half-ass it like we did with the Changelings, don't give her a chance to do something vindictive out of hopeless spite.
Can you people decide for once if you want to go after Copper or not? First you lot drop the RotTs and scouting for other things then want to send Ash after her and now you're getting cold feet?
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Beauty and the Beast
Great omake! Big fan of the Lionsmith, and I really like the connection between him and Copper. I still hope a little bit that we can genre-shift our relationship with her into an Edge-dyad so we don't have to cut her out of the story via mass Name assault. Probably not a very realistic plan, but I can dream.
Can you people decide for once if you want to go after Copper or not? First you lot drop the RotTs and scouting for other things then want to send Ash after her and now you're getting cold feet?

Now hold on, I've been very consistent. We finish what we're doing right now with Baldomare and Axe and Biedde, then (since Luna/Selene has asked us to leave the Daybreaker thing to her) we'll be in a very good position to evaluate and then deal with Copper. Poking at her with Ash right now could very easily spur her to do something stupid next turn while we're neck-deep in trying to deal with the presumed Fraginclave and Book acquisitions.
Now hold on, I've been very consistent. We finish what we're doing right now with Baldomare and Axe and Biedde, then (since Luna/Selene has asked us to leave the Daybreaker thing to her) we'll be in a very good position to evaluate and then deal with Copper. Poking at her with Ash right now could very easily spur her to do something stupid next turn while we're neck-deep in trying to deal with the presumed Fraginclave and Book acquisitions.
Like what? Ash is a new Mansus hazard of an entirely new layer of said Mansus and she has no way of knowing that we are the source of it.
Now hold on, I've been very consistent. We finish what we're doing right now with Baldomare and Axe and Biedde, then (since Luna/Selene has asked us to leave the Daybreaker thing to her) we'll be in a very good position to evaluate and then deal with Copper. Poking at her with Ash right now could very easily spur her to do something stupid next turn while we're neck-deep in trying to deal with the presumed Fraginclave and Book acquisitions.

To be frank, she is a potential issue to be sure. But right now, without the Master spurring things on further? We are at the strange spot where, either both Velvet and Copper are leaving eachother alone, or Copper is not leaving Velvet alone, and is not quite aware what is out there... Or Copper is aware what Velvet has up her sleeves, and isn't sure how to handle it.

Two out of three of those say, until something changes or we have time, it's gonna be a nice cold war between the pair of them.

Like what? Ash is a new Mansus hazard of an entirely new layer of said Mansus and she has no way of knowing that we are the source of it.
It... is a stretch that Copper would see Ash and blame Velvet.
But, she might just blame Velvet anyway because, scapegoat's gonna scapegoat. Everybody's got a Dinkleburg

Or... it could be that Copper saw and was aware of the unique unpleasant mixture of Edge and Winter in the ball of fur that was used and held in the Wildhoof club while they summoned the Wendigos. And the... distant similarity between the fur, the wendigos, and Ash.

It's an unknown. And frankly, poking unknowns is fine when you have time to see how they react. Right now? Not sure on the time crunch.
she has no way of knowing that we are the source of it.
I feel like while she wouldn't know for certain, we are one of the very few active lore practicioners that could have even potentially done it. She's also already negatively predisposed to us; even without strong evidence, she might do something anyway.
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To be fair, we've been responsible for everything else that's gone wrong in her life, so it's not difficult to figure out who might have thrown the latest malediction at her.

Honestly, considering how in our background we were friends with her for months/years (whichever it was) and then suddenly pivoted all the way over into all of, this, (vaguely gestures at the entire quest) rational thought and Velvet Covers have nothing in common. She might legitimately think we went insane somewhere along the line, too much Moth in the brain.
I just cannot believe that Copper would see the complete destruction of the Woods and go, "Velvet did this." It's kind of beyond any mortal cultist, this is the shit of Hours.
We were perceived as being extremely powerful in the cult; remember the Hintseekers? If anyone other than the Master did it (and why would they, she lives in the Wood), we're a pretty logical second option.
We were perceived as being extremely powerful in the cult; remember the Hintseekers? If anyone other than the Master did it (and why would they, she lives in the Wood), we're a pretty logical second option.
Not really. There's a massive difference between being a powerful mortal adept, and being powerful enough to completely destroy a zone of the Mansus and kill a Name at their full power. Especially since it's not like Regrettable Actions are a thing that Velvet has ever admitted to even be a possibility to anyone.
Not really. There's a difference between being a powerful mortal adept, and being powerful enough to completely destroy a zone of the Mansus
As unlikely as it sounds, I personally think that it still sounds more plausible than the Wood just spontaneously combusting into an ocean of spicy ashes for no apparent reason when it's been static for thousands of years.

Especially since it's not like Regrettable Actions are a thing that Velvet has ever admitted to even be a possibility to anyone.
I don't believe that Velvet has a monopoly on knowledge of the Wolf. It's a geographical feature of the Mansus; even if she hasn't visited personally, I think that Copper would at least know what it is.
I don't believe that Velvet has a monopoly on knowledge of the Wolf. It's a geographical feature of the Mansus; even if she hasn't visited personally, I think that Copper would at least know what it is.
You'd think, but at the same time Windy never found the Garden or the Tower despite spending a ton of time in the Blank Plains. I also kind of doubt that NPCs would have access to Regrettable Actions? But I may be wrong on that.
If Copper has visited the Wolf's location then it's not that much of a stretch for her to assume the Wolf did it no Velvet involved. Especially with the gigantic bloodfall.

But all that is no reason to poke her yet. I've been advocating for so much scouting precisely because I want to take her out in one blow instead of nibbling at her and backing her into a corner.
Never do your enemy a small injury. We seem intent on driving her into a corner without stopping to consider what Grail-tinged mutually-assured destruction might look like.

Examine her, evaluate her, plan and execute a strike that renders her harmless one way or another. Don't half-ass it like we did with the Changelings, don't give her a chance to do something vindictive out of hopeless spite.
this is what people said when we did path through nightmares on her. Shock of shocks we were wrong.

No one has moved an inch... or even a millimeter from their previous positions. As you amply demonstrate here.

"Woops guys sorry Ash didnt roll too hot she got away and has become even more psychotically dedicated to reveeenge." Again. Ad infinitum.
this is what people said when we did path through nightmares on her. Shock of shocks we were wrong.
For the record I was (and am) very firmly of the opinion that if we wanted her dead we should have sent DoA after her instead of wasting 80 bits on a ritual, and I still do not understand why people thought spending 80 bits on a ritual when we had both a cheaper and more likely to work option right there was a good idea.

Though if we successfully summon Biedde, now we can send both DoA and Biedde after her, just to be extra sure.

Edit: Actually now that I'm thinking about it, @OurLadyOfWires the assault an opponent is basically a short expedition for one goal, right? Can we add more goals at the cost of making the expedition longer?
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this is what people said when we did path through nightmares on her. Shock of shocks we were wrong.

No one has moved an inch... or even a millimeter from their previous positions. As you amply demonstrate here.

"Woops guys sorry Ash didnt roll too hot she got away and has become even more psychotically dedicated to reveeenge." Again. Ad infinitum.

She instantly threw a maxed [The End Is Beautiful] at us, that's hardly nothing. And since we've sent Axe off to go spelunking we can't get keys off her if she's delayed. This'd be a really dumb way to die, randomly to another round of throwing Lore attacks back and forth.
Could you please elaborate on your question a little more? I'm not sure I understood it to give you a proper answer.

Also, I have a question of my own. I don't mean this as a malicious nitpick or anything, this is legitimately me asking because these little details are important to me. But why are you saying this son "loves"?
Again, not a nitpick, but the term used was "glee", unless I am mistaken (I am very tired during weekdays now, so I could just be missing something obvious, pardon if that's the case).
So, again not a nitpick or a jab or anything. Please don't take this the wrong way. I really just want to make sure.

Well let's see. I am a little mad you know, (like that fellow who taught Percussigants to juggle), as anyone who's read my ramblings on the nature of The Wolf should know, but I think I can explicate it.

Canine body-language and behavior. Ash is wagging his tail, quickly and forcefully enough to throw dust/ash around, and he also took us to see where he's hid/buried his favorite thing/bones. As far as canines go that's a pretty firm demonstration of trust and ease, Ash likes being around us. Compare this to Evil, who savaged us and left, and Paranoia who just left. I also note that Ash is willing to take direction (unlike the others) and will comply as best he's able without question, with enthusiasm even. All of this suggests to me something that at least resembles affection, or at least something closer than the other two managed. It suggested to me the not altogether pleasant thought that Velvet's sons might resemble her more and more as she resembles them, with the particularly nasty thought that by the time the penultimate son came about Velvet might pass him going the other way morally speaking.

Now wouldn't that be "fun"?

Where was I?

Right, Ash. Well my question, predicated on the thought that Ash might take just a little bit more after his mother than the first two, was whether it might be possible, speculatively speaking, to be a goodsubversive influence on Ash as long as he's willing to listen to us. Thus bringing him more around to our way of thinking.

And, while I have your attention, since Ash is aware of all who trespass upon the Wastes, can he monitor their comings and goings as the Master did in the Woods? And if so, is "[] [ASH-PREY]- Unusual Rumor" a valid option for information-gathering?

Heck yeah, thank you so much for this! The Wolf's words were an absolute banger.

I understand, and even commiserate, about how hyperfixation can make your time disappear. But wow, am I glad you wrote this!

And by all means, let me know what title you want for this.

I'm very glad you liked it! And I definitely want to hear all about your opinions, fan of The Wolf as you are I simply must have your perspective. I confess I wasn't quite sure how to write Soft Sweeps, fortunately she wrote herself.

Titles... Well the one you came up with is very nice, certainly. If I were to come up with something I feel Latin would have a nice tone to fit other Wolf-centric chapters, alas I know no Latin.
And the name "Rose", as well as the wonderful conversations about BoH that appear every now and then, do make me curious about playing it.

You should! It's a wonderful game on its own (Very soon to get a major update, this very month I believe!) and expands marvelously on the first game's universe. Of particular current interest right now I feel would be:

MOON: Secrets are soft; night is softer still; the sea speaks. It is not always wise to listen. [The nocturnal, the forgotten.]
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About this, honest question. I haven't threadmarked this yet because I am not sure what place is the best to put it. We only have "Threadmarks" for the main story, and then "Extras" and "Index". I really don't know which of the latter two would be less inconvenient.

Also, if you press the "[ ]" icon on the top right, to show the BB code, the BB code is shown as:
followed by a three-number coordinate. I found that one to also be helpful to know.
Looks to me like
ThreadmarkMain Story

With that division, it looks like a clear "Index" post to me.
She instantly threw a maxed [The End Is Beautiful] at us, that's hardly nothing. And since we've sent Axe off to go spelunking we can't get keys off her if she's delayed. This'd be a really dumb way to die, randomly to another round of throwing Lore attacks back and forth.
She threw a maxed EiB at us because from her perspective we threw a PtN at her the previous turn. Then we no sold it and so she isn't all that likely to take another stab at it but even if she does Neighina has 1 AP, we can tank one EiB.

No the more likely thing is a physical assault and seeing as the turn has already started that isn't going to be stopped by Ash. At least for this specific turn there is no point in attacking as a preventative measure.

I'd like to once again raise the idea of RotT-ing the evidence, things of worth and Copper's location before sending a Name squad at them next turn. At the very least let's send either Marinette or Biedde to fuck up her operations.
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