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Esquestria: The House of the Sun - A pony cultist experience

Their really zero reason to get an influence if we are not going for the duel. Better to have him search for new expedition site so we can valuable artifacts and books. We would highly be fit from even a level 2 Lantern artifact.
Their really zero reason to get an influence if we are not going for the duel. Better to have him search for new expedition site so we can valuable artifacts and books. We would highly be fit from even a level 2 Lantern artifact.

Well if Velvets gets jumped by the Red Church's Raw Prophets during our Mansus Expedition there will be plenty of reason to have an Edge Influence on us. Also it helps with talking to Comet this turn. Though I am starting to come back around to expedition scouting since we are already at Edge 4...
Would we be able to afford a Forge reagent and and doing the Forges Redemption next turn? Now that we're at lvl 4 Forge and with a level 4 Forge reagent we should only need a 7 on both rolls to succeed the Ritual.
With rerolls a lesser reagent really suffices.

We've got 2.6% chance of failing the Forge roll with Forge 3!

Only 6.7% with Forge 2 even. Might be worth saving 15 bits? We'll see if we need to.

Our knock Sacrament would probably have us learn about this
Hm? It's about getting to the Mansus (ish), not what's going on with the Wake. Tbh Baldomare's SH expedition seems like it might give us the most info… it's never too late!
Their really zero reason to get an influence if we are not going for the duel. Better to have him search for new expedition site so we can valuable artifacts and books. We would highly be fit from even a level 2 Lantern artifact.
Why do you say this? Because we'll want the Influence later on for the Duel anyways? I see a few reasons:

1) We're going on a scary Mansus expedition. It would be nice to bring at least one buff to it. Especially when we know there seem to be denizens below, and combat is a possibility, and we have 2 HP.

2) It might help with Comet? Tbh I'm quite worried it'll hurt more than help, make it a righteous confrontation rather than us offering any understanding or chances to be more than hated… but it might help.
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Their really zero reason to get an influence if we are not going for the duel. Better to have him search for new expedition site so we can valuable artifacts and books. We would highly be fit from even a level 2 Lantern artifact.

It also gets us those two Scraps we need to hit the Sacrament eligibility.
[X] [BIEDDE] Go get bits (no restrictions on methods)

Can't believe I missed this earlier, gotta say I appreciate the hustle here, but cannot vote for it due to ethical concerns.

[X] [BIEDDE] Equestria is full of undiscovered places. You must learn their secrets…
--[x] Search for a place that is old in its History. Where the influence of the Mansus is but an echo, but that can still be heard in the wind. (Search for an intermediary expedition)

I'm changing my vote. We need more artifacts, more books, more trinkets and baubles we can convert to Bits. Hopefully something that can help us throw hooves with Biedde will pop up.
It also gets us those two Scraps we need to hit the Sacrament eligibility.

We'll almost certainly want an Influence when we fight Biedde for the Sacrament.

So we'd be getting the scraps then anyways. So getting them now really only means we have a chance of losing out on scraps.

… but once we're past Level 4 I don't think we get 2 scraps from a max influence anyways? Not sure we get 1 even? Does anyone remember how this works?

[X] [BIEDDE] Ask for an Influence of Edge.
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@OurLadyOfWires The copyedit suggestions:

This, you somehow, is a very old game.
somehow know

[All three roll successful]

Biedde's Invidation: "The price has always been blood. In this case, my blood. Draw a single drop of it, and I will permit you passage.

The young-looking (but old-sounding) mare sits down next to the old stallion, settling down on the cushion that everypony has taken to use while visiting him.
has taken to using

"Still, quite the peculiar habits out employer has, wouldn't you say?"
our employer

A cold hoof on your shoulder, or an unwelcome letter on the mail, conveying a single three-worded message.
I would say "three word message" as it's more direct, but either is correct.

But every single one of you, from your lowliest cleaner to your personal accountant, know that it would be very rude to not be on your station once it happened.
every single one of you knows ("every" makes the verb have to be singular to agree)

Although you can't hear any of the intimidating edge he usually has on his voicce.

Carrying his hat under his foreleg, as befitting the manners of a pony who is indoors, and sweating cold from snout to tail.
I don't think "sweating cold" is a real phrase. Better to rearrange this to be able to use the phrase "cold sweat" directly.
and sweating cold sweat from snout to tail
and breaking out in a cold sweat from snout to tail
and covered in cold sweat from snout to tail

"Are… are we not going to die? Is… will we live past today?" you ask. Your words heavy with anxiety, your hoofs shaking under your legs.

And when the old stallion once again moves his cold, cold eyes towards you, you think he is about to give you the answer you had been expecting all along.

But to your absolute surprise… and to your absolute relief, he answers that…


And it takes everything you have to not just sag on your chair, or perhaps for your heart not to just stop beating due to the previous strain you were under.
So, a hilarious thing about English is that the word "no" is ambiguous in this situation, if there is a negation in the original statement:
"We will not die today?"

Just "no" can be taken to mean:
  • "No. You will die today." (disagreeing/introducing a new negative)
  • "No, you will not die today." (agreeing/repeating the original negative)
Practically speaking, most English speakers would tack on a short phrase/repetition to resolve the ambiguity, like "No, you won't", or "No, you will." I prefer to say "correct" or "incorrect" if I want to give a one-word answer in this situation. (Tangent: I've heard this is how it works in Hebrew naturally. In Mandarin, you generally don't say the equivalent of "yes" or "no" to answer questions, you repeat the phrase in the direction you want, so "[you] will die" or "[you] won't die".) I can see there was some minor confusion in the thread.
Yeah, but when Steppes if they would live past today, Biedde said no. But he clearly isn't the one who is going to kill them. So who is?
I think you're misunderstanding. Biedde said he wasn't going to kill them, and that building-wide sense of doom is seemingly the result of his "Terrifying Opponent" trait when he's not actively masking it (like he seemingly is at the manor).
Basically, it was more like "wait, you're not killing us?" "No, I'm not killing you."
By context you can say that he meant "No, you aren't going to die."

"And besides, your grandniece spoke well of you. Her company has earned you a stay from execution."
The phrase is stay of execution (reference).

Biedde's Invidation: "The price has always been blood. In this case, my blood. Draw a single drop of it, and I will permit you passage.
-"Challenge" Biedde to a duel. This costs one Velvet Covers action, and is a free action for Biedde.
-Velvet Covers and Biedde will engage in a duel. Biedde will fight until either he decreases Velvet Covers' health to 1, or until Velvet Covers deals one wound to Biedde.
-It is permissible for Velvet Covers to use an Edge Influence. It is not permissible for Velvet Covers to attempt to "Ambush" Biedde.
-You must reach 4/4 scraps of Edge before taking this action, as he wishes to test your martial prowess.
Will we complete the sacrament if we simply initiate it, or do we actually have to deal a wound to Biedde to succeed? The quote makes it sound like the latter is intended. Just don't want anyone to be disappointed if they think it's the former during planning.

"Yes sir! I, well, mommy said you know a lot of things. So, could you tell me a little bit about yourself?"

"Ohoh? You want this old stallion to tell you a story?" he asks, to which the filly quickly nods.
You know, part of me wishes there would be a timeskip or something, so we could see the effects of Silky's "education" of absorbing info from all the "honored guests" she's surrounded by when she grows up. If Velvet is overpowered, how OP do you think Silky will be if she's educated in the lores (passively or actively) from such an early age?

"Still, quite the peculiar habits out employer has, wouldn't you say?"

"The weight of being the first in so long."

What habits do they find peculiar, and how do they relate to the "weight" of being "[one of] the first [lore users] in so long"? I imagine we don't have the information about what the world was like when the lores were widely known to ponykind, so this is just one of those things we'll have to wonder about.

And by then, she had found the filly wearing the old stallion's cap
Adorable or not, we both know what wearing your cap means.
Her mother would not appreciate you marking her daughter as a pawn.
I (out of character) think the gesture was an honor! :V Provided it's actually harmless. But
The "mark" was just a little thing that stuck to Silky's head, after she wore his cap, like a splotch of ink or a speck of dirt. Nothing Velvet would ever notice, and nothing to be worried about.

Still, it was something that those with eyes could see, and a reminder that Velvet can't see everything that happens in the Wake.
has me looking like: 🤔
If we truly don't need him for anything a hunt. Or religious matters might be a good idea.

Because we will surely need him eventually.
This is... basically telling him to do nothing. Since Bird said the non-100 bit extension options don't eat his AP.

If we knew where Copper was I would say end her. But. Ehm.
I mean:

Copper Secateur (possible location suspected
--[] [COPPER] Send somepony to attack this opponent
--[] [COPPER] Send somepony to locate, or spy on, this opponent
--[] [COPPER] Perform a ritual aimed at this opponent (WRITE IN what ritual)
--[] [COPPER] Attempt to contact this opponent (WRITE IN what to discuss if successful)
We can send him to go find her. That is absolutely a thing that we can do.

Speak for yourself. If I had to choose and Edge Hour, I would probably back the Lionsmith.
I see we have a dyad in the making here :V

Edge didn't help us in the red church last time. It seems silly to assume it will now? Unless bird said otherwise. And I missed it.
I don't think it's likely. To be completely blunt. I didn't think any amount of edge would have let us clown Marinette.

...have we done any edge rolls while climbing? I know we did when seeing the wolf divided. Maybe by the shattered staircase?
One of the obstacles could have used Edge, and a max Edge Influence would have actually let us wound her, twice, while only getting hit once in return (reducing +40 Grail Influence to +30). It's hard to tell exactly how much better things would have gone beyond that considering we would have also had the Edge 4 reroll, but just the Influence would have helped a lot.

Would we be able to afford a Forge reagent and and doing the Forges Redemption next turn? Now that we're at lvl 4 Forge and with a level 4 Forge reagent we should only need a 7 on both rolls to succeed the Ritual.
We should. That being said, I don't think we should bother w/ a Forge 4 reagent. Forge 3 gets us to <97% just fine, and ~2% increased chance on a 20 bit ritual isn't worth the extra 35 bits to make a Level 4 reagent, imo.

[X] [BIEDDE] Ask for an Influence of Edge.
[X] [BIEDDE] Send somepony to locate, or spy on, this opponent (Copper Secateur)
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What's this now about people saying this is the first we have heard of the world being out of shape?

No, no no no. That's not how that works.
The Master spoke that the world was out of shape, and twisted. He wanted to reach the reflection in the moon to have the Old Manus, and it's laws, pressed into the fabric of the world.
Baldomare has spoken a few times of how the world has twisted, light coming in at the wrong angles, the world bent and crooked.
Ax has spoken too that the world is out of shape, that it isn't right. She likened it to a curse, as is her wont.

The world is bent. Just in a way that people, even Velvet, doesn't quite see. It's... How to put it...

Gegh. I will make that bit of writing then. It was talking about this, and in a better way to explain it than this.
What's this now about people saying this is the first we have heard of the world being out of shape?

No, no no no. That's not how that works.
The Master spoke that the world was out of shape, and twisted. He wanted to reach the reflection in the moon to have the Old Manus, and it's laws, pressed into the fabric of the world.
Baldomare has spoken a few times of how the world has twisted, light coming in at the wrong angles, the world bent and crooked.
Ax has spoken too that the world is out of shape, that it isn't right. She likened it to a curse, as is her wont.

The world is bent. Just in a way that people, even Velvet, doesn't quite see. It's... How to put it...

Gegh. I will make that bit of writing then. It was talking about this, and in a better way to explain it than this.
When Biedde and DoA say the world is bent, they seem to be quite literal about it.

As in, pre-Mansus fall, the world was flat. And now it is not. Why Harmony and/or the fall of the Hours would turn a flat world spheroid of all things is beyond me, but something like that does appear to have happened.
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Okay, time for some Pittauro-posting.
One of the most fun ways to post 😎.

We can send him to go find her. That is absolutely a thing that we can do.
I'm kind of partial to this idea, actually. (Or heck, even scouting Windy.) Perhaps Mareinette was the best Name for the job, but I don't doubt that Biedde will do fine, at least in terms of "scouting" out her operations from a more military angle. I'm not sure what the "reward" of having an Edge influence while talking to Comet Feet will be. Just extra flavor text? Or something actually cool happening/some interesting information? I guess we can't know what in advance, but I would prefer the intel to just "you were more badass when talking to Comet".

Ah yeah, and there's the possibility Edge will be used in the Red Church.
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I'm not sure what the "reward" of having an Edge influence while talking to Comet Feet is. Just extra flavor text? Or something actually cool happening?
It's an Edge roll. Or at least, Bird heavily implied it was an Edge roll when he said an Edge AotL could probably help. Which means it's getting a +40.

Also he mentioned something "extra" might happen. That could be good or bad though. And yes, there's cool narrative bullshit of using a max Influence.
Basically that, yeah. The presence or absence of an Influence won't negatively impact the results of something you are doing. Might make it more interesting, or change the narrative. But if you roll an 80 while trying to convince a pony, having an Edge influence won't change the result. At most, it will change the narrative to say that you intimidated the pony, rather than something else.

influences might create certain "interesting" mechanical reactions (see Rarity).
But I won't make a ritual influence ever cause you a negative mechanical outcome.
So, if you max-edge influence and go talk to Comet, the voting options you will receive to choose from will be the same.
You might reach those voting options through a different way, narratively, and "something else" might or might not happen if you have an edge influence. But I abandoned the idea of a "negative" bleeding
For reference.

I worry it'll give us no chance to move beyond the edge nature of our relationship already. To have him not hate us.

But also that might just not be on the table at all.
Just some personal musings on our Sacrament options, now that we have the threadmark...

Actions of your own: "You have never really liked yourself. That is an ugly truth you have always denied, and that you attempted to bury underneath the love that others feel for you. But perhaps, and only perhaps, it is time to embrace that, and learn to be somepony else."
-Pick a single character with whom you have a "Confidant-level" relationship or higher. That character will be permanently locked as an "acquaintance". For somepony must realize that you have donned a mask, for it to truly exist.
-You must reach 4/4 scraps of Moth before taking this action.
One scrap away and very easy to do, all things considered. 1 social or Mareinette action + Leash if we want to cheese. 2+ if we don't. Main obstacle here is thread opinion. I'm personally fine with doing this Sacrament.

Actions of your own: "Books, much like any physical object, are immutable. Or rather, they cannot change themselves, and must be changed by an outside force such as a pony. And their immutability is what makes them so easy for your hoofs to understand. But can you apply your talents to mutable things? Do these flashes and sensations you feel every time you... touch a pony, can they possibly mean something?"
-Pick a Prisoner, or a character you have a "Minion-level" relationship with, and perform an action dedicated to "The Conversation".
-In order to succeed, "The Conversation" will require a Lantern Knowledge test of CD 100 (does not apply any other status, other than Lantern 4 (+40) and any Lantern Influence you have).
-Regardless of success or failure, "The Conversation" will destroy your prisoner of Minion without leaving a body. (But you only need to succeed once)
-You must reach 4/4 scraps of Lantern before taking this action.

Baldomare's Invitation: "Fine! I will teach you that language. I will teach you all the languages! Well, except for Vak. But nopony can speak that anymore. Still, don't expect me to do it for free. And I don't see any Sprintia on you, so you will have to pay with something else!"
-"Lend" FOUR followers to Baldomare. They will all embark on a SHORT expedition with her to an unknown location.
-The expedition will not cost you funds, nor will they cost actions from the followers. But it will cost one action from Baldomare herself.
-The expedition is DANGEROUS. And although Baldomare is not at risk of being wounded, your followers risk being wounded/destroyed.
-Mares-in-the-Light count as TWO followers, for the sake of calculation. The Daughter-of-Axes counts as THREE.
-You must reach 4/4 scraps of Lantern before taking this action, as she will insist of settling her debt (and teaching you) the moment she returns.
Four scraps away. Two can be easily obtained by having Baldomare channel a Lantern Influence, but that still leaves two Level 4 scraps left to find, which aren't exactly abundant. This one is probably a decent amount of time off, just due to the number of scraps we need. Fine w/ Baldomare's, obviously, just give her DoA and a Risen for a turn; DoA's hardy enough that she shouldn't be desummoned from it and the Risen is basically disposable anyway. Also regarding our personal Sacrament: I know I had previously mentioned using Copper for it, but since we'll probably end up dealing with her one way or another before we reach 4/4 scraps, we'd need a different target. Having Mareinette or Biedde find and kidnap a serial killer or human pony trafficker or someone similarly amoral and unrepentant that Velvet and the thread wouldn't miss is an option, if we want our personal Sacrament. We'd need someone to dig out that prison under Jade's house, but I'm sure one of our many Names with their +30 general bonus can handle that. Or if we find and summon the Forge Name before hitting 4/4 Lantern, they can do it.

Actions of your own: Lore level insufficient
Invitation: You do not know any creature that may help you
No information yet. Currently at 0/4 scraps since we just hit Forge 4, but I imagine that we'll probably pick up a Forge scrap when we go to explore the Malleary. A Forge Influence from the unknown Forge Name would boost it up to 3/4 without any further bit sources. Putting this with the Lantern Sacrament in "far enough away to not think about it for now".

Actions of your own: "There is only one way a pony, anypony, may proceed further without an invitation from above. He must reach higher by slaying a worthy foe. That is the truth of Edge, which applies to all ponies. Since Issus they have striven so."
-You must reach at least 3/4 scraps of Edge before taking this action.
-You must kill a "worthy opponent" in battle.
-Velvet Covers will recognize a worthy opponent when she sees one, provided she is Level 4 in Edge.
-Known "worthy opponents": Princess Celestia, Princess Cadance, Mareinette, Comet Feet.
-WARNING: By definition, Velvet Covers is now also a "worthy opponent".

Biedde's Invidation: "The price has always been blood. In this case, my blood. Draw a single drop of it, and I will permit you passage."
-"Challenge" Biedde to a duel. This costs one Velvet Covers action, and is a free action for Biedde.
-Velvet Covers and Biedde will engage in a duel. Biedde will fight until either he decreases Velvet Covers' health to 1, or until Velvet Covers deals one wound to Biedde.
-It is permissible for Velvet Covers to use an Edge Influence. It is not permissible for Velvet Covers to attempt to "Ambush" Biedde.
-You must reach 4/4 scraps of Edge before taking this action, as he wishes to test your martial prowess.
Currently at 2/4, max Edge Influence will bring it up to 4/4. Which if we're getting into a fight to the death (or a duel against Biedde), we'd definitely want that +40 anyway. Biedde's is much more likely to happen imo, considering our current list of Worthy Opponents is rather short and 3/4 are Name-level entities. This one is actually pretty close to happening I think; we could feasibly attempt it as soon as our scar is healed and we're up to 3/3 Health. It'd need a max Edge Influence and multiple AotL (Edge), but it's feasible. I would personally like to acquire some kind of equipment beforehand just to squeeze out some extra combat bonus (preferably an Edge artifact, but mundane weaponry is always an option), but we could try it after the scar is healed. We should wait until after we have Frangiclave though, just so we don't accidentally fuck up all our DoA-related plans. Well. Plan.

Wolf is an unacceptable option for obvious reasons.

Actions of your own: "You will only ever stop being afraid of it when you truly understand it. You cannot run from it, any longer. You must understand what it means to die. You must... understand death."
-Perform, three times, the "Investigating the End" action. (Costs 30 bits per action, rolls using your Winter level)
-This action is the equivalent of performing a "The End is Beautiful" ritual WITHOUT specifying a target.
-Each time you do so, somepony, somewhere, will die.
-No ponies in your contact list will die.
Currently at 1/4. Unlike most of the other Lores, we have no easy source of scraps or max Influence presently or anticipated in the near future, as that would require acquiring Neighnia. Which may happen if we go to kill Copper, if we demand Neighnia's bindings from her beforehand. If we do manage to coerce Neighnia's bindings out of Copper, a Winter Influence from her would put us at 3/4. Could take a lesson to get that last scrap or just try and find it in the Mansus somewhere. Sacrament itself is easy, if somewhat pricy (90 total bits); main obstacle is thread willingness, as with the Moth Sacrament. I'm personally willing to vote for it. Also in the "far enough away to not think about it right now" category, for me.

Also, again, I'm not willing to even consider Wolf Sacrament to be a feasible option, considering the price.

Actions of your own: "You have always been terrified that they would leave you. But now? Now you can make sure that they never will."
-At any point in time, have three ponies in your contact list with whom you have a Minion (or Minion-equivalent) social bond.
-With those three ponies in tow, perform "The Act".
-Velvet Covers may refuse to use certain ponies for this action (they will be listed here)
-You must reach 4/4 scraps of Grail before taking this action.

Mareinette's Invitation: "[Grail]!" (There are bounties and resources available in the bodies of every pony. But first, one must develop the appropriate organs to harvest them. She will teach you.)
-Pick a Prisoner, or a character you have a "Minion-level" relationship with, and perform an action dedicated to "An invitation to dinner".
-"An invitation to dinner" cannot fail, but it will destroy your selected contact/prisoner without leaving a corpse.
I don't like either of these and will not be voting to take either of them. We should see if Baldomare can scry an alternative Grail Sacrament source, but my confidence in that producing results is not high. Moving on.

Actions of your own: "Jade Whistle already did it before, with only a noose and a chair, so you are sure that you can learn how to do it properly. To spare her from having to ever do that again, if nothing else."
-Fully research the "To cut the skin of the world" project.
-You do NOT yet know how many actions this will take, or what will be its costs or demands.

The Daughter-of-Axes' invitation: "Ae sppose ae can wash yer hoof, s'long as ye wash mine as well. Ae need ye te run me an errant. Do tha' an' ae'll make et worth yer time. Bu' get sum'more Knock on ye farst, or else ye won' survive th' trip."
-Successfully complete her request on the "Through the foggy mirror" action. You do not know how many actions this will take.
-Your forays into the "Through the foggy mirror" action may be spaced through however many turns you wish, and you may invest however many actions per turn you wish into it. But the Daughter-of-Axes must be summoned every time you want to try it.
-You must reach 4/4 scraps of Knock before taking this action.
Currently at 3/4 and have already spent the +2 scraps from max Knock Influence. That being said, we're about to go get the Frangiclave (Knock 6 artifact) in the next two turns, and studying that would put us at 4/4. We techically have a personal Sacrament, but Bird has mentioned before that he mostly just really, really wants to write DoA's Sacrament. Which, fine w/ me tbh, DoA's sounds more interesting just on vibes alone. We'll probably want to be running +40 Knock Influence when we go to do this, though, which means DoA won't be free for expeditioning.

Actions of your own: "You are afraid of doing this, but there might be a History where you are not. Regardless, it is time you learn more about how this works, these recent memories that at the same time are and are not your own."
-Perform, three times, an action dedicated to studying the memories and glimpses you have of other Histories. [Costs one action each]
-This is a dangerous action.

Baldomare's Invitation: "I suppose it's better for me to show you than not... Especially given the Brand you chose. Or could it be that your Brand chose you instead? It has been known to happen... Regardless. I'll do it for free, with how I can see this is what you really want. Come back to me when you are ready, then pack for a long hike."
-Complete the Beyond the Map's Edge expedition, taking Baldomare as a companion.
-You must reach 4/4 scraps of Secret Histories before taking this action.
Not much to say here, we're already working on this one via personal Sacrament. Though as much as I would like to have Baldomare channel a SH Influence and do double Sacrament next turn, between doing Forge's Redemption and I suspect at least one or two Fleeting Opportunities relating to bringing Cadance and Shining Armor fully into the fold, and Frangiclave expedition needing to be scouted, that may not end up happening.

In order of Sacrament acquisition, the progression might look something like:

SH -> Knock -> Edge -> Moth -> Lantern -> Winter -> Forge -> Heart?.

SH, as I said, is something we're actively working on now, and I imagine people will probably like to finish it before starting on other Sacraments. Edge and Knock are within striking distance considering our access to max Edge Influence (+2 scraps) and near-future expedition to go get Frangiclave, though I put Edge lower than Knock due to the possible prep work needed vs. Knock, whose prep work is basically just "Knock Influence". Moth is next due to both simplicity of the Sacrament as well as only needing to find a single scrap somewhere, anywhere at all to be within Sacramenting distance. Lantern, Winter, and Forge are in descending order of "how many scaps do we currently have". Heart is all the way at the end for obvious reasons, and Grail is absent because I don't like either and would rather just not get it.
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In which the world is bent New
Now then.
We have seen a book. Or, rather, a notebook. One talking as though someone from the past talking to themselves. Remembering in writing what they needed to remember, and what needed to be forgotten.

There was a single word in there that drew my attention. One that inspired... a curiosity. An interest. The word-


It's gone now.

Ever more curious.
Regardless, have a writing. Unlike the others, I could not tell you from who, or from where, or why. And, also unlike the others, it might be difficult to explain.
Hopefully you can at least see what I am saying.
In which the world is bent

There is a misconception that they have been making. A useful deception I admit, even if it feels too old for that. But, it's useful to recognize it for what it is. It is a deception.

They speak of the past like it is dead. Which, it is. They speak of the present like it is alive. Which it is. They speak of the future like it has yet to pass. Which it is.
But they speak of these three in those terms. The Past. The Present. The Future. Like all good deceptions, they are true. But they are deceptions none the less.

What they call the past, the present, the future... It is something else. People hear Past and know what that means. How it impacts them. How it fits into their life. But, the deception lies right there. It is an understanding that they themselves reach.

Even now, I worry if I am to write these things in my age if they will be stolen and understood. But, here, in this place, only those who go looking will find this. And by then, it would be too late.

It is not the past. It is the World as it Was.
It is not the present. It is the World as it Is.
It is not the future. It is the World as it Will Be.

Even now, I can feel it as I write those words. How they wriggle under my pen. Because they struggle against them, and find them not wanting. But I can write it just as that.
Because it is the last that we put into place. It is language.

In the World as it Was, a knife was always a knife. A fruit was always a fruit. A memory always a memory. Truth was truth. And those things are still true.
But those with eyes to see would see that those things are just that. That there is no sharpness to that knife. There is no ripeness to that fruit. There is no softness to the memory. No glare to that truth.
Because it was language. Like all of them, it does not change anything. Only how it's seen. How it's interacted with.

Language. Its purpose is as cruel as it is simple. If the words themselves lack that power, then there will not be those who go searching.If the World Is and the World Was, then something is seen as having changed. If it is just the Past, and The Present, then the answer is obvious. Time, nothing more. No reason to go searching. To go hunting.
So, the power was lost to those words. Not that they lack the power, but that the knowledge of that power, what it is... can be lost. Forgotten. And if no one knows to look, then it will be lost.
A knife will still cut. But if people never think to see a knife for something more, never think of it as anything other than a knife...
Of all them, this was the simplest to construct, if longest to execute, and even longer to believe. But now, in my old age, I believe I can say it seems to have settled in as the new norm.

Before language, there was others needed first. History had to be turned. Names made simply into names. Leaders made just that. Time itself given it's own order. Constructed and set to fall in place. To land in exactly the right way, to repeat back in on itself. Every day starting anew, the sun to rise, the moon to set. To be connected to itself.

Nowhere better to explain that than the first. The most difficult. The simplest to explain.
The edges of the map were filled in.

If there is an edge, there will be people who will seek it out.
If there is a corner, there will be those who look for it. And past it.
If there is something to reach, it becomes a goal.
If it all simply continues, if there is not division and there is not disc... alarm, then it will continue.
What is, is, and will continue to be. Until what is becomes what was.

It will be a better world then. The future.
I wonder if they will see it.
Especially after the Scarred Mare ruined his ritual the last time.
…What ritual? The only ritual Velvet was around Comet for, she was helping him, and it succeeded to the highest degree.
I think they're talking about the time when we took Fluttershy to him in the Everfree Forest and he had almost completely given himself over to the Colonel or something like that, not too clear on what CS mechanic was going on there.
Quaxotia had it.

And it has the hallmarks of a ritual to me. One to call to the Colonel. Or what remains.

Of course, this can also possibly apply to that time when Comet tried to do the Edge Sacrament with Shining and then hesitated at the last moment.

Admittedly it sorta seems crazy to being an Influence that says:

A Resolution
"Who can avert the finality of battle?"

To the meeting with Comet.

Here's a relevant quote I found from a Star Trek fanfiction I read once before.

"Should certain individuals share a common goal, should they choose to walk the same path towards that goal, though they may be strangers separated by many obstacles, then it is not unreasonable that through their shared purpose they would inevitably meet. Nor is it unreasonable to assume that these individuals, on their mission, will most likely encounter other individuals who are working at cross-purposes and come into conflict with them. If one desires to be poetic about such meetings between determined individuals, then they might call such a thing destiny."

Jim thought about this.

"I suppose that people looking for a fight are bound to find one," he said finally.

Spock gave him a strange look. "...One might also call that destiny if they so wished."

What's this now about people saying this is the first we have heard of the world being out of shape?

No, no no no. That's not how that works.
The Master spoke that the world was out of shape, and twisted. He wanted to reach the reflection in the moon to have the Old Manus, and it's laws, pressed into the fabric of the world.
Baldomare has spoken a few times of how the world has twisted, light coming in at the wrong angles, the world bent and crooked.
Ax has spoken too that the world is out of shape, that it isn't right. She likened it to a curse, as is her wont.

The world is bent. Just in a way that people, even Velvet, doesn't quite see. It's... How to put it...

It is not the past. It is the World as it Was.
It is not the present. It is the World as it Is.
It is not the future. It is the World as it Will Be.

A very good piece of writing that evokes a feeling that in turn evokes understanding. Language and communication is a lot like trying to throw meaning into a vacuum and hoping your target manages to catch everything you mean, and so I appreciate you writing this. I think I managed to get some of it, but as a feeling more than a thought.

Alas, it also reminds me of that one tumblr post:

EDIT: Forgot to add my two cents bits into the Biedde action discussion.
Can't we ask Biedde to accom-pony us on the Ruined Church expedition? Otherwise I'm fine with the Edge Influence because of said expedition.
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Sadly resurrection is one of the very few things that's near impossible in CS and MLP. only the Hours really ever come back from death, and that's because to them death is... different.
There is one Hour who can call back the dead, or rather those in Nowhere. We just need to track down the Elegiast and convince him to think of someone for us, no biggie :V

As for the Biedde sacrament, would a Wrong Key count for the purpose of a wound? I mean the Key decays next turn anyways so we're probably spending DoA's action on nabbing them and RotT-ing the Frangiclave next turn, if so we could pop the Influence this turn and then take the Sacrament the next while using up the decaying Wrong Key to get it while DoA provides us the new set.

If that isn't possible I'd very much rather send Biedde to scout Copper. In our last vote people were just lamenting the lack of information, we have the ability to gain it now. Please let's do it rather then poping an Influence for Comet and the Church. We can manage the church without it I feel and doing an Influence for Comet is just wasteful.
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"How in the heavens am I supposed to perform such a large ritual… here?!" you say to yourself, as you once again read the map Baldomare gave you.

Because sure enough, Baldomare marked this very specific place, at this very specific time, as a location where you should be able to perform "the largest rituals you know without any problems".

And sure, the cul-de-sac itself is shaped like an almost-perfect circle, breaking only where the street leads back to Ponyville at large. And the size is just right to what a summoning circle should be. In fact, you think the farthest edges of the circle will end precisely where the circular sidewalk begins.

On top of that, Baldomare's notes assure you that "nopony will look, as long as you don't yell", and that "the storm scheduled for the coming morning will wash all evidence away".

Pretty bold, Baldomare!

So, since you do not have an assistant ritualist to play the second role, you will have to do it yourself.

was it meant to replicate the dyad?

You feel a shiver run down your spine, and you swear that somepony is looking at you right now. But for some reason, you also know that nopony in the surrounding houses is looking out through a window.

And yet, the feeling that you are being observe will not leave you. Not anymore.

I have this feeling that he's just watching all curious more than threatening

Because one of the rules of this ritual, also, is that it may not be stopped once it starts.

arguably that's a rule of all rituals, really.

I mean, stopping a ritual mid-way is bound to have consequences.

Because of course, the presence you are trying to call will not answer your summons if blood is not spilt.

fair enough.

And then you open the smallest of paths, just enough for your blood to exit your body and cover the tip of the blade.

There is no need for grandeur, no need for pointless sacrifice. The rules are exacting, but they are not needlessly cruel.

also fair enough. it's a show of discipline and commitment, I imagine.

The method used to decide the winner still eludes you, or perhaps it was an agreement the contestants themselves had to reach before beginning. However, for the purpose of this ritual, it is enough that you "merely" hit all the seven knives within the three-pointed sigil.

While blindfolded.

With your back turned to it.

And without any way to see how well, or how badly, you are doing between throws.

...my first thought was "cheat with magnets", but lores work too!

His expression looks soft and calm. Almost gentle. And the way he carries himself is more than just approachable, he quite literally looks friendly. Like an old pony who is all too happy with just letting the days pass him by, after a life well lived, offering advice to whatever youngster cares to ask for it.

well, of course.

An Assassin that looks unapproachable and threatening wouldn't be a very good assassin...

Yes, you are sure of it, you think the best way to describe him is like a grandfather, looking down at a painting made by a foal.

...I have now this image in mind of looking at Velvet's first kill and go all "what a good fillie, such a nice blood splatter pattern!" :V

And he only seems to notice your presence once you completely step out of the Moth-circle, at the very center of the configuration.

"Ah, I did not see you there," he says, looking up at you a moment later.

...for real? I suppose we WERE in the middle of a moth circle, but I have trouble believing this anyway

"… all the knives you threw… even this one, when I dropped it for the first time, they were all crooked. None of them were properly upright… So, can please tell me, why is it that the world is bent?"

mh... could be Harmony, could be the Wolf.

most likely Harmony, really. maybe even the death of the Will of the Woods?

"I ask this because it might throw off my aim, a little bit. But I would appreciate the information nonetheless."

THAT is all he's worried about?

-Biedde is willing to extend (reset) his summoning period indefinitely, according to the options he has listed to you (available at the end of this sheet).

GOOD! something (hopefully) straightforward!

Health: 5/5
General bonus: +30
"Combat-related" bonus: +50
so combat bonus would be +80, +120 with influence.

well, he basically humiliates Celestia when going all out, as expected of a Name of Edge.

IF we wanted to actually kill Mareinette he might actually give us a chance, even.

[MY SCARS ARE LESSONS]: If Biedde is wounded during combat, he will receive a "+5 personal combat" for each wound received. Until he defeats, or is defeated by, the creature that wounded him, or until the combat ends.
[PROFESSIONAL SOLDIER]: Biedde will always perform a "Guard" action for free, on top of whatever orders he receives for the turn, unless his actions specifically require him to be totally unavailable for the turn.

the automatic guard action couldn't have come at a better moment! I'm now HOPING we're attacked this turn, as we'd have BOTH Biedde and Mareinette available, and likely destroy any attacking force.

Windigoes WOULD count as monsters, would they not?

that +5 per wound is also fairly nice. It means at his max Biedde can roll... +140!

[HE WILL NOT RELEASE ME]: It is impossible to befriend Biedde.

ok, that's kinda sad. but it is what it is.

"I am forever bound to His service. So, once my initial contract is done, I will be willing to extend it in exchange for the chance to pursue His goals."

[] End your contract.
-Biedde will be unsummoned.

[] Fund a short monster-hunting expedition (Costs 60 bits)
-Biedde will extend his stay for one turn.

[] Fund a long monster-hunting expedition (Costs 100 bits)
-Biedde will extend his stay for three turns.
-During the FIRST turn of his extended stay, he will be "completely unavailable" as he pursues his expedition.
-Meaning he will be GONE for the first turn, and present as normal for the following TWO turns, for a total of three turns.

[] Pursue religious goals.
-Biedde will extend his stay for one turn.
-It is rude to ask what he would do with his free time.

so, effectively 60 bits per action, OR 100 bits per 2 actions (AND 1 turn of downtime), OR if we can't afford those "mistery box" we'll have to hope is not bad.

I'm getting Yojimbo flashbacks from Final Fantasy X... a summon that, if you pay him enough, has an OHKO attack that kills anything. and to recruit him you had to negotiate his pay.

and he only attacks if you pay him that turn.

in any case, this can be seen as, minimum value, 60 bits for an edge scrap. Considering a lvl 5 edge book costs 120 bits, that's actually a bargain, and we don't even need to use Velvet APs for it!

and of course we're actually paying for TWO actions, with one being "guarding". Which is perfect.

"More than a Branded... less than a Long."
is that line new? It makes sense, admittedly.

I wonder if one of the prerequisites for a Lore at 7 is to be long...
Biedde's Invidation: "The price has always been blood. In this case, my blood. Draw a single drop of it, and I will permit you passage."
-"Challenge" Biedde to a duel. This costs one Velvet Covers action, and is a free action for Biedde.
-Velvet Covers and Biedde will engage in a duel. Biedde will fight until either he decreases Velvet Covers' health to 1, or until Velvet Covers deals one wound to Biedde.
-It is permissible for Velvet Covers to use an Edge Influence. It is not permissible for Velvet Covers to attempt to "Ambush" Biedde.
-You must reach 4/4 scraps of Edge before taking this action, as he wishes to test your martial prowess.

Oh, no, that is indeed intentional :V

And about your previous question, I won't add that information because I have been trying to work on my brevity skills. But if it doesn't say it will cost his action, then it won't cost his action.

it sounds a bit weird to use HIS influence to fight HIM. Presumably he wouldn't take it back mid-fight...

In any case, we roll +29. +69 with the influence. +79 with AotL for 1 roll.

he rolls BASE +80.

He's STILL better than us, but it's not hopeless. After we heal that scar it means we need to remove 1 HP from him before we lose 2... doable, but a bit up to chance.

The more AotL we get, the better our odds. And ideally we'd want an edge artifact which might help.

I don't suppose Selene knows some kind of buffing spell she could use to strenghten us?

mh.. maybe we should ask Shining Armor OR Biedde to train us for one of their action. We might be able to get a combat trait.

Right now Velvet's bonuses are from raw stats and edge, but she has basically zero experience. getting a +5 or +10 trait from combat training would help a lot.

I'll catch up and read the next update later.
Hm? What does Baldomare profess, but not follow?
Merciless truth, I would think.
In the far distance, surrounded by wave-mountains of ash so high that you feel like they were trying to block it, you can see light. And you don't mean the light of Glory, no. You can literally see light. A pillar of light, that seems to stretch from the ashen grounds all the way to the Mesa of Mansus-stone high above you.
The source of this beacon, you immediately realize, is at the very bottom of a long stair of Mansus-stone, that reaches up to the Blank Door.

In fact, as you look more closely, you soon realize that the source light is a horseshoe-shaped sigil, imprinted on the dark-blue stone of the stairs. As if a pony made out of light had left a part of herself there, to help illuminate and navigate the way forward.

But of course, you immediately realize who did it… in fact, you almost climb up the stairs to meet her. You almost make your way up to the Blank Plains, so you can meet her in her lodge.
She very much has mercy.

[X] [BIEDDE] Ask for an Influence of Edge.
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it sounds a bit weird to use HIS influence to fight HIM. Presumably he wouldn't take it back mid-fight...
Well, it's basically just like... a test, right? And a good test should ultimately be fair to the testee. And a mortal fighting an Edge Name (with a combat specialty) without any sort of external support isn't really fair to the petitioner.
I wonder if one of the prerequisites for a Lore at 7 is to be long
I'd assume the other way around based on the game prerequisites of for passing the Tricuspid Gate. It's either reaching Lore 7 and a specific ritual that allowed one to pass the gate, or something like the transition from 6 to 7 requires said ritual (the equivalent of a Sacrament+), and the moment you hit 7 you could pass the gate.
I'll catch up on the thread talk later, Right now I'm just skipping to the second update.

It is something about his age, you see, that just makes you want to behave a little better when you are around him. Something about him that just makes you want to try your very best, so he will give you some encouragement, or advice, or perhaps even praise. Even Ponpon herself, the head of the Lady's household servants, already said that she would like to have his approval. And everypony agrees that doing something wrong near him, to the point that he would shake his head in disappointment, would make the receiving pony very sad indeed.

But still, above all else, the few servants who have met him so far all say he is a very polite and mindful. And at least one of the younger maids said she would have liked it if she could call him "grampa", but that she was too embarrassed to ask if she could do that.

Old Grampa Genocide is surprisingly popular.

As far as everypony knows, old Biedde must have some trouble walking. That, or he just likes to watch the younger ponies come and go. Because almost every hour of every day, he can be seen sitting on one of the balconies of the central mansion. Looking towards the sky without a care in the world, slowly swinging on a rocking chair, as ponies go about their businesses. Puffing wide rings from his pipe, every now and then, whenever the fancy strikes him.
Or, in other words, keeping watch in the least threatening way possible.

"Now, no need to be that polite, young lady. Following the rules is important, but rules have limits for a reason. So, you can just call me Biedde, or sir. And please, take a seat. It would be a crime if you had to sit on the ground just to talk to me."
he's a very polite Name. It won't stop him from killing you if he has to (or wants to), but at least he'll be polite about it...

I imagine that he appreciates the break from the monotony of standing guard over the Worm Museum.

mh... I wonder... should we ask him, CAN we ask him, what does it take to kill a Worm @OurLadyOfWires ? He might be interested in learning that Harmony apparently can do such, on the worms in the Dreamrealms and the Worm that possessed Luna...

But then again, old Biedde is not the only little-understood pony that has been living at the Velvet estate.



The young-looking (but old-sounding) mare sits down next to the old stallion, settling down on the cushion that everypony has taken to use while visiting him.

They exchanged a few greetings words, of course. However, despite the weight behind them, there really was no malice behind them.

And it is not just that no malice was intended. Both ponies understood those words to be true, so they had greeted each other that way as if they were speaking each other's names

They're indeed very true.

Biedde is a slave to the Colonel, to the point we can't even "befriend him" because his loyalty is already spoken for.

and baldomare... well, she's shown herself to be a bit of a hypocrite. she has been merciful when she's supposed not to, for once.

"Still, quite the peculiar habits out employer has, wouldn't you say?"

"The weight of being the first in so long."

I wonder WHICH habits they speak of.

The Wolf? The confidants we surround ourselves with? THe Outsider we adopted? The fact we're the head of the not-that-secret-police?

"Is that right? Well, we both know I did her a favor. And besides, she looked adorable with my cap on."

"Adorable or not, we both know what wearing your cap means. And we both know it wasn't a favor. There is only one other creature who would care about that mark, and he would see right through your intent in an instant."

"Would he now? He is not above harming the young, as we both know."

"And neither are you, or myself, or anypony whose name is worth knowing. But still, I don't speak about the mark itself. I'm speaking of the symbolism behind the action. Her mother would not appreciate you marking her daughter as a pawn."

"Pff, we are all pawns. All of us. What use is there in denying that?

The image of Silky with the Name's hat is pretty cute, true. And yeah, Velvet wouldn't appreciate any such mark.

also also... yeah, None with enough power is above harming the young, if there's a good enough reason.

Including Velvet. We don't WANT to do it, She doesn't want to... but we MIGHT do it in some circumstances.

For example, the Winter Sacrament.

You are Velvet Steppes.

And today is the day you die.

That's an unexpected transition.

I'm fairly sure he's NOT going to die. if the update is about Biedde, maybe he's visiting him? Weird though.

Unless he's instead been involved in cult stuff?

It is like an unspoken agreement. A silent message you have all received, as soon as you woke up. A cold hoof on your shoulder, or an unwelcome letter on the mail, conveying a single three-worded message.

I am coming.

...did Velvet send him, or is it his own initiative?

My first thought is that... WE work for the government, but our Uncle is a criminal.

so, he works AGAINST the rightful rulers, which MIGHT make him a target of Biedde...

The single scariest, oldest, and undoubtedly deadliest pony you have ever seen in your life is standing right outside your door.
Quite the contrast to the old grandpa persona.

But then again, as I already said, Biedde is actually the first being we've met that could and likely WOULD win a 1v1 against Celestia.

"I have recently come under the employment of one Velvet Covers," he says, taking a long drag out of his pipe, and puffing it out in a plume of smoke. "You will tell me everything you know about her."

And your heart… you aren't even sure of how that is possible, but your heart becomes even colder than it was before. The dread on your back becomes even heavier.

Because several questions come to your mind at the same time. What does he mean about this? How did he meet your niece? What in Celestia's sun does he mean by employment?

He is not lying. You know that. You know that he is capable of lying, like only the very cunning can. But still, you know he is not lying.

However, how… how?! How? And why? And what does this mean? And is she safe?!

You do not know. You do not know, and you cannot know. Not now. Not as you walk down the death row and towards your execution.

...you know, after this IF he's not killed right now, we might as well bring him in our circle of confidants? Or maybe Biedde will scare him straight and have him leave his crime-filled days?

I mean, he already just learned a pretty suspicious thing about us...

And besides, your grandniece spoke well of you. Her company has earned you a stay from execution."

He must be so CONFLICTED about what he's currently thinking about Velvet...

I imagine he believes Biedde to be something of a super-soldier working for the Bureau? Sort of its secret weapon?

Just an old stallion making the rounds. Just another old -so very old- creature looking around this new Wake. Nothing more, nothing less, and nothing worth noting.

I'd argue it's very much worth noting!

The "mark" was just a little thing that stuck to Silky's head, after she wore his cap, like a splotch of ink or a speck of dirt. Nothing Velvet would ever notice, and nothing to be worried about.

eh, as long as the dyad Lionsmith Name wouldn't just kill her because of it we have no real reason to care

Still, it was something that those with eyes could see, and a reminder that Velvet can't see everything that happens in the Wake.

except for this, I suppose. It's a reminder that Velvet is very much LESSER than the Names.
Voting is now OPEN, for what Biedde is to do this turn. Since it is a single option to be picked, no moratorium is needed.

mh... would it be possible to ask for military/martial/trait training in regards to combat, but NOT for an edge lesson?

basically work towards some kind of +5 or +10 combat training trait instead of edge scraps.

If we could, then once we get that trait we could ask for the Edge Influence, and as long as the -1 health scar has been healed we could just try to fight him.

...another possibility is to work on a ritual to strenghten us. Sort of like how in the game you can get more health by exercising AND using the right lore...
I've seen people talk about what makes Baldomare a Hypocrite being her acts at the Stairway and giving us information but personally (aside from the fact I don't think she can act so freely as to give us information) I think it's something far older; we know that the Watchman doesn't forgive but there is one thing he might. In that vein Baldomare being a Name of the Watchman shouldn't either but I think she did/might have forgiven some great transgression in the distant past.

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