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Meh, I've never really liked Sona.
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EVA-Saiyajin said:
Lawful characters tell the truth, keep their word, respect authority, honor tradition, and judge those who fall short of their duties.
Alexander said:A lot of posts. Will answer later: busy now.
Added new Knacks.
Diller said:(looks at this new Knacks in wonder)
:'((realizing we don't have the requirements to get any of them)
Mountainous Beast Form
Duration: Indefinite
Prerequisites: Essence 4, Stamina 4
With this Knack the character may increase the size of his War Form. The size increase requires no extra effort or motes—the War Form doubles in size. Strength, Stamina and health levels increase as if the War Form carried the "Large" mutation (Strength +1, Stamina +1, -0 Health level +1).
Not our combat charms, just charms with the Form-type keyword, which right now is only Fist of the Daystar Form.Eler0 said:Eh, I don't know. Our warform has been nerfed pretty hard since most of our combat charms no longer work when we use it.
Smuthunter said:Not our combat charms, just charms with the Form-type keyword, which right now is only Fist of the Daystar Form.
Alexander said:-The "Claws" mutation makes the hands into claws, thus the effect that enhance punches are inapplicable.
-The same happen when in Warform your kicks becomes clawed.No. You need to decide if the damage happens every minute, action or Tick.
He posted that after the fight where we used OfoB and theEternitynChaos said:considering we used OFoB in Warform I don't think thats the case, it just means we can't claw up a bitch we have to make a fist and punch them like mangon
made it sound like it's a new rule he's introducing.
EternitynChaos said:considering I believe we used OFoB in Warform I don't think thats the case, it just means we can't claw up a bitch we have to make a fist and punch them like mangon, and Alexander said the only charm the couldn't use while in Warform currently was Fist of the Daystar Form, for all we know another styles form charm could be perfectly valid /shrug
Yeah, I want to differentiate.noahgab1133 said:i agree with eternity thats a bit too much nerfing on warform. I mean not being able to use fist of the daystar k thats reasonable. Not being able to use other buffs on our warform is a crappy deal. Unless of course you're planning on adding warform specific style and buffs then thats a bit different. Also if we just use the mutations i thought they didn't affect us using fist of the day star since we are only using the most basic mutations?
Alexander said:Here's a list of all available Dragon Knacks. Also, check this out: http://exalted.xi.co.nz/wiki/MartialArts/DragonOfEmeraldandBrass
Dragon Essence Domination
Repurchase: 9 Xp
Knack Slots: 4
List of available Knacks:
Unconquerable Pride
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Essence 3, Strength 3
Pride is the most important thing for a Dragon: as long as he holds faith in his own strength, nothing can stop him. While the character enjoys the "Scales" mutation, add the Strength rating to Hardness and Soak.
Natural Born Armor
Duration: Indefinite
Prerequisites: Essence 3, Stamina 4
Dragons don't wear armors or clothes—why should they? The scales covering their bodies are the mightiest material in existence, rivaling even the fabled Divine Artifacts. A Character manifesting the "Scales" mutation adds his Essence to Soak and acquire a Hardness rating equal to his Lethal Soak.
Armor Crusher
Cost: 5m
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Essence 4, Strength 3
The raw power of a Dragon's attacks now allows him not only to break through obstacles and walls, but to slam right through armor. This Knack enhance the "Claw" and "Bite" mutations: while it is active, the character's attacks all gain the Piercing quality.
Battle Roar
Cost: 2m
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Charisma 2
During a battle, be it a pitched field engagement or an alley fight between a band of Exalts and a gang of Wyld mutants, the Exalt can loose a ponderous battle cry that unnerves his foes. Roll (Charisma + Presence) at difficulty 2: if successful, every fighter on the Exalt's enemies' side who hears the unearthly shriek loses one die from all attack rolls for a number of attacks equal to the Exalt's Essence rating. He can let out this battle cry only once per combat scene, and it doesn't affect enemies whose Essence rating is higher than his.
Welsh Dragon's Blessing
Cost: 1m
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Essence 4
Those that confide in the Welsh Dragon never suffer from hunger. The character can spend 1 mote to permanently double a single characteristic of a common object, like the size of an apple or the amount of sugar in a fruit's juice. The size cannot be bigger than the character's own size.
Refined Palate
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Perception 4
The character has exceptionally precise senses of taste and smell (as the latter enhances the former). With a faint sniff or a tentative taste he can figure out what ingredients compose a certain concoction, and in what proportions. He can also sniff out drugs or poisons that have been added to what he is about to wolf down, as well as detect airborne toxins by the way they make the air taste. This Knack doesn't tell the character what an ingredient is if he isn't already familiar with it: he would realize that what's making his iced tea sweet isn't sugar, for instance, but he wouldn't know if it was Equal or Splenda if he'd never had either artificial sweetener before. Instead, the Knack registers each component separately and provides an indication whether such components would be dangerous to consume. The character also remembers the taste and smell of various ingredients he experiences so she can recognize and identify them if he's exposed to them again.
Draconic Rampage
Cost: 1m
Duration: One Action
Prerequisites: Essence 4, Strength 4
When a Dragon with this Knack wants to break something, that thing is not long for this world. This Knack enhance the "Claw" and "Bite" mutations when the character attempts to destroy an inanimate object. If the target object is not under his control—such as a weapon or armor that someone else happens to be using—its Hardness and soak is considered to be halved when the character attempts to break it. If the target object is freestanding or under the character's control, the object's Hardness and soak is considered to be 0 against the character's attack.
Mighty Heave
Cost: 4m
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: "Hurl to the Horizon", Strength 5
This Knack automatically triples the distance the character can throw a heavy object as a feat of strength. That tripling comes after the doubling provided by the prerequisite Knack. Mighty Heave does not affect the distance the character can throw a normal-sized object, but it does intensify the damage such an object can cause. Thrown weapons or other thrown items that would normally cause bashing damage (a coconut, for example) inflict lethal damage and take on the Piercing quality instead when the character uses Mighty Heave. Items that would normally cause lethal damage still cause only lethal damage, but they ignore armor when the character uses Mighty Heave. This Knack can only be purchased two times.
Shock Wave
Cost: 2m
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Strength 5
Dragons are so strong that they can direct their incredible power through the ground or floor to affect enemies at range. Doing so takes two separate forms.
-First, the character can stomp or strike the ground with his fists or a weapon, which sends a shock wave outward from him along the ground across an area with a radius equal to (Strength+Athletics) in yards. Potential victims—friend and foe alike—compare their Dodge DV to the character's (Strength+Athletics)/2, rounded up. If their DV overcomes it, they manage to jump and let the shock wave pass beneath them. If their DV isn't high enough, they immediately suffer knockdown as well as an amount of bashing damage equal to however many points their DV couldn't cancel out. If his allies know the character is about to use this Knack—if his using it is part of a coordinated assault, for instance—they can jump out of the way preemptively without having to rely on their DVs. This attack inflicts no damage on the floor or the ground the Scion strikes. All the energy is expended into the shock wave.
-The second form this power takes is more selective and deliberate. As with the first form, the character strikes the ground and sends a shock wave along the surface out to a distance equal to his (Strength+Athletics) in yards. This time, though, his player targets a single opponent. Compare that opponent's Dodge DV to the character's (Dexterity+Athletics): if his Dv isn't high enough to get him out of the way of the attack, the character makes a (Strength+Athletics) roll. The damage this attack inflicts is 1 Bashing damage for success, but it has one other effect that renders the victim almost helpless for a moment afterward. Any successes on the roll that exceed the victim's soak not only inflict damage but also hurl the victim straight up in the air (one yard per unsoaked damage). The victim's rise and fall takes six ticks, during which his DVs are considered to be halved. He can make ranged attacks at a -5 penalty, but he can't move or jump or do much of anything until he lands again. In fact, if the character's s attack sends him high enough in the air, the victim might take damage from crashing back down from so great a height.
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: "Inner Furnace", Stamina 4
The character will never lack for sustenance again. Any liquid that can exist at as a liquid at room temperature can sustain him as water sustains a mortal—even such distasteful liquids as gasoline, blood, pine-scented disinfectant or diet cola. The same goes for food. Whereas Inner Furnace requires that the character at least consume organic matter in order to fuel the inferno at his core, this Knack loosens even that restriction. He could fill his belly with sand, polystyrene, harmonicas or suture needles and not feel so much of a pang of indigestion. This Knack confers no special ability to chew up or tear off pieces of inorganic material, but anything small enough to swallow disappears down his gullet with no harmful effects and fuels him just as efficiently as normal food.
Draconic Fortitude
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: "Iron Fortitude", Stamina 4
This Knack doubles the amount of time the character can work at a strenuous task once more after the prerequisite Knack doubles the base amount of time. This Knack also completely obviates the character's need for food or sleep or water. The character's player chooses which necessity the Knack takes away when he first chooses the Knack. When he does so, the character may still indulge in the activity, but he never suffers deprivation effects if he chooses not to. The character may take this Knack three separate times after he takes the prerequisite, each time obviating one of the three listed necessities. Taking the Knack multiple times does not, however, double the amount of time he can work at a strenuous task each time. That period doubles only once, the first time he takes the Knack.
Supreme Regeneration
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: "Infinite Factory of Life", Essence 4
Not even the most grievous wound last long on a Dragon's body. This Knack permanently enhances "Infinite Factory of Life", allowing the character to instantly heal a Crippling wound as if he's healing a single Lethal Health level.
Instant Hypnosis
Cost: 1wp
Duration: Indefinite
Prerequisites: Essence 4, Manipulation 3
With a moment of eye contact and the expenditure of a Willpower point, the character instantly plunges a non-enlightened mortal into a hypnotic trance. Attempting to hypnotize any other creature of lesser or equal (Willpower+Essence) requires not only a Willpower expenditure but a (Manipulation+Presence+Essence) roll contested against the victim's (Willpower+Integrity+Essence). Users of this Knack cannot instantly hypnotize non-enlightened mortals of higher (Willpower+Essence). Should he successfully hypnotize a victim, the character can implant one hidden command that the victim must obey at the time of the character's choosing. The command must be something that the victim can accomplish in one scene, and the trigger condition that compels him to attempt it must occur within a number of months equal to the character's Essence. He can give as specific an order as he pleases, and a mortal cannot interpret it in any way other than the spirit in which it was intended. A non-enlightened mortal can interpret it loosely to his own advantage, but doing so costs him a point of Willpower. The victim remains unaware of the ticking time bomb in his subconscious, but he does have a chance to resist it when the trigger condition occurs. At the moment when he has been commanded to perform the action in question, the victim's player may make a (Wits+Integrity) roll. If the roll garners more successes than the hypnotist has dots of Essence, the compulsion is broken. If the last minute resistance roll fails, the victim must attempt to do as he was commanded. Whether he succeeds or fails, the compulsion ends after he makes the attempt, and he has no memory of what could possibly have convinced him to do as he did.
Broad–Spectrum Reception
Cost: 2m
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Essence 4, Perception 4
This Knack not only magnifies a Dragon's mortal senses, but steps beyond them altogether. His eyes can now perceive waves in the infrared and ultraviolet ends of the electromagnetic spectrum. He can see magnetic fields, hear electricity humming within insulated wires and detect ultrasonic vibrations. He can smell the free electrons of a radioactive substance. He can even feel television and radio waves, though he can't quite translate them into discrete pictures or sounds. The only catch is that the character must be actively searching for each sensation—the default assumption is that his senses are those of a regular mortal. Attuning his brain for this higher awareness and overlaying it on his mortal consciousness costs 2 motes for the scene, but he can switch between the various sensations freely during that time.
Environmental Awareness
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: "Instincts of the Beast", Wits 4
While using the "Enhanced Senses" mutation the character is so in tune with his surroundings, that he can detect even the most minute changes around him well before anyone else. He can feel the barometric pressure rise or drop (and describe it accurately), giving him an acute sense of what the weather is going to do in the next hour. He can feel the tiniest tectonic vibrations from deep within the earth, allowing him to accurately presage an earthquake. Changes in temperature are no mystery to him either. His awareness is so complete that should some unnatural factor change one of these elements, he's the first to notice and can even track the disturbance back to its source. Also, if enemies are lying in ambush in the nearby area and are not concealed by supernatural means, it is impossible for their surprise attack to catch the character unaware. He may join battle and react accordingly without his player having to roll to notice the hidden attack. If he reflexively spends 1 point of Willpower, he may call out a warning for his cohorts to be ready and react accordingly as well. As an added benefit, the character is unfailingly aware of the passage of time. Without even thinking about it, he can accurately say how much time has passed from any reference point that he has personally experienced.
Spatial Attunement
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Perception 3
The character is so aware of his surroundings that his other senses (primarily those of hearing and smell) compensate for his eyes in identifying nearby objects outside his line of sight. He could recognize the person sneaking up on him by that person's telltale scent and mark exactly how far away that person is by the sound of his passing. With one quick glance around the room, he could mark in his mind exactly where every wall and piece of furniture is within. Having done so, he could then navigate the room with his eyes closed, even slipping through a milling crowd of people without bumping into anyone or anything. To a certain extent, the character can perceive what's going on around him in a 360-degree arc. Also, he suffers no penalties for fighting blind as long as he can hear or smell his opponents.
Supernatural Hunter
Duration: Indefinite
Prerequisite: "Predatory Focus", Perception 4
While using the "Enhanced Senses" mutation, this Knack makes the character into an unstoppable pursuer that prey animals have nightmares about. If he can find a location where he is absolutely certain his prey has been within the last 24 hours, he can follow that prey's trail unerringly no matter where the prey goes. If the prey takes flight—either because it's a bird or because it's a man with a plane ticket—he can track it through the air. If it swims away in a raging river, he can follow it through the water. If it gets into a car and drives uptown through rush hour traffic, he can retrace its path. Usually, the hardest part of the hunt lies in knowing where to start; after that, it's just a matter of catching up. The one hitch to using this Knack is that, unless the character has the Knack Telescopic Senses, he must be able to travel within 100 yards of the prey's path of escape. If the prey flies higher, swims deeper or burrows farther than 100 yards from the nearest path the character can take to follow, he loses the trail.
Telescopic Senses
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Essence 4, Perception 3
This Knack allows the character to hear, see and smell things from much farther away than mortal senses do. He can not only perceive these sensations, but perceive them as if they were happening right in front of him. If he's within the range at which the sound of someone's voice can travel, he can not only hear that voice, but follow its conversation as clearly as if he were participating. If a sniper is crouched high up on a ridgeline within his line of sight, he can not only see him but also recognize him and count the notches on his rifle stock. If he's wandering in the woods and the wind brings him the distant scent of someone's camp fire, he can not only smell it but tell what kind of wood they're burning, what brand of marshmallows they're roasting and how long it's been since they've had a good bath.
Language Mastery
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Essence 4, Intelligence 3
The character can understand any language that is spoken to him. Once he's heard a few sentences, he can then speak that language back as if he grew up among native speakers. Writing the language is a bit trickier, as he can only transliterate his written words in the alphabet of his native language until someone teaches him the alphabet and punctuation of the new language. For instance, say a character with this Knack whose native language is English has picked up French at Orly Airport in Paris and would like to leave a thank-you note for a bartender who gave him helpful information. He might write, "Maresee du mah-vay zayday" to express his thanks, when what he really means is "Merci de m'avez aidé". Likewise, reading the new language can be difficult if that language uses characters that don't appear in an alphabet with which he is already familiar.
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Essence 4, Intelligence 4
The character can carry on as many separate primarily mental activities as he has dots of Essence simultaneously and with his full attention. A character with Essence 6 could play a game of chess against a recognized master while also playing go against a ninth-dan professional, translating a James Joyce novel into a different language, reprogramming his computer, planning a raid against the Stray Devils entrenched in the historic ruins across town and itemizing his various businesses' tax deductions for the year. The character never suffers distraction penalties for mental actions, nor are his separate simultaneous mental actions penalized as per the multiple action rules.
Instant Assessment
Cost: 1m per target, 1wp
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Essence 4, Wits 4
With a quick glance the character can size up a foe. This assessment comes across in terms of how the foe's combat abilities compare to his own. He gets a sense of whether the foe has more or fewer dots of Physical Attributes than he does. The same goes for their relative number
of dots in Martial Arts, Archery, Melee and Thrown, as well as their relative Join Battle dice pools and their soak totals. Also, the character discerns the strength and aspect of the target's Essence relative to his own. This information occurs reflexively to the character who uses the Knack, and he may assess as many foes automatically as he spends motes.
Cobra Reflexes
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: "Predator Reflexes", Wits 4
This Knack permanently enhance the prerequisite Knack. When an unexpected attack targets the character but he fails to get enough successes on the (Wits + Awareness) roll to notice the attack coming, instead of defending he can decide to attack his attacker back at the same time. This counterattack is so lightning quick that it catches the attacker off guard as if he were also being caught by an unexpected attack. The character himself might not realize he's taken the attack action until the ambusher's attack has already hurt him.
Mountainous Beast Form
Duration: Indefinite
Prerequisites: Essence 4, Stamina 4
With this Knack the character may increase the size of his War Form. The size increase requires no extra effort or motes—the War Form doubles in size. Strength, Stamina and health levels increase as if the War Form carried the "Large" mutation (Strength +1, Stamina +1, -0 Health level +1).
Emperor Dragon Declaration
Cost: 3m, 1wp
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: "Deadly Dragoon Warrior", Essence 5, Stamina 5
The character transcends the War Form—he becomes a true dragon, the superior race. He assumes the shape of a Western Dragon and gains all the benefits of "Deadly Dragoon Warrior". Furthermore, his size is now large enough to engage in mass combat as a unit with a Magnitude equal to the character's Essence. represent the character's size outside of mass combat by increasing his Strength and Soak by an amount equal to his Essence.
Dragon's Might Technique
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Essence 1, Stamina 1
Dragons are eternal: not so easily are their mighty bodies slain. This Knack gives the user additional health levels. He may purchase this Knack multiple times, but no more than once per dot of Stamina. Each purchase provides 1 additional Dying health level and one of the following:
-One -0 health level
-Two -1 health levels
-Three -2 health levels
-Four -4 health levels
Dragon's Breath
Cost: 4m
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Essence 1
The user can breath fire from his mouth. Rolls (Dexterity + [Athletics, Archery or Thrown]) to hit and add the user's Essence as extra successes if successful. Dragon's Breath has an area of effect 15 yards long and five yards wide, and it deals (Stamina+Essence) Lethal damage.
Prodigious Leap
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Dexterity 3
This Knack doubles the user's vertical and horizontal jumping distances. He may purchase this Knack multiple times.
Hurl to the Horizon
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Strength 3
This Knack doubles the distance the user can throw something as a feat of strength. He may purchase this Knack multiple times.
Uplifting Might
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Strength 2
This Knack doubles the user's lift capacity. He may purchase this Knack multiple times.
Lightning Sprinter
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Dexterity 3
This Knack doubles the amount of distance the can cover in a Move and Dash action. What's more, it negates the movement penalties a character should accrue for dashing through water or mud as long as the user began his Dash action on terrain with no such penalty and continues to perform consecutive Dash actions. As long as he keeps dashing his feet skim the surface of the water or muck like a skipping stone. If he should slow down or stop, however, he sinks into the sucking terrain to suffer the normal penalties. He may purchase this Knack multiple times.
Swords Are Useless
Cost: 3m
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Stamina 3
The user convert all the lethal damage from a single attack into bashing damage, though an overload of bashing damage still upgrades existing bashing damage to lethal. This Knack cannot convert aggravated damage into anything less grave. The user cannot convert old lethal damage into bashing damage.
Iron Fortitude
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Stamina 3
The periods in which the user is able to go without food, water and sleep all double. The amount of time he is able to work at a strenuous task without stopping also doubles. He may purchase this Knack multiple times.
Inner Furnace
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Stamina 3
The user rarely finds himself lacking for sustenance. As long as he can find some sort of organic substance (from rotting quail eggs to a piece of notebook paper on which someone blew her nose) he can eat it and survive. And as long as he finds a source of water (no matter how stagnant or polluted it might be), he can drink it and survive. Any pestilence or poison lurking in what he consumes burns in the fires of his superior constitution without even requiring a Resistance roll. The same goes for drugs or poisons he ingests on purpose: he's still just as susceptible to airborne toxins and any drug injected into his bloodstream, but any drug that has to go through his stomach first stops there. This Knack does nothing to suppress the gag reflex or make an unappetizing meal taste better.
Predatory Focus
Duration: Indefinite
Prerequisites: Perception 3
The user is a hunter par excellence. With a successful (Perception + Survival) roll, he can track his prey by scent alone or by almost-invisible physical signs. With this Knack, the hunter can follow his prey across any sort of terrain as long as the prey continues to flee and does not take significant pains to mask its scent or minimize the disturbance its passing causes: the former entails such extremes as swimming a mile upstream in a rushing river or taking refuge inside a functioning hog rendering plant, the latter includes little short of levitating or flying. Picking up a lost trail with this Knack requires a new (Perception + Survival) roll.
Instincts of the Beast
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Wits 2
Whenever the user enters an area where an ambush is waiting, even if he has no reason to suspect he's in danger, certain tiny clues set his subconscious on edge, preparing him for an attack. When the attacker finally springs the surprise assault, the user hears the tiniest rustle of fabric, sees the slightest flicker in his peripheral vision or feels the gentlest twitch of displaced air, and the clues he already noticed all add up. Double the number of dices on the standard (Wits + Awareness) roll to detect the ambush.
Alexander said:I'm gonna crash the bed. Tomorrow I will consult the Lunars rulebook, and see if there are nice inspirations.
Custom Knacks are also appreciated.
Alexander said:I'm gonna crash the bed. Tomorrow I will consult the Lunars rulebook, and see if there are nice inspirations.
Custom Knacks are also appreciated.
Considering we routinely go three days without sleep, and mostly only sleep when we take one of our ladies to our bed. Not a whole hell of a lot we don't already do.Diller said:
Least Devotee said:Considering we routinely go three days without sleep, and mostly only sleep when we take one of our ladies to our bed. Not a whole hell of a lot we don't already do.
megrisvernin said:Oh good for Saji then.
Because if it was generic "He looks cool and attractive. He never gives up". Issei might just have outshine him by well, a lot.
Alexander said:Yang 'First Pulse'.
" Ruby 'Ivory Pestle' and 'Titan Felling
Mittelt "Ivory Pestle
EternitynChaos said:Been doing some thinking on what Terrestrial and Celestial Martial arts we might want to teach Rias' peerage. ymmv of course but this is what I've got
T = Even Blade style seems like a good pick for him, the fact the form charm makes you able to put aside your emotions and calm the fuck down would probably help him alot as well when the Excalibur arc comes up.
C = probably Violet Brier of Sorrows Style I think
T = First Pulse *for that get in and kick there ass quick thing it has going* or White Veil style I would think
C = at first I thought Dreaming Pearl Courtesan would be a good fit, but then I gave it a bit more of a think and realized that the only real option for her is Laughing Wounds style, what with it basicly being Sadomasochism as a martial art and all.
T = probably White Veil style or Night Breeze Style
C = I would think one of the Virtue Styles *probably Compassion like Issei* would be a good fit, as would Throne Style with working with her peerage or for irony Righteous Devil Style, or possibly Crane style for the defensive abilitys
T = Jade Mountain seems like an amusing thought for her, making her even more of a tank and all
C = This was a tough one, I think she's the only one with virtues at 3 or less across the board *if I'm wrong oh well* so she would make a good fit for my favorite style Celestial Monkey style