Turn 13 - Results, part 4
Uh-oh, better hide those FOALS!
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[X] Plan Staying at Home and Writing Letters
-[X] A sense of urgency: There has never been any need for this, not for this much at least. No more double-checking, no more zeal. There are far more important things to be done. (5 personal actions. Does not cause suspicion. DEFAULT PICK)
-[X] You don't have time for this. (Costs 0 actions. You will only roll ONE healing dice.)
-[X] The medicine taste is worse than its appearance. But it is exactly what you need, if they are to be believed… (Costs 30 bits. One dice will auto-succeed)
-[X] (Servants) Look for books in Ponyville.
-[X] (Cult Minions) Assist with summoning Windigos.
-[X] (Flourishing Risen) Tail not!Twilight
-[X] (Rarity) Call her, you have a lot of things to tell her… and then a few introductions to make. (Induct her into the cult)
-[X] (Jade) Search for changeling infiltrators in Ponyville
-[X] (Selene) Knock.
-[X] (Attention of the Laws) Grail: Talk with Rarity.
-[X] (Knock) Find a new location in the Woods.
-[X] Read books: Grail 3, Heart 2, Heart 3.
-[X] Fleeting opportunity: Assist with casting Influences and AotL.
-[X] Fleeting opportunity: Write Letter to Father
-[X] Fleeting opportunity: Visit Fluttershy
-[X] Help Windy Flakes run the cult.
-[X] A sense of urgency: There has never been any need for this, not for this much at least. No more double-checking, no more zeal. There are far more important things to be done. (5 personal actions. Does not cause suspicion. DEFAULT PICK)
-[X] You don't have time for this. (Costs 0 actions. You will only roll ONE healing dice.)
-[X] The medicine taste is worse than its appearance. But it is exactly what you need, if they are to be believed… (Costs 30 bits. One dice will auto-succeed)
-[X] (Servants) Look for books in Ponyville.
-[X] (Cult Minions) Assist with summoning Windigos.
-[X] (Flourishing Risen) Tail not!Twilight
-[X] (Jade) Search for changeling infiltrators in Ponyville
-[X] (Selene) Knock.
-[X] (Attention of the Laws) Grail: Talk with Rarity.
-[X] Read books: Grail 3, Heart 2, Heart 3.
-[X] Fleeting opportunity: Assist with casting Influences and AotL.
-[X] Fleeting opportunity: Visit Fluttershy
-[X] Help Windy Flakes run the cult.
- - -
The school bell rings, and you watch as the large group of fillies and colts gathered on the school grounds slowly begins to make its way towards the entrance.
Ponyville is a small town, so even though you do not exactly approve of it, you can somewhat understand why there are so very few adults here. Out of the dozens of foals that you saw, only five or six of them came accompanied by an older sibling or parent figure of sorts. Which means, in turn, that you and Stormchaser are standing out a little bit, as the two of you watch the diminishing crowd of young ponies.
But still, you watch as your two daughters, surround by their group of friends, make their way towards the school entrance. Silky giving you one last excited wave before disappearing through the open doors.
You also notice that Selene, rather purposefully, lags behind them, and gives you and your husband a timid wave after all of her friends are out of sight.
And you reply to her wave with a beaming smile, of course, a warm and fuzzy feeling spreading through your chest as you see her blush slightly at your response.
But after that, the school doors are closed, and you begin to hear the faint noise of Cheerilee bringing her class to order. Signaling the beginning of another day of classes for your daughters.
"Sweetheart," you husband says, as soon as it becomes clear that the two of you are done bringing your daughters to school, "I really don't mind doing this at all, of course. But could you tell me again why we are doing this?"
You take a deep breath, steeling yourself for the conversation to come. You knew you would have to talk about this at some point.
Although you are not exactly worried. You know that you and Stormchaser are not about to argue or anything like that. But still, the conversation that you are about to have with him is one that you… well, you just hope to be able to navigate this without any problems.
"Like I told you during breakfast, dear," you respond to him, a pleasant smile spreading through your lips as if you were talking about something completely normal. "I just thought Soft Sweeps was a bit overworked, so I gave her a small vacation. And besides, since you'll be home for a while, I figured there wouldn't be any problem with us taking over some of her chores."
You watch very closely as his face turns into an expected shade of doubt. After all, you know there are several holes in your story, and you know your husband can be annoyingly observant at times.
So, you are trying to predict which hole in your story he is going to take an issue with.
Because earlier this morning, while you were all having breakfast, you suddenly told everypony that Soft Sweeps wouldn't be coming for the rest of the week, and that you and Stormchaser would be taking the fillies to school for a while.
And you dearly hope that your husband makes an issue out of the fact that you did that without talking to him first, the whole Soft Sweeps vacation thing, since that involves somepony that works so close to the fillies.
Or, barring that, you hope he just gets worried over Soft Sweeps and tries to pry out of you why she needed these sudden vacations. Then it will come down to deciding if you should lie to him or not.
But whatever happens, you just hope he doesn't pick up the fact that-
"Yes, I know that, and that's fine by me," he says, interrupting your thoughts. "But let me rephrase the question, sweetheart. Why are you doing this? I could have brought the fillies alone just fine, and we both know you shouldn't be walking this far into town while you're still hurt."
And just like that, Stormchaser brings to attention the one thing you didn't want to talk about. Because how in the heavens are you going to explain to him that you're no longer worried about your wounds because you literally know you won't die that easily?
Curses be your beloved, and how he always worries about you so much!
But annoyances aside, you really have to figure out how to explain to him what you two will be doing next, this morning.
Because if he is already worried over the fact that you came all the way to town on hoof, then you can only imagine how annoyed he will be once you tell him what else you decided to do.
- - -
You are trying your best to keep a relaxed smile on your face.
You are trying your best, and you are failing.
A small drop of sweat forms somewhere on your forehead, but you pointedly ignore it as you wait for your husband to say something. As you wait for him to say anything.
Heavens, by now you just want him to say anything at all, even if it is just an objection or a disagreement. Because to be quite honest, his long silence is starting to make you more than just nervous.
You and Stormchaser are standing in front of the Wildhoof Club, and the conversation that the two of you had while walking here didn't exactly go the way you had planned or hoped.
Quite the opposite, in fact.
Because at first you just said that you wanted to "show him a place that you know".
And then he pried out of you that "actually, okay, you weren't just going there to visit the place".
Until eventually, you finally admitted that you "promised you would help a friend, who manages the place".
And when you said that, his expression immediately went from doubtful to openly frowning.
"So basically," Stormchaser finally says, and your ears immediately perk up at that, "you are here to work."
He says that, and his tone makes it very clear just how unimpressed he is.
Your throat immediately goes dry at that.
"Who? Me? Ahahaha," you try to react as if he had just said a joke, but your laugher comes out extremely awkward. "Come on, Stormy, I'm not here to work. Like I said, I just promised a friend I'd lend a hoof to his business!"
You watch, and your heart starts to beat slightly faster, as Stormchaser's expression turns from a frown into an unamused stare. And you immediately understand just how easily he is seeing through you.
You did not plan this out well enough. He knows you too well.
Your smile cracks a bit more.
"J-just a little help dear, that's all. He just asked me to look over a few ledgers, a-and… and talk through some business ideas, and…"
You try to say something, anything, to throw him off-track.
But much to your horror, Stormchaser… slooooowly raises a single eyebrow, giving you an expression that you have only ever seen him use with Silky, whenever your daughter's own lies became way too convoluted or unbelievable.
And seeing just how much he is not buying it, you finally admit defeat. Your ears dropping as you give up on trying to mislead your dear husband.
"Okay. This is totally work," you say, your face heating up as if you were confessing something, "but it's fun work, dear! I promise I'm just here to help a friend! It's not like what I do in the farmlands, slaving away at those mountains of paperwork or anything!"
Then you brace yourself, as you wait for your husband's frown to turn into what will no doubt be dissatisfaction. After all, there are countless ways that he could make a big deal about this. And to be honest, some of those ways are actually justified. Because to be fair, you are not exactly sure how you would react if the papers were reversed, and if Stormchaser had somehow hurt himself and was refusing to stay at home and rest.
After all, your husband already doesn't approve of you walking around town under normal circumstances, due to your circumstances. So you can't imagine how he is feeling right now given how his sickly, physically hurt wife just surprised him with a long walk to town, followed by her telling him that she also wants to work.
However, to your absolute surprise…
"Pff. Fun kind of work. Sweetheart, you're such a busybody sometimes," he says, rolling his eyes after letting out a small chuckle.
And while he is still laughing at himself, he calmly begins to walk towards the entrance of the Wildhoof Club, looking at the decoration of the place in wonder since this is being his first visit.
Leaving you a few steps behind, absolutely confused.
Relieved, for sure, but confused.
"Wait, Stormy!" you say, snapping out of your daze and trotting after him, not quite believing what he just said right now. "Aren't… aren't you going to say anything else? I mean, it's not that I want you to say anything else, but…!"
You catch up to Stormchaser, and you are not sure if he is smiling at you or at himself as he says those next words.
"Well, of course I'd have preferred it if you had told me about this earlier, sweetheart. Especially with how you said you'll be working. I'd have brought a book if I knew you'd make me wait like this."
He says that, shaking his head in a way that… that you're not exactly sure how to interpret, but that still makes your heartrate slow down, nonetheless.
"But well, if you want to stay by somepony's side, then you also have to be willing to keep up with them, right?" he finishes saying, not even looking back at you as the two of you step into the club together.
And you only realize that a warm smile appeared on your face, after he said those words, much, much later.
- - -
"Well, a pleasure to meet you Windy Flakes. Now if you'll excuse me, I'll go check out the rest of the premises. I'll be back when it's around time for us to go pick up the fillies, sweetheart."
"The pleasure was all mine, Lord Stormchaser! My employees are all at your disposal for anything you need."
"Alright dear, see you soon."
You and Windy Flakes watch as your husband leaves the unicorn's office, closing the door behind himself and leaving the two of you alone.
And to be quite honest, you let you a sigh of relief as soon as the door clicks shut.
That went a lot better than you expected.
"Goodness gracious... thank you, Windy. I'm not sure how that could have gone any better."
Or rather, Windy Flakes behaved himself a lot better than you expected.
"Eh? Why do you say that? Wait, did you honestly think I would ruin my first impression with your husband? Silly Velvet," he says with a mischievous smile, "I'll have you know that I like my furniture not nailed to my ceiling, thank you very much."
"Oh please. That only happened once! And I said I won't do that again."
"Ah yes," he says, following up with a mocking imitation of your voice, "you can trust me, Windy. I promise I won't send my monstrous minions to your house at night, as long as you behave."
"My voice does not sound like that," you immediately reply.
Although neither you nor Windy can quite suppress the smirks you have on your faces.
"But anyhow," you continue, shaking your head slightly, taking a deep breath as you try to sound a little more serious. "Sorry it took me this long to come around… so, how are things going?"
And to that, Windy's smirk also fades. It takes a little longer than yours did. But just like the setting sun, the pleasant Windy Flakes that just introduced himself to your husband slowly disappears.
And although you can't say that the unicorn that you are talking is a completely different one, you also can't say that he is exactly the same. It feels as if you were looking at a painting of a scenery, but that now you turned around to look at the same painting, this time portraying the scenery at night.
The two of you have different worries, now. You two have a lot to do, and very little time to do it, so you dispense with the pleasantries.
"Things are going bad, Velvet. And although I'm not judging you, it certainly didn't help that you made yourself absent for two whole weeks. Especially given what we have to get prepared."
His words are cold, but they are not exactly wrong. Windy Flakes, you know, is just saying things like they are.
He is literally just answering you question.
So, you nod, and you bid him to continue.
"Excluding you and me, Starry is the only one who comes here frequently. And as energetic as she might be, the mare doesn't really have leadership skills. So, added to the fact that the Master made herself scarce, and that her last orders were for us to prepare to cleanse our town of shapeshifting monsters, and then move to attack their lair…"
Windy's horn lights up, and you can tell you that he just unlocked something behind his desk. He then clears the top of his desk with a flick of magic, and place a stack of scroll papers over it shortly after.
"Bottom line is that our ponies are scared, Velvet. Because more than just lessons and teachings, the Master also gave them purpose. She gave them reassurance. It is a lot less scary to study and practice something as frightening as the Lores when you know that the bogeymare in the shadows is looking out for you. None of us would be able to fill in her hoofs under normal circumstances, but it is especially bad right now. I'm only one pony, after all."
You nod at that, and there really isn't much for you to disagree with. On the last cult meeting, the Master left you and Windy in charge, and you can see that she did that for a reason. Copper is busy establishing a whole new branch in Manehattan, and as much as you like Jade Whistle you have to agree with Windy that she, Starry and Comet aren't exactly adequate when it comes to taking care of the cult. Added to the fact that you were also absent for half the entire month...
Well, you decide to ask him the next obvious question.
"Alright. But I'm here now. What can I do?"
Windy beckons you towards his desk, nodding towards one of the scrolls as if he already knew you would ask that.
"Being seen coming to the Club already helps. You do have quite the reputations after all," he says, "but as the Master said, we really have to saddle up for the end of the month. We only have two weeks and a few days, and it really doesn't feel like it will be enough."
"Jade is already checking the town to make a list, for when the time comes. But I figure that most of our troubles are with the expedition itself… what do we know about that?" you ask.
"That's the thing. We don't know anything. I've already felt frustrated with how the Master works before, but this time it really is out of hoof. We don't know who is going with her, we don't know what day exactly our ponies leave. Tartarus, we don't even know where the monster's lair is," he says, and despite his cold demeanor you can actually feel exasperation in his voice. "I don't even know what kinds of equipment we should buy. Are they going to climb a mountain? Should I buy clothing for cold weather? Should I buy weapons? None of those things are cheap, and more importantly none of those can be bought quickly."
You nod at that, pursing your lips as you look over the open scrolls on Windy's desk. All of them containing half-formed plans that try to deal with too many variables while using too little resources.
And you can't help but agree with him that the Master has been… less than helpful in all this.
"The only thing we are pretty sure of, is that the culling will happen when she calls on the cult to move out. I assume it will be on the same night, with her having us hunt down the changelings here and then immediately leave Ponyville," he says, and you nod in agreement.
Although you realize that is not much information at all, and you quietly share in Windy's sentiment of how... maddeningly vague your Master is being during all this.
But still, you will do what you must. You know as much as Windy Flakes, in regards to how or when things will happen, but there is certainly several things you can get done before the month is over.
"I take it that nopony has done any… mystical preparations yet?" you ask.
"No. In fact, despite us having a whole underground dedicated to that, to date nopony has cast any rituals that the Master, or one of us, didn't order to be cast. I frankly thought the ritual circles would see more personal use. But apart from the smallest Attention rituals, nopony really dares to use them. Not even the ones who know a bit more, the ponies that every now and then whisper that they are running an errant for you."
"Right…" you say, as the available options slowly begin to coalesce inside your head. "Okay, hear me out. I'll put those ponies in particular to work. And although I can't promise to be here to give sermons like the Master does, I think I will be able to help with…"
And with that, the two of you begin to plan. You make a shortlist of what ponies might be called by the Master, should she decide to call for anypony at all, and how you two can prepare for as many possibilities as possible while actually committing to as few as you can.
You two continue to talk, Windy's horn flaring up as he furiously writes your mutual decisions on a scroll, until you finally feel your husband approaching.
"This will have to do, for now…" you say, as the unicorn finishes writing down a few last lines of plans and dates on a scroll. "And the room is actually cold, so I think it's better that I leave and meet my husband on the corridor. I'll be able to come in person more often next week, but I'll try to come by in a few days. For Comet Feet's ritual, if nothing else."
"I'll let everypony know what we have in mind then," he answers.
And with that, the two of you-
-slooowly let out a deep breath.
And just like that, you and Windy Flakes feel like normal ponies again, as you look at each other.
The room also feels a lot colder than it was before, mind you.
You shake your mane slightly, waving the unicorn a goodbye as you turn around and walk towards the door to meet your husband.
When you hear Windy mumble something behind you.
"Huh… we are really doing this, aren't we?"
You hear that, and there is something in his… tone, that makes you turn around curious.
You turn back towards him, and you see him looking over the scrolls the two of you had been working on these last few hours. You see him looking over the list of the names of ponies, who the two of you think might be called to face an unknown danger. Of the impersonal lists of equipment that he should try to procure, in a tight schedule and a tighter budget. Of the dates where you would order the cult to summon monsters, nightmarish creatures that you don't even fully understand yet, but that you will have your underlings summon in your stead at their own risk.
You see Windy looking at all those scrolls, and you can't exactly tell if what you see in his eyes is hesitation... or wonder.
To be honest, you are not even sure what expression you are wearing yourself, now that you think about it.
You are not really sure… if you are telling yourself that you are doing this because you don't have a choice, or because you personally want to.
- - -
- - -
- - -
You are Stormchaser, and you are currently wondering if you made the right choice.
Well, to tell the truth you are actually sitting in a club lounge, wondering if you should start chatting with one of the club employees just to pass the time. But inside your head, in the personal confines of your mind, you are indeed wondering if you made the right choice.
And the thing is that… you don't know. You're not really sure if a "right choice" even exists to begin with. Most of the times you feel like you are just grasping at straws, to the point that sometimes you even wonder if you can really tell if certain occurrences are good or bad.
Because sure, your wife has been a lot more… active, these last few months. And because of that, you are sure, she has had some problems. Some extremely worrying problems, at times, but you don't really want to think about those things in particular right now.
However, that is the underside of the cloud. The dark, lightning filled part of things, that will obviously cast a shadow underneath it.
But your problem is that... well, if you try to "look at it from the sun-side of the storm", isn't it also true that more good things have been happening than bad things?
Your wife has… she has been traveling around more, even going to Canterlot of all places more than once just this year. She has been less stressed about her family's work. She has been making friends, for Celestia's sake. And that is especially good considering how not long ago, maybe just a few years back, your wife seemed to be almost afraid of leaving the estate. But now she is visited by Rarity, and that other quiet earth pony, almost every week!
By Equestria, you even remember how much trouble you had convincing her to let Silky Stream go to school, and you did that mostly because you thought your wife's fears were starting to rub off on your daughter.
So, while it is true that your Velvet Covers has had some… problems, you also can't help but wonder if the absolute sum of things that are happening isn't turning out to be good.
Because sure, she might have literally just adopted a filly while taking a trip, but you are not sure how things could have worked out any better with Selene.
And sure, she might also have done something to stir up a hornet's nest in Canterlot, some problem with Princess Luna herself of all ponies, but she still relied on you to help her as soon as she came back home.
And on today's particular example, she might have just completely ignored her doctor-appointed rest (after suffering a nearly fatal accident) because she wants to help a friend with… well, with work. And she also tried to sugarcoat it pretty heavily. But hey, at least your wife has friends who depend on her, doesn't she? The reclusive noblemare who lived isolated in the outskirts of Ponyville is, for lack of a better term, all but gone now.
Which is something you know is good, of course.
But still, what are YOU supposed to do about this? Because you know you should be doing something, or at least you are worrying that you should. After all, sometimes you feel like she is doing all of this by herself, and that you have barely been keeping up with her. But there are also times you fear that she will just overdo it while you're not looking, and that it be too late to stop something bad from happening to her.
You… you simply don't know.
"That mare will be the end of me…" you mumble to yourself.
So, as usual, you tell yourself that you will continue what you have been doing, going by the days one at a time.
"Although who knows," you say, clipping a hoof against the side of the lounge chair you are sitting on, "maybe I'm the one who should do something completely unpredictable for a change…"
You chuckle at that. Yes, it would certainly be nice for you to do something completely off the books for once.
Maybe this is your marital dynamic now? Maybe you should be the one who comes back from work one day with a foal and say that you have a new member in the family? After all, you always wanted a colt, and Silky could certainly learn a lot from having a little brother…
You sit back, letting yourself float towards those sillier, less worrying thoughts-
-when you suddenly feel that something very important is about to happen-
-and you almost jump out of the cushioned chair in surprise.
This sensation, the sensation, is a familiar one. It feels as if something has just clicked inside your head. Like somepony just took a picture of you, and the powder-flash of the camera left you slightly blinded for a fraction of a moment.
It is the strangely, intimate sensation that you have to do something. A sensation that you don't have too often, but that you somehow always know that you will regret it if you don't listen to.
Although for some reason, right now it also felt as if you had just received a kick to your guts.
But still, you get off from your chair, shaking your head slightly at the ghostly vertigo you felt just now, and you look around you in search of… well, of something. You have no idea what you are looking for.
It usually happens that you know it when you see it.
And it doesn't take you much searching to find what, or rather who, is making you feel like this.
At the far end of the lounge, by a counter that you think is a small bar of sorts, you see a pegasus who is…
By the sun. Nope, scrap that. You don't see a pegasus. You see a very large pegasus on the other side of the lounge, quietly talking to a Club employee who is sitting behind the counter.
And even from this far away, you can immediately tell that the pegasus is in a bad mood. You can tell that, and the mare dressed in a Club uniform seems to agree with you given nervous she seems to be, as she anxiously talks to the pegasus.
You can faintly hear the pegasus asking something about a "list", to which the mare answers by quickly by shaking her head. The pegasus doesn't seem all that pleased with her answer, giving the mare a scowl that almost freezes her on the spot.
But as soon as the pegasus is done asking… whatever he came here to ask, he turns around and heads towards the exit.
And much to your distress, your "sense" clearly follows after him. To the point that your flank almost begins to itch as the pegasus gets farther and farther away from you.
"Oh, come on, don't do this to me…" you whisper to yourself. Or rather, you whisper to your cutie mark, like you usually do when this sort of thing happens. "Don't tell me I'm supposed to talk to… to that."
Your cutie mark doesn't answer you, of course. Or maybe it does, by giving you the chilling sensation that you're going to miss your opportunity if you don't start moving right now.
So, despite how hesitant you are, you follow after the stallion.
It isn't exactly hard to follow him, given how large he is, and how everypony seems to make a point of getting out of his way as he walks towards the entrance of the club. In fact, it seems that everypony seems to be intent in not even looking at him, whenever he passes by them. All of the club employees seem to become extremely busy or interested in something else whenever the stallion walks by them.
And you can't really blame them. After all, you have already caught up to him for a while now, but you only muster the courage to call out to him when the two of you are but a few hoofsteps away from the exit.
"Excuse me," you hesitantly reach out with a hoof, "could I talk to you for a sec-?"
But he turns around and looks at you before you can even touch his back.
And you freeze on the spot.
You have no idea how he turned so quickly, but the pegasus is now looking at you. He is looking down at you, in fact, with the height difference becoming even more obvious now that you are finally face to face with him.
And his expression alone makes it very clear that he very much does not want to talk to you.
There really is no other way to describe him. The more you look at him, the more you realize just how menacing… how outright dangerous he looks.
To the point that, even though he is just scowling at you, your heart is pounding inside your chest.
You don't even realize that you didn't even finish your question, or that your hoof is still half-raised towards him, your foreleg paralyzed by the primal surge of adrenaline that is running through your body.
You aren't really able to do anything at all, as the stallion looks at you for a few more moments, clearly unamused.
And somehow, the single word he utters makes you feel as if you have been physically struck.
You think you hear somepony drop a plate. And you become acutely aware that, suddenly, all of the ponies who had been very pointedly ignoring the pegasus are now looking at the two of you.
And how could they not? You are in danger. Everypony in this room is in danger, now that you made the pegasus stallion angry. You are sure of it, some deep instinct of yours telling you that you should not have approached this pony.
Yes, you can feel it. You can feel your body slowly gearing itself to do a "fight or flight" response. You can feel your heart beating inside your chest, and your wings tensing up as you prepare to fly away as fast as you c-
"Erm… Comet Feet, sir?"
But your thoughts are interrupted by somepony else, an earth pony who very hesitantly approached the two of you at some point.
"That is… this stallion is the Lor-… *ahem*, this is Lady Velvet's husband, sir. The two of them came about earlier this morning, and the Lady is busy talking to Windy Flakes."
The earth pony says that, and you can immediately tell that even doing that much took all of his courage. To the point that the earth pony visibly cringes when the pegasus looks at him.
But still, the pegasus looks at him, and then at you, and then he rolls his eyes. His scowl somehow becoming even more annoyed, but for some reason a lot less frightening, as the earth pony scurries away.
Now, the pegasus merely looks like he is irritated, and not that he… well, you feel a lot less un-safe now, if that even makes sense.
"What-," he says again, and you take a deep breath as you realize that his words didn't hurt you this time, "-do you want? You have been following me. What is it?"
He asks that, and you…
Crap, you don't know how to answer him!
You frantically wrack your thoughts inside your brain, trying to figure out why in Equestria your cutie mark wanted you to do this.
Because you already regret having walked up to him, seeing how the gentlest expression you have seen on his face so far has been "glaring knives". So what the hay are you supposed to do next?!
You try to think about something, anything, but nothing comes to mind!
So, in desperation, you do what you usually do.
Every time something like this happens, every time you get a "feeling" from your cutie mark, things usually work out well when you follow your guts.
With that in mind, you tell the very large pegasus the first thing that comes to your mind.
"There is something very important that I need to tell you," you say, the words forming in your mouth before you can even think about them properly. "And that thing is: you are being an idiot, and you know it."
You say that, and then you immediately freeze, your eyes going wide as you realize too late what you just said.
Your freeze. Your mind freezes. Everypony around you, who were pretending not to be listening but that were paying very close attention, also freeze.
You think you hear another plate being dropped to the ground.
But despite all that, the only thing the pegasus does in response to your words is to take a single step towards you.
Although, of course, that is more than enough for you to understand just how deeply screwed you are.
And your body, without a single conscious order from your brain, takes a step back.
"I-I can exp-plain...!"
"Start explaining."
"I-it's just that… well, the t-thing is that I know you have something g-going on and-"
"So you're saying you know something about me?"
"N-no! Of course not. I-I know nothing about you, Comet sir. Nothing, nothing, absolutely nothing!"
The pegasus continues to walk towards you, your body continuing to jerkily retreat from his approaching figure. And you feel like it's a small miracle that he hasn't pounced at you yet, although a small part of you somehow knows that he wouldn't even need to that much if he really wanted to hurt you.
But still, your panicked mind somehow also understands that… well, that you're running out of time to avoid that! You're running out of time, and you're definitely running out of free room for your back to retreat towards!
"Well then. In that case, your words aren't really making much sense to me. So I think I'm gonna take them at face value."
Your heart nearly leaps out of your chest at that. You have no idea what to do. You don't even know why you decided to do this on the first place!
So, even though doing this put you in this mess in the first place, you once again decide to trust your guts.
And even though pegasi channel their magic through their wings, you almost feel like what you say next is actually caming from your cutie mark.
"I know how it's like to feel like that!" you say.
And somehow, impossibly, that gives the pegasus pause.
Only for a moment. But still, he pauses.
And you dash towards that pause like a weather grunt would dash to a stable cloud during a storm.
"I know how that indecision feels like," you continue.
You know that you are grasping at straws. You know that you have no idea why you are saying this.
But you keep on regardless.
"I know how it feels, to think that you might screw it up if you try to do something, while somehow also being sure that it will end badly if you do nothing. I've been there."
You desperately stare at the looming pegasus' face. Looking for something, anything, that might give you a hint of what to say next. That might give you a hint of whether if you are making any sense to him, or if you are just about to get a hoof on your face for your troubles and your incoherent rambling.
"Hay, to tell the truth I think I might still be there, even though my own thing has been going on for a while now."
You say that, and you feel a chill run down your spine as the pegasus' eyes narrow, his lips turning into an angry curl that you almost thing might become a snarl.
However… for some reason that you absolutely cannot explain….
You somehow know that his anger isn't being directed at you.
Or rather, you instinctively understand that you would be able to feel it, if his anger was being pointed at you.
So, you press on.
"And I know… I know you can already tell, even this early, that this is going to suck. But you have to understand that…" you swallow something dry, realizing what you are about to say again, "that you will be an idiot if you do what you're planning to do."
You close your eyes for a few moments, expecting something very hard and hoof-shaped to hit your face because of what you just said.
But the hoof never comes, and you hesitantly open your eyes to see that the pegasus is…
Yes, he is larger than you. He is larger, and stronger, and outright menacing, and every last bone in your body tells you that he is dangerous.
But despite all that, you can see that… you can see that he is actually looking down at the ground. You can see, behind his pursed and angry lips, that he is frowning.
Hay, now that you think about it, he is actually wearing an expression that you know very well. Even if it is an angrier version of that expression.
So, you take a deep breath, and you don't even realize how much your cutie mark is burning up on your flank as you say those next words.
"But you are absolutely going to regret it, if you walk away…" you hesitate for a moment, steeling yourself as you prepare to take that final risk, "if you walk away from her."
This, you know, is the very definition of a guess. This is you following a hunch of a hunch, drawing both from your own personal experience and from the several times you had to deal with younger pegasi throughout your life.
"Hmpf!" the stallion says, turning around and heading towards the exit, completely ignoring your cowered form.
However… you can tell…
You can tell that those last two words struck a notch inside of him. And you realize that you were right.
Because despite all of that menace, that seemed to surround the pegasus like the fur of his coat... you could still tell that his expression was of a troubled pony. Or rather, a pony who was living through a particular kind of trouble.
And not for the last time, you tell yourself that...
"Mares..." you whisper to yourself, still feeling out of breath. "They'll be the end of us yet..."
But much more importantly, your body almost deflates in relief as you watch the stallion leave the Club, taking to the air with a powerful flap of his wings.
And the "feeling" you had, the one that always comes from nowhere and in the most inopportune of situations, recedes back into your cutie mark like a dissipating cloud.
You take a few more moments to catch your breath, together with everypony in the room to be honest.
And then you shake your head, making your way towards the office areas of the club to go fetch your wife.
You definitely had enough excitement for a good while, after this...
You (Velvet Covers) have caught up to Windy Flakes in regards to Cult matters, and have planned out the required preparations for the coming trials.
The two of you, if nothing too grave occurs, believe that you will be able to handle the cult appropriately. Also, should Windy be called to join the Master in the assault, you will be able to administer the Club in his absence.
And on a less fortunate note, your husband didn't tell you anything interesting once you met him. It seems he suffered through quite a few boring hours while waiting for you. But you will make sure to make up for him later!