Turn 14 - Results, part 10
Uh-oh, better hide those FOALS!
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[X] plan DENY BALDOMARE TO CULT, SHE'S OURS! (conditional version) (and Windy instead of Rarity)
-[X] (Book) Forge 3 (30 bits)
-[X] (Moth Fruit) Give it to Baldomare If we reach Moth or Winter or Edge 4, eat it otherwise
-[X] (Rarity) Emissary: (Fleeting Opportunity) Dissociate from Loremaster's fame
-[X] (Jade Whistle) Research Selene (Knock 2)
-[X] (Baldomare) Secret Histories Influence
-[X] (Selene) In order: Winter > Moth > Edge if levels are the same, if one of these reaches lvl 4 go with that one.
-[X] Attention of the Laws: Grail, use on the first valid target of the following: Stormchaser, Fluttershy, Soft Sweeps
-[X] Hintseekers: Track down other members of the Expedition
-[X] (Fleeting Opportunity) Stormchaser
-[X] (Fleeting Opportunity) Fluttershy
-[X] (Fleeting Opportunity) Soft Sweeps
-[X] (Fleeting Opportunity) Windy Flakes (WRITE IN OBJECTIVE)
--[X] Subtly check Windy's opinions and loyalty to the cult in view of the current events.
-[X] Mansus exploration
(7 exploration actions)
--[X] Take actions in order, repeating failed actions until we succeed or run out of actions
--[X] If we acquire a Wound or a Malus, skip to the Blank Plains step
--[X] Search out a new location in the Shattered Stairs
--[X] Fully explore the new location
--[X] Seek out the next Door and study it
--[X] Cross the Door, but don't spend an action on the other side
--[X] Search for new locations in the Blank Plains until locations are exhausted
--[X] Search for new locations in the Woods until locations are exhausted
-[X] (Moth Fruit) Give it to Baldomare If we reach Moth or Winter or Edge 4, eat it otherwise
-[X] (Rarity) Emissary: (Fleeting Opportunity) Dissociate from Loremaster's fame
-[X] (Jade Whistle) Research Selene (Knock 2)
-[X] (Selene) In order: Winter > Moth > Edge if levels are the same, if one of these reaches lvl 4 go with that one.
-[X] Hintseekers: Track down other members of the Expedition
-[X] (Fleeting Opportunity) Fluttershy
-[X] (Fleeting Opportunity) Soft Sweeps
-[X] (Fleeting Opportunity) Windy Flakes (WRITE IN OBJECTIVE)
--[X] Subtly check Windy's opinions and loyalty to the cult in view of the current events.
-[X] Mansus exploration
--[X] Take actions in order, repeating failed actions until we succeed or run out of actions
--[X] If we acquire a Wound or a Malus, skip to the Blank Plains step
--[X] Search out a new location in the Shattered Stairs
--[X] Fully explore the new location
--[X] Seek out the next Door and study it
--[X] Cross the Door, but don't spend an action on the other side
--[X] Search for new locations in the Blank Plains until locations are exhausted
--[X] Search for new locations in the Woods until locations are exhausted
- - -
You are Velvet Covers.
And right now, to your honest relief, you are with your friends.
"Covers, darling, is everything alright?" Rarity says, her tone honestly worried as she sets down a cup of tea in front of you. "I don't mean to criticize your looks, but you, uh… you definitely feel a bit…"
"You look exhausted," Jade Whistle says, nonchalantly as always, without even looking up from the notes that she is reading from.
But even that, even their worry, is something that you are grateful for.
Because considering everything that is happening, considering everything that you have been worrying about, simply being with ponies who care about you is like having a weight lifted from your back.
Although of course you know other ponies care about you. Of course you know Stormchaser is concerned about you, and that your daughters love you. And you love them back, for sure.
But still, there is a difference.
You care about your daughters, but you are also constantly worried about them. Especially given Selene's particular situation. And you know that Stormchaser has your back, but until a few weeks ago you were still hiding too much from him. And even now, after you have told him everything that you were keeping inside your chest, you can tell that there is still too much he doesn't understand. He might know about all of that, of course, and he might trust you and be willing to follow you on this. But until you properly introduce him to the Lores you realize that he won't be able to truly grasp the situation that you are all in, let alone be able to do anything about it.
But here? Right now? Inside Rarity's room while you are sharing a cup of tea with her and Jade? Well, being with them has a whole special meaning of its own, which in turn brings you a very particular kind of relief.
Because Rarity and Jade? These are your partners in crime, so to speak. These are fellow cult members who are your friends, and who are together with you in agreeing that you must all leave -betray- the cult.
Here, right now, you don't feel like you have the weight of the world on the back. You don't feel like you have a whole conspiracy exclusively tucked away inside your head, and that you are fighting alone against an eldritch thing that might very well be able to read your thoughts.
"I just…" you say, bringing the teacup towards you and taking a small sip, "I just have had a lot in my mind, Rarity. We all have."
You see Jade absent-mindedly nod at your words, from where she is sitting on the other side of the table.
"By the way, this tea is lovely Rarity. Thank you," you say, giving a pleasantly surprised look to the tea and taking a few more sips from it.
"I can guarantee it's not as good as what you usually serve us in your house, Velvet, but thank you," she says, sitting on her own chair and picking up her own teacup.
Although you do note that she is still stealing worried glances at you, every now and then.
Well, you all have a lot on your individual plates, and Rarity's own worries towards you are coming from a good place. So rather than trying to address the issue directly, you hope to be able to convince her that you are fine (or as fine as you can be) by acting normally.
"Well, if you insist on that, then I say your tea is refreshingly novel," you retort with a smile, watching as she concedes the point with a chuckle. "But anyhow, we are all here now. And by the heavens is it a relief to meet you two… Still, we have plenty to talk about, so do any of you mind if I begin?"
"By all means, darling, go ahead," Rarity says with a nod.
And you are pretty sure you heard Jade mumble something, her gaze still focused on the notes she had. But you know that she is listening, so you will take that as a sign from her that she is fine with it as well.
"Right. So," you begin, taking a final sip before floating the teacup back to the table, "we all agreed, last time we met, that whatever happened was bad. But we also agreed that we didn't have a lot to go with. Well, except for all the dreadful business that happened in Canterlot, and everywhere else, as well as…"
Your words trail off as you look at Jade, and then at Rarity.
"So, we might know what happened, but we are utterly lost when it comes to the 'hows' or 'whys'. Plus, thanks to those gaps we might very well be missing crucial details," you continue, drawing further nods from the two mares. "I personally don't think there's anything we could possibly find out that would justify what happened, but we might be missing a detail that could help us know how to best move forward."
Jade picks up the bundle of notes she had on the table and stacks them into a somewhat organized pile. After that, she turns to you and gives you her… erm, her full attention.
For all that her expression makes her look like she is barely interested in being here at all.
"So, I had a few of the cult members dig around for information. Meeting somepony in the Woods is always hard, with all the getting-lost issues that we usually have," you say, remembering the several frustrating nights you had when you tried, and failed, to meet up with the Hintchasers. "And I swear that the ponies I did meet would sometimes forget what they were saying mid-sentence. But still, they told me a few things that were quite useful."
"Isn't it dangerous to do that?" Jade speaks up, her monotone voice carrying the slightest inflection of worry. "I mean, talking about that in the Woods… how can we know the Master won't be listening?"
"Well, it's the only way I have of communicating with the Hintchasers," you say, "to be honest, I have yet to meet any of them personally… I don't even know who most of them are, and finding that out in the first place would take up time that I don't feel we have."
"Agreed. And besides, Jade, having Velvet meet with any of them in person at this point would do more harm than good," Rarity adds in. "I mean, we are trying to dissociate her from the image of the cult's Loremaster, and I'll talk about how that went later, but having more cult ponies meet her in purpose for cult dealings would be…"
She trails off, but her expression alone already tells what she thinks about that.
And you agree. Meeting with the Hintchasers in the Wake, while having Rarity try to convince the cult that you are not the Loremaster, would at the very least make things complicated.
"I also think, or at least hope, that having them tell me about how the expedition went won't be seen as a big deal. Even if the Master had heard everything they told me, and everything I told them back, I don't think we talked about anything that was outright suspicious."
Or at least, nothing suspicious enough to suggest what the three of you are planning to do.
The Master is… unpredictable, sure, but you don't think that her thoughts would immediately jump to betrayal, if she learned that you were just curious about what happened.
… right…?
Well, what is done is done, and you will never get anything done if you worry about every possible detail. You hear Jade let out a soft "hmm" at that, which you hope means she agrees with what you and Rarity just said, and you take it as a cue to get back on track.
"Still, they did tell me some useful things," you continue. "First of all, we knew that they summoned four windigos, and that none of them returned. We thought the Master had them moved to another place for future use, but…"
You purse your lips as you say those next words.
"But apparently… the Master set the windigos free."
You see Rarity tilt her head at that, which is understandable seeing how she doesn't exactly know the… the details that revolve around windigos.
And you see Jade's eyes going slightly wide at that, which tells you enough about how this must have shocked her as well.
"Not… are you sure the Master didn't have them unsummoned?" Jade asks, her speech slightly slower than normal.
But to answer her, you only shake your head.
"Hold on, is there something I'm missing Velvet?" Rarity asks, as she looks at the short exchange you just had with Jade. "I mean, the windigos are… like in those fairy tales, right? I can see why they are bad, but didn't you say summoned things disappear after a while?"
Your expression turns into a grimace as you try to figure out how to best explain it to her. Because she is right, of course.
However, the time that the windigos would have between them being released and dissipating, could be... bad. Very bad.
"I can explain to you the details… later, Rarity," you say, very carefully, and not looking forward to the next piece of information you are about to share. "But let me complement that with something else. One of the ponies told me, when we were alone, that they heard… I hope this is wrong, of course, but that they heard that… there were other ponies, in the changeling hive. Prisoners, I believe."
You watch as Rarity's eyes narrow for a few moments, until they open up in shock and she lets out a soft gasp.
And you share her sentiment, of course. You dearly hope that particular information to be wrong, especially given how the Hintchaser told you it was something they heard. Just a rumor.
But still… it is a rumor that makes sense. After all, ponies disappeared. The infiltrators that were in Ponyville were filling in the horseshoes of already existing citizens, so those ponies have to have gone somewhere. And Ponyville itself is a tiny city, so if more infiltrators were sent to larger cities it would make sense for there to be far more ponies who were sequestered from other places, and for all those ponies to be taken to their hive.
Again, you hope this information is wrong. You hope it's just the dark kind of gossip that sprouts when something bad happens, just a mixture of pessimism and fear turned into words.
But, you think as you look at the Lantern-glint in Jade's eyes, you also know that you can't hide yourself from a truth just because it is uncomfortable.
"Oh, goodness gracious, I… that can't be right, can it? I mean, I-… well-… if they really-…" Rarity tries to say something, anything, in starts and stops. A hoof going to her forehead not long after as she realizes that she can't rationalize her way out of that either. "Well, I... I do hope that whoever said that is wrong, darling. I really do."
"So do I, Rarity," you agree.
Although you don't think anypony in this room really believes that to be the case.
You also feel a slight tug on your connection with Rarity, as she glosses over the obvious connection that she should have made, when it comes to what you just said.
But, again, the look that Jade has in her eyes gives you the strength to soldier your way through it. Feeling bad about this is the right thing to do, it's what makes you a pony. But you also can't let your feelings get the best of you. Not when you know how Rarity will react, if she connected the dots on what you and Jade already know.
"And finally," you continue, after letting Rarity breathe for a few more moments, "I heard that one of the ponies that went to the expedition, one of the cult members that is, didn't return. Nopony could tell me what exactly happened to her, I think it was a mare, but that's something to look into."
"How so, Velvet? Wouldn't finding a pony who didn't come back from that whole thing harder than finding out somepony who went and is still here in Ponyville?" Rarity asks.
"I thought so at first, Rarity. But seeing how hard it was for anypony, even the Hintchasers, to get anything out from those who went is telling that they decided to stay quiet about all of that. Maybe the Master herself told them not to talk about what happened there. A pony who never came back, on the other hoof…"
"May have run away, or even defected from the cult during the expedition itself…" Jade chimes in, her voice a low mumble.
"Exactly what I thought," you say.
"… or they may have died," Jade continues.
"Which I hope is not the case, of course."
Still, that was all you had to say. The Hintchasers did their best to gather information, although you honestly hoped them to be able to find out more. But that goes to show how difficult it is to gather information on the cult to begin with.
And besides, one thing they told you, that the Master had the windigos released, is already damning enough in your opinion. You truly, truly hope that there were no prisoners in the hive but…
But well, Twilight was there, so there was at least one prisoner. And it wouldn't make any sense for there not to have been more.
Add the released windigos to that equation… with the fact that you know that they hate ponies, that you have already felt the hate they feel towards ponies, and…
You can't follow the Master anymore. What happened to Twilight was already enough, for you, but this… this also…
"Well, I'd like to tell you two about how things went on my end, if you don't mind," Rarity says, cutting the silence that you didn't even realize was gathering over the room.
And you are thankful for that. Plenty of dark clouds over your heads already, so you're glad Rarity is willing to drag you three out of this particular one.
"Oh, sure, please do," you say, lighting up your horn and bringing your tea towards you again.
"Well, the cult is a mess for starters. Well, not a mess," she says, as if struggling to find the right words, "but I definitely would call it… chaotic? That works better. But to put it simply, everypony seems to believe something slightly different. Everypony knows about certain key things, like the Master, and the Lores, and about the Inner Circle and all that, but everypony still seems to have a slightly different version of it."
You and Jade let out a low, curious murmur at that, as Rarity tell you two a few more details about all that.
And to be quite honest, you do find what Rarity tells you quite intriguing. After all, you haven't really had as much contact with the rest of the cult as you could have. Granted, you were busy of course. But still, the short tale that Rarity tells you about her experience, as a newcomer in the already established cult, is quite unfamiliar to you.
You used to have more contact with members at large of the cult before, when your number could be counted in the dozens and there wasn't much keeping you together other than the Master's irregular sermons.
But the tale Rarity tells you, about this… this entire institution that is the cult, as confusing as it may be, is at the very least interesting.
"I spent the whole month talking to a lot of ponies, and if I didn't know any better I would have thought there were three separate groups operating under the guise of the same cult. The stories I heard, about the Master, and things that happened, and even you two girls were all over the place."
"There are stories about… me?" Jade asks, looking down at her tea.
"More than you would believe, darling," Rarity says, an amused smile appearing on her face as she continues, "why, I even heard one pony say that it's rude to blow at candles, because somehow you can see through them, and you might take it as an offense towards yourself."
You let out a short laugh at that, or at least you try to, and it turns into a fit of coughs as you realize too late you were in the middle of swallowing your tea.
"They say what?"
And Jade's face, and the fact that what Rarity just said made her show an expression, doesn't help your laughing in the slightest.
"Jade, darling, I have all sorts of weird stories after this last month," Rarity says, waving a placating hoof at the other mare. "But really, going back to what really matters. I think that establishes my point that the cult is a bit of a mess, gossip-wise. And I am not really sure if that worked for or against me."
"How so?" you ask, your voice still slightly rasp from your coughs, "I would have thought that would have made fertile ground for you to start a new rumor."
"You are right on the fertile ground thing, darling, but there are already quite a lot of rumors circulating to begin with. I think I helped, sure. I think I managed to take a few more hoofsteps in the direction we want. But I'm sure that some ponies still think the local noblemare is the Loremaster just for the sake of that being their pet theory. Although…"
She thinks for a few more moments, tracing a hoof through her mane as she does.
"Although I do think I would have been able to impress a lot more ponies, especially the more hard-headed ones, if I knew a bit more of Grail... Oh, but please don't take it the wrong way, darling," she immediately blurts out, "I know we don't have time to do everything at once."
You nod at that. And frankly, you can see that Rarity managed to do a lot on her own. You know it's impossible, short than you faking your own death, for you to convince everypony that you are not the Loremaster. And at the same time, from what Rarity told you, you know a lot of ponies already think that story to be far-fetched to begin with.
So as long as the majority of the cult doesn't believe it, as long as the ones who insist you are the Loremaster are just the conspiracy-theorists, you think the situation will be good enough.
"But I couldn't make any progress in the idea that the local noble is not a part of the cult. There are ponies who think you are, and ponies who don't, but that discussion is a door that I couldn't get any of my forelegs through," Rarity finishes.
"I see. Thank you, Rarity. Really. With the things we have in mind, and with Dull Glass in Ponyville, I can't tell you how relieved I am from what you told me."
"It was a pleasure, darling. That's what friends are for!" she says, with an honest smile.
And you let out a relieved sigh, taking another sip from your tea before you turn towards Jade.
Only to realize that, once again, she has her eyes turned towards the scribbled parchments she is holding on her hoofs.
And you are not entirely sure if you should… talk to her. Would that break her concentration? Would that be implying she isn't paying attention, when you clearly know that she is? After all, you know Jade is no fool, but sometimes you can't help but worry that she is helpless in certain aspects.
Or maybe this is just her lacking confidence? Maybe she is just mustering her courage to say what she has to say?
Or, most likely, maybe you are just overthinking this. But you know yourself well enough. You can't really help that.
"Jade Whistle? Darling? What about you, how did your thing go?" Rarity asks, pretty much coming to your rescue whether if she realizes it or not.
And you watch as Jade… does nothing at all.
Heavens, you are supposed to be getting better at understanding her expressions, even when they don't move an inch, not worse!
"I…" she says, slowly, and both yours and Rarity's ears perk up at that, the two of you edging towards the mare to hear her better.
"I'm not sure how to describe it," she finally says.
And then she once again starts putting her notes on the table, putting the parchment papers side by side so she could read them all at the same time.
"I've been having this dream, ever since I realize what Selene is. Or at least I used to. It started to fade away, although I still have it every now and then. But the point is, Selene is…"
She taps a hoof against the table, and then points at one of her notes.
"Selene is half," she says, and then she moves her hoof towards another note, "but she is also whole. And in my head both those words mean… too many different things. I know they make sense, but I don't know how, and that's what I'm stuck at."
The mare then crosses her forelegs, still deep in thought, and you and Rarity exchange a glance wondering if you should chime in.
But Jade continues to speak before either of you have a chance.
"But I feel that this thing that I saw in her, that gave me the dreams and all, is also being smothered by her current state. This… stuff," she says, waving a hoof over her notes, "will probably be more relevant, or easier to study, once she returns to her original self. But still, I'd like to spend more time studying this… if you two think that's a good idea?"
"Well, I don't see why not. And anything we can learn about Selene, anything that could help her, is something good in my opinion," you say, to which Rarity also nods in agreement.
"Right, I'm glad to hear that. There is also something else," she continues, "I feel like there might be something else in there, in her that is, but it's too hidden for now. Maybe after she learns even more about Knock, I might be able to gleam whatever it is."
You nod at that
"But as things currently stand, I wouldn't really need to personally check on her anymore, like I did this last month. This further studying I want to do can be done based on my notes alone."
She says that, and then her words strangely… trail off, for a few moments.
"Which is a shame. I liked having an excuse to visit your daughters," she finishes.
To which both you and Rarity tilt your heads in confusion.
Because Jade's tone is clearly… well, she doesn't sound sad, but she at the very least sounds a little bit down.
But uh… well… doesn't she know that she…?
"You do know you can visit them anytime, right?" you ask.
And you see Jade's eyes narrow at that, as if you had just told her something she had not considered before.
After that, the three of you continue your conversation from there, until evening comes and you and Jade go your separate ways.
You have discovered, officially discovered that is, that the Master had the summoned windigos unleashed. Adding that to the fact that there were certainly prisoners on the changeling hive… well, you now have even more personal problems with what the Master did, and how she handled the whole changeling situation.
You have also found out that one of the expedition members apparently never returned. You have no idea who she is, or if it's even a mare to begin with, and you have no clue of how to find her. But maybe, if you somehow do find her, you might have another source of information. A witness, if nothing else, to what truly transpired, seeing how Baldomare "professionally" refused to discuss what her Summoner (temporary as your Master might have been) did in her presence.
Rarity has successfully distanced "Velvet Covers, local noblemare" from "the cult's Loremaster". She thinks more can be done, or that she could have done more. But she also thinks that, given her skills and time constraints, she did a very good job. She was not, however, able to even begin smothering the belief that you are (or rather, that the only noblemare in town is) a cult member.
Although, for all that Rarity believes she can "double down" on it next month, you also realize she might be neglecting her own career if she dedicates herself to that next month.
Jade Whistle may now use her actions to research "A Memory of Light". But this, she is almost sure, is something that has to do with "Luna" rather than "Selene".
Jade Whistle believes that there is one final thing to be discovered, but only after Selene learns more about Knock.